6. Les années folles Catherine Ormen: ''Soudain, libérer le corps devient une nécessité '' On a quitté le XIXe siècle gris et corseté sans trop de regrets, pour entrer d'abord dans ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler la «Belle Epoque». Dans notre histoire de la beauté, on se demande si ce qualificatif-là n'est pas un peu usurpé. Les premières années du nouveau siècle ne sont que le prolongement du précédent; elles marquent la fin d'un monde qui va mourir avec la Première Guerre mondiale. L'esthétique féminine le traduit bien: le corps est toujours contraint, enserré dans un corset rigide qui plie la silhouette en «S», à l'image d'une plante tordue: la poitrine est profilée à l'avant, la taille menue serrée par une ceinture; les mouvements sont entravés par les superpositions de dentelles et de mousselines; le visage est entouré d'une masse de cheveux évanescents, mousseux, ondulés... C'est alors que tout va changer. C'est pourtant une période peu propice au souci de l'esthétique. Moi Tarzan, toi Jane!
The People's History :::Civil Works Administration Photographs Home » Civil Works Administration Photographs The New Deal under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt attempted to provide recovery and relief from the Great Depression by the establishment of a number of emergency relief programs. The Civil Works Administration was a subdivision of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration which provided work relief for a large number of men during the winter of 1933 and 1934. Photographs depicting CWA projects in the state of Washington include road construction and improvements, bridge construction and maintenance, waterway improvements, playfield and park improvements, water and sewage pipeline repairs, school maintenance projects, hospital and nursing activities, and airport improvements. Despite the efforts of the CWA and similar programs, unemployment persisted in the early years of Roosevelt's presidency. About the Database This database was produced as part of the Crossing Organizational Boundaries IMLS Grant.
UH - Digital History Faire la noce à Paris dans les Années folles – Savoirs d’Histoire Au début du XXe siècle Paris est la ville de prédilection pour faire la bombe — faire bombance si vous préférez — ripailler, festoyer que diable ! Et avec quelques thunes en poche on pouvait faire mille folies. Mais il fallait pour cela s’aventurer dans le dédale des ruelles de la capitale et se mêler à la canaille. Les Parisiens se rendaient ainsi dans les faubourgs populeux où l’on croise des midinettes (ouvrières en maison de mode ou de couture), des étudiants, des cuisinières et femmes de chambre, des garçons bouchers et coiffeurs, côtoyer les Apaches et autres repris de justice de la cité. Les bistrots et troquets Les Parisiens s’y retrouvaient dès la sortie du turbin pour aller boire quelques bocks ou se rincer les amygdales avec une carafe de bon vin, chacun j’entends ! Les cafés-concerts et music-halls Les bals-musette Les guinguettes Terminons notre tour d’horizon des lieux de réjouissance et de rigolade par l’ambiance familiale des guinguettes. Cet article vous a plu ? .
placehacking.co “Well, if it were easy kid, everybody would do it.” –James Coughlin, The Town (2010) Our claim When I returned to London after a summer in the US filming Crack the Surface II, the rules of the game had changed. It’s true a few gave up the game after the busts, but other explorers took a harder line, choosing to go off the grid, stop posting photos, and push back. The way in and out So why aren’t you seeing pictures of British Museum in this post? Breaking the seal It was a long walk that night. The way To victory So TfL, for all the hassle, court battles and bad press you can rest assured that now we are finished. Part of the game In related news, my PhD is now complete and available to read on the new thesis page. -The Docta Forward Together: SC in WWI Academic Search Premier | Scholarly Research Database A popular resource found in many academic settings worldwide, this resource was designed for the premier researcher, rich with the most valuable, comprehensive multidisciplinary content available. As a leading scholarly database, it provides access to acclaimed full-text journals, magazines, and other valuable resources. Superb Title Coverage to Support the Academic Curriculum Academic Search Premier covers the expansive academic disciplines now being offered in colleges and universities. It provides comprehensive content, including PDF backfiles to 1975 or further for nearly 150 journals, and searchable cited references for more than 1,060 titles. {quote} The Bottom Line: Content is king here, and I'm inclined to credit EBSCO's strong claims about Academic Search Premier...
TE France années 1920 Home The Walt Whitman Archive Icons of the Roaring Twenties Just hearing the name F. Scott Fitzgerald evokes the echo of clinking martini glasses, the fizz-pop of champagne, tinkling chandeliers, and the strains of hot jazz sliding forth from a glistening trombone. Sleek women in satin and chiffon dance wildly, beads flying furiously. Ah, but that would be Zelda, his wife. Fitzgerald began writing The Great Gatsby early in the decade, when the ’20s were just starting to rumble—World War I was over and in its wake, the coupled feelings of relief and pride of victory. In the 1920s spirit of Fitzgerald, here's a glittering glimpse of some of the real-life icons who defined the era. Exuding a combination of exoticism and eroticism, Josephine Baker catapulted to international fame. Louise Brooks morphed Art Deco with flapper fashion for her piquant style on the silver screen. Fashion itself was as much a character in the Roaring Twenties cast as the people that wore it.