Welcome to the Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking Welcome to the d.school’s Virtual Crash Course resource page! We know not everyone can make a trip to the d.school to experience how we teach design thinking. So, we created this online version of one of our most frequently sought after learning tools. If you choose to participate, in 90 minutes you will be taken through a full design cycle by participating in The Gift-Giving Project. Through this experience we hope you will take away some of the basic principles of Design Thinking and start to adapt them into your personal and professional routines. Below, you will find three sections: Gear Up!
About the Toolkit « Design Thinking for Educators The Design Thinking Toolkit for Educators This toolkit contains the process and methods of design along with the Designer’s Workbook, adapted specifically for the context of K-12 education. It offers new ways to be intentional and collaborative when designing, and empowers educators to create impactful solutions. At IDEO, we’ve been using similar processes, methods, and tools for years in tackling some dauntingly complex challenges. More often than not, we’ve experienced how Design Thinking helps to get to the next step. This is an invitation to experiment with the design process. Before Reading or Watching Videos, Students Should Experiment First The researchers drew on data gathered from students using the BrainExplorer, a tabletop tool that simulates how the human brain processes visual images. By David Plotnikoff A new study from the Stanford Graduate School of Education flips upside down the notion that students learn best by first independently reading texts or watching online videos before coming to class to engage in hands-on projects. While the study has broad implications about how best to employ interactive learning technologies, it also focuses specifically on the teaching of neuroscience and underscores the effectiveness of a new interactive tabletop learning environment, called BrainExplorer, which was developed by Stanford GSE researchers to enhance neuroscience instruction. The findings were featured in the April-June issue of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. “We are showing that exploration, inquiry and problem solving are not just ‘nice to have’ things in classrooms.
Design Thinking and Doing: Time to Move Past Semantic Arguments & Into the Future? By Tom Berno—Professor of Communication Design, Texas State University and Founder of idea21 (Acknowledgement: The article title directly references noted author Scott Berkun’s presentation at the 2011 DMI Seattle conference Make it Happen.) On August 20, 2013, DMI convened a workshop in Chicago to crystallize a future vision of design education. Conceived as a wide-ranging research initiative, DMI:futurED combined both quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess both the current state of design education in contexts relating to MBA, MFA and BFA programs and in professional environments. This meeting of 50 dynamic figures included design and business program educators, prominent design leaders from firms such as frog and IDEO, design and business consultants and students. DMI President Michael Westcott addressed the gathering as “thought leaders” as he mapped out the goals and challenges for DMI:futurED. FuturED illuminated a wealth of both challenges and opportunities. References
Journée de l'innovation Le Prix national de l'innovation récompense les initiatives pédagogiques les plus innovantes construites par des enseignants pour faire réussir tous les élèves. Sur les 430 équipes candidates, 30 équipes ont été sélectionnées pour présenter leur dispositif sur le "boulevard de l'innovation" et 8 d'entres elles ont été récompensées (7 par le jury et une par le prix du public). Najat Vallaud-Belkacem se réjouit de ces distinctions qui mettent en lumière le travail d'équipes pédagogiques innovantes et dynamiques. L'objectif est désormais de diffuser ces innovations auprès d'autres enseignants, dans d'autres établissements, au service de la réussite éducative. Les sept initiatives récompensées par le jury Le prix de l'éducation prioritaire est attribué au collège Vercors, Grenoble, académie de GrenoblePar une réflexion ouverte avec les élèves basée sur l'initiation à la pensée philosophique, les enseignants donnent du sens aux apprentissages et font retrouver le goût d'apprendre.
