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Recycling Guide

Recycling Guide

Hydroponics NASA researcher checking hydroponic onions with Bibb lettuce to his left and radishes to the right Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, the method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent.[1] Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium, such as perlite or gravel. The nutrients in hydroponics can be from fish waste, duck manure, or normal nutrients. History[edit] In 1929, William Frederick Gericke of the University of California at Berkeley began publicly promoting that solution culture be used for agricultural crop production.[3][4] He first termed it aquaculture but later found that aquaculture was already applied to culture of aquatic organisms. Reports of Gericke's work and his claims that hydroponics would revolutionize plant agriculture prompted a huge number of requests for further information. Techniques[edit] Static solution culture[edit]

Spermöla - categories Es un proyecto para evitar que vayan al vertedero todos los objetos que no necesitamos. También puedes pedir algún objeto por si a alguien le sobra o contar qué hay en el contenedor de enfrente de tu casa o qué tira la tienda de la esquina todos los días. Llévate lo que quieras y ofrece lo que no uses, en esta página web queremos dar salida a todos aquellos muebles que cogen polvo en los trasteros o las camisetas que nunca te atreviste a tirar...creemos que siempre hay darle una segunda vida a las cosas que parecen muertas, así que si necesitas algo o vas a deshacerte de cualquier cosa pásate por aquí y cuéntanoslo a todos. La información queda clasificada en 4 canales: Ofrezco / te lo doy, lo que ya no quieres otra persona puede querelo. Caducidad: pasados 30 días las entradas de ofrezco y busco caducan para que no se acumule información inútil. ¡Tu basura no es basura! Más información sobre el proyecto en y

What Impact Does Recycling Have on the Environment? Source The question 'how does recycling help the environment' does not have one simple answer. There are many ways that recycling helps and even the smallest step can have significant results. While we are all very aware that we 'should' recycle, it is not aways clear 'why' we should recycle. How Does Recycling Help the Environment - Answers There are many ways that recycling helps the environment. Reducing Landfill The environmental problems of landfills is a difficult issue to fix. Reduce Energy Consumption Recycling items often uses less energy than manufacturing products from virgin sources. Decrease Pollution Waste in landfills emit gases as it rots. Cost One other benefit of recycling is that there is often a significant cost savings to be made when using recycled goods. Recycling is just one of many ways that we can help the environment. Further Reading Here are some more articles here at LoveToKnow Green Living that explore different issues regarding recycling:

100 years ago, people were eating things that most of us will never taste. So what happened? Narrator: In 1905, a book called The Apples of New York appeared. It featured hundreds of Apples with names like Westfield Seek-No-Further or Esopus Spitzenburg, a favorite of Thomas Jefferson. If it wasn't for preservationists for like Ron Joyner in Lansing, North Carolina‎, most apples including the Virginia Greening, an apple dating back to the 1700 with thick green skin and yellow, coarse, and sweet flesh would no longer exist. It isn't just apples. In the last, century nearly 75% of our agricultural crops had disappeared. Vandana Shiva is a global ambassador on a mission to save seeds around the world. To learn more about seeds swaps and seed sovereignty, visit THE LEXICON OF SUSTAIN ABILITY There may be small errors in this transcript.

Zero Waste We can all do our part for the planet. But will that be enough? The hard truth is, probably not. Here’s why: Even as you do your best to reduce your waste and reuse, recycle and compost as much as possible, the waste you see in your trash can is only a fraction of the problem—1/87th to be exact. For every can of garbage at the curb, there are 87 cans worth of materials that come from the extraction industries—such as timber, agricultural, mining and petroleum—that manufacture natural resources into finished products. So even if we could make everyone's habits greener, that doesn’t address those 87 cans of waste that happened before we even see a product on the shelf. It’s not all up to you. The Linear Production-Consumption-Disposal System: An Outdated 20th Century Approach Currently, our production system goes one way—from the earth to the dump: 1) We extract natural resources like trees, precious metals and petroleum. This system is BROKEN, and here’s why: The Choice for Sustainable Cities

How to Build a GeoDome Greenhouse - Northern Homestead When it comes to gardening in colder climates, a greenhouse is almost a must have. It extends the growing season and gives the plants a lot more heat. With a greenhouse, we can actually pick ripe tomatoes here and grow some plants that we would not be able to without one. A greenhouse can also be a great place to hang out on those cool spring days and summer nights. When we started to look out for one to build, our expectations were very high. In a northern garden we have to deal with frost, nasty winds and hail, and also loads of snow in the winter. Very unique, lightweight structure Stable in wind and under snow Optimal light absorption Has the most growing ground space A unique hang-out place An eye catcher The GeoDome greenhouse seemed to be just what we were looking for. What materials to use? We looked at dozens of how-to instructions and even bought a pricy e-Book (with very little value). Here we share our GeoDome building experience for anyone who wants to build a GeoDome .

Are Coffee Grounds Good For Plants? You only need to walk past a coffee shop in any American city to see that our country loves java. With so much coffee being consumed on a daily basis, it’s encouraging to learn that there is a productive use for all those grinds. Next time you make a cup, save your coffee grounds and add them to the soil in your garden. For best results, use organic coffee if you will be consuming the fruits or vegetables you fertilize. Coffee Grounds as a Mulching Agent Coffee’s breakdown materials can be used as a mulching agent, as well as a fertilizing agent, for gardens. Coffee Grounds as a Compost Addition Adding coffee to your compost or worm bin is a great idea. Coffee as a Fertilizer As a fertilizer, used coffee grounds are slightly acidic and full of nitrogen, a mineral that aids vegetable and plant growth. Coffee as a Pesticide Coffee-ground mulch has the added benefit of deterring veggie and flower-munching slugs and snails. How to Use Coffee Grounds in Your Garden Where to Get the Grounds?

Choosing The Best Indoor Plants For Your Interior It’s no secret that I’ve been a wee bit obsessed with plants lately. After taking a good look at my interior and realizing that multiple areas of my home are a bit bare, I’m convinced that a few houseplant purchases will help breathe new life into my living room, bedroom, powder room and home office. I’m fairly good at keeping plants alive, but when I get busy, I tend to be forgetful about watering. And sometimes I water all of the plants the same way, without paying attention to their individual needs. Okay, so maybe I’m not the best at tending to my plants! Succulents in a light-filled window For starters, several of my favorite blogs have recently featured posts on caring for houseplants. Today I thought I’d share some tips and tidbits for choosing and maintaining the best indoor plants for your interior. Indoor Plant Ideas I thought I’d begin by sharing a few houseplant ideas that experts consistently recommend as sturdy indoor greenery. Fiddle leaf fig in a woven pot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
