Digital native A digital native is a person who was born during or after the general introduction of digital technologies and through interacting with digital technology from an early age, has a greater understanding of its concepts. Alternatively, this term can describe people born during or after the 2000s, as the Digital Age began at that time; but in most cases, the term focuses on people who grew up with the technology that became prevalent in the latter part of the 20th century and continues to evolve today.[citation needed] Other discourse identifies a digital native as a person who understands the value of digital technology and uses this to seek out opportunities for implementing it with a view to make an impact. This term has been used in several different contexts, such as education (Bennett, Maton & Kervin 2008), higher education (Jones & Shao 2011) and in association with the term New Millennium Learners (OECD 2008). Origins[edit] Conflicts between generations[edit] Discourse[edit]
Meritocracy Definitions[edit] Early definitions[edit] Supporters of meritocracies do not necessarily agree on the nature of "merit", however, they do tend to agree that "merit" itself should be a primary consideration during evaluation. In a more general sense, meritocracy can refer to any form of government based on achievement. Like "utilitarian" and "pragmatic", the word "meritocratic" has also developed a broader definition, and may be used to refer to any government run by "a ruling or influential class of educated or able people." [4] This is in contrast to the term originally coined by Michael Young in 1958, who critically defined it as a system where "merit is equated with intelligence-plus-effort, its possessors are identified at an early age and selected for appropriate intensive education, and there is an obsession with quantification, test-scoring, and qualifications." [5] More recent definitions[edit] The most common form of meritocratic screening found today is the college degree.
Top 10 Most Famous Thought Experiments Thought experiments are mental concepts or hypotheses, often resembling riddles, which are used by philosophers and scientists as simple ways of illuminating what are usually very dense ideas. Most often, they’re used in more abstract fields like philosophy and theoretical physics, where physical experiments aren’t possible. They serve as some hearty food for thought, but given their complex subject matter, it’s not unusual for even the thought experiment itself to be nearly incomprehensible. With this in mind, here are ten of the most famous thought experiments, along with explanations of the philosophical, scientific, and ethical ideas they work to explain: 10. The Trolley Problem One of the most well known thought experiments in the field of ethics is the “Trolley Problem,” which goes something like this: a madman has tied five innocent people to a trolley track. What it Means: 9. 8. 7. In truth, no one really knows for sure. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. - learning • ingenuity • research • policy • design • technology • delight • (+ sailing!) Putting empathy into economics | New Economics Foundation June 24, 2014 // By: Susan Steed On Saturday, 50,000 people marched in protest against austerity. But if you look at the mainstream press the most important thing that happened was that Russell Brand took his top off. This is a shame, not least because the protest wasn’t given the attention it deserved in the media. But what does this actually mean? About 20 years ago an Italian neurophysiologist made a surprise discovery. This helps explain empathy - why you may feel happy around positive people, or wince when someone else gets punched. Why is this important for economics? A bigger challenge is that traditional economics doesn’t include empathy and focuses on individuals. Very few economists working today have tried to look at this. The issue isn’t just in economics, often environmentalists and other campaigners take on its language to advance their cause. So, how would we go about creating an economy built on empathy? It is also easy not to think about what we are eating. Issues Close
Khan Academy Salaire d'efficience Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le salaire d'efficience, en économie du travail, est une hypothèse expliquant la fixation d'un niveau de salaire supérieur à ce qu'expliquerait la seule loi de l'offre et la demande dans un marché en concurrence pure et parfaite, expliquant ainsi une partie du chômage des économies de marché contemporaines. L'hypothèse de ce modèle veut qu'il y ait une liaison positive entre le niveau du salaire et l'effort productif du salarié. Le salaire d'efficience est un concept développé dans le cadre du nouveau keynésianisme (notamment par les économistes Carl Shapiro et Joseph Stiglitz en 1984[1]) pour expliquer une partie du chômage. L'idée n'est pas nouvelle. Dans le modèle du salaire d'efficience, l'origine du déséquilibre se trouve dans un problème d'accès à l'information : les employeurs ne pouvant pas connaître parfaitement l'effort fourni par les salariés dans leur travail et notamment s'ils fournissent l'effort maximal. Portail de l’économie
Zen Habits | Simple Productivity