untitled Design Thinking, Design Making Designing and thinking Critics of design thinking suggest that it neglects the craft of products while advocates suggest that it extends itself beyond the traditional constraints of design’s focus on the brief. What separates the two are the implications associated with making something and the question: can we be good designer thinkers without being good design makers? A review of the literature and discussions on design thinking finds a great deal of debate on whether it is a fad, a source of innovation salvation, or whether it is a term that fails to take the practice of design seriously. While design thinking encourages prototyping there is remarkably little in the literature on the elements of design that focus on the made product. These principles can be debated, but they at least offer something others can comment on or use as foil for critique. Designing for process and outcome Yet, design thinking is not design. Can we have good design thinking and poor design making? Craft
Pôle recherche - ILOI RECOVER 3D: le premier studio de vidéo virtuelle Le projet RECOVER 3D propose d’élaborer le premier système intégré de vidéo virtuelle pour le marché de la télévision et du cinéma. Reproduire le réel en images de synthèse a mobilisé d’importantes recherches depuis une vingtaine d’années. Là est l’ambition du projet RECOVER 3D : apporter la troisième dimension à l’industrie de l’image grâce à des traitements numériques d’images totalement originaux. En effet, RECOVER 3D vise à libérer la création d’images grâce à un nouveau système de « clonage virtuel » des acteurs et des décors. de transcrire dans le monde virtuel en 3D et en temps réel des images filmées dans le monde réel ;de les mettre à la disposition d’un réalisateur au sein d’une régie virtuelle capable d’éditer les images issues de caméras virtuelles dans tous les axes de vue et de les composer avec des décors et des éclairages virtuels pour générer une image finale. RECOVER 3D est un système complet combinant : Les partenaires
10 Questions to Ask When Designing Your Company's Logo Great logos are recognizable in a blink. They also should make a lasting impression. Target hits the bullseye, Nike goes swoosh, and Apple catches the eye. All three company’s iconic logos are unique, memorable and stand the test of time. They instantly and consistently do what a potent logo should: Identify a brand, make it stand out and, ideally, drive customer interest and sales. We all know great logos, but we don’t all know that great logos aren’t easy to create. Related: 5 Must-Haves for a Successful Logo “We have less time and less space to tell our stories in than ever before,” says Alina Wheeler, a Philadelphia-based branding expert and author of Designing Brand Identity (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., fourth edition, 2013). Here are 10 essential questions to ask when designing your company’s first logo: 1. Wheeler separates logos into four categories: Wordmarks are freestanding word or multi-letter abbreviation groupings comprising a logo, a.k.a. logotypes. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Design Thinking Is A Failed Experiment. So What's Next? The decade of Design Thinking is ending and I, for one, am moving on to another conceptual framework: Creative Intelligence, or CQ. I am writing a book about Creative Intelligence, due out from HarperCollins in fall 2012, and I hope to have a conversation with the Fast Company audience on this blog about how we should teach, measure, and use CQ. Why am I, who at Business Week was one of Design Thinking's major advocates, moving on to a new conceptual framework? Design consultancies hoped that a process trick would produce change. I would add that the construction and framing of Design Thinking itself has become a key issue. There were many successes, but far too many more failures in this endeavor. CEOs in particular, took to the process side of Design Thinking, implementing it like Six Sigma and other efficiency-based processes. Design consultancies that promoted Design Thinking were, in effect, hoping that a process trick would produce significant cultural and organizational change.
Journée de l'innovation La refondation de l’École implique, par son ambition, tous les acteurs de la communauté éducative ; par l'évolution des pratiques professionnelles et le changement des organisations, elle est fondamentalement pédagogique. Améliorer les acquis des élèves engage chacun d'entre nous à développer des pratiques plus coopératives et créatives. Oui, pour refonder, il faut aussi innover. La Journée nationale de l’innovation met en valeur la capacité d'innovation de tous ; elle fait converger en une unité de lieu et d’instant travaux de recherche et expériences originales. Cette cinquième édition est la partie visible du réseau de l’innovation, qui irrigue la quasi-totalité des académies en animations, journées, formations, grâce à l'action des CARDIE. Huit prix seront décernés à des équipes sélectionnées parmi les 600 candidates cette année.