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Fandor - Films, glorious films

Sukeban Deka: Dirty Mary « Sketches of Cinema Sukeban deka: daati Marii (Japan, 1974) Yasuharu Hasebe was quite a unique director for having pioneered two very different type of genres. Following his success in the Nikkatsu Action genre Hasebe directed the film that set the standard for all modern girl gang movies: Stray Cat Rock: Girl Boss (1970). But it was soon after Hasebe’s pop-art tornado that Nikkatsu nearly went bankrupt, and switched almost exclusively to pink cinema. Most of the studio’s talent found themselves looking for a new employer. Hasebe’s second golden era was, however, nowhere else but at Nikkatsu. Sukeban Deka: Dirty Mary, which was not related to Shinji Wada’s Sukeban Deka manga that rocked the world two years later, was the last film Hasebe made for Nikkatsu before becoming the leading director in violent pink. Dirty Mary, to some extent at least, could indeed pass as one of the numerous Dirty Harry sequels. Like this: Like Loading...

How to Fund Your Movie: A Guide to the Basics of Film Finance Financing is an important (and often dreaded) aspect of the making of any movie. Without money, films can't exist, but it's often the topic with the least amount of information floating around. If you're considering funding a movie or producing a film, Matthew Helderman has come up with a handy guide to get you started understanding all of the different ways you can get financing for a movie. This is a guest post by Matthew Helderman of Buffalo8 and BondIt. The difficulty in raising capital for any venture is two-fold: firstly, the market is crowded with opportunities that are currently earning strong returns. The stock markets, the bond markets and the traditional high yield sectors of real-estate, speciality finance and lending all present solid outlooks financially. When raising capital for a film project -- even more elements come in to play: talent, timeline, creative, and multiple financiers needing to feel comfortable with the structures and scheduling. Equity Pre-Sales Gap Agencies

THESE AMERICANS | T.A. oakland MEIKO KAJII I have only actually seen the diminutive but powerful Meiko Kaji in a couple films but am in the process of correcting that. I saw her in three of the four Female Scorpion films she starred in and the second of the Lady Snowblood movies that served as a (not "the") inspiration for the Quentin Taratino Kill Bill films. She is my favorite of the Pinky Violence Big Four (Meiko Kaji, Ike Reiko, Oshida Reiko and Sugimoto Riki) but maybe only because I have seen her in more films than the others. I am trying to get as many of these films as I can and see if that opinion changes later. I selected her to begin this new series/category called Psychotronic Personas since I had just seen Lady Snowblood II and got a collection of 60’s/70’s Japanese film music that featured her among the various artists. Like many Japanese actors and actresses her acting career paralleled a successful singing career.

Her Shadow A short film that follows a young girl who is sent to live with her estranged Aunt due to her father's gambling addiction. Her Shadow follows 17 year old Maura as she is forced to live with her estranged Aunt after her father is sent to prison for embezzlement. She enters the household with negative preconceived notions, which quickly dissipate after she uncovers the truth behind her family's estrangement. As film students in our final academic year, we wanted to create a film that would challenge us and inspire us to create something incredible. This film is essentially our calling card out of school, and we wanted to establish ourselves as confident, well-versed filmmakers and we think that this film proves exactly that. We decided to tell a story that deals with family and the complicated relationships that come with it. Each festival averages at around $30-$50 per submission with only a 1 in 20 chance of being accepted and we want to give Her Shadow as big of a chance as we can!

Detroit Center for Contemporary Photography lambretta Nihon Cine Art
