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History of personal learning environments

History of personal learning environments
Personal learning environments are systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. This includes providing support for learners to set their own learning goalsmanage their learning; managing both content and processcommunicate with others in the process of learning and thereby achieve learning goals. A personal learning environment (PLE) involves both formal and informal learning experiences. A PLE may be composed of one or more subsystems: As such it may be a desktop application, or composed of one or more web-based services Important concepts in PLEs include the integration of both formal and informal learning episodes into a single experience, the use of social networks that can cross institutional boundaries, and the use of networking protocols (Peer-to-Peer, web services, syndication) to connect a range of resources and systems within a personally-managed space. 1970s[edit] 1976[edit] 1990s[edit] 1998[edit] 2000s[edit] 2000[edit] 2001[edit] 2002[edit] 2003[edit]

Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje Un entorno personal de aprendizaje (en inglés: Personal Learning Environment, PLE) es el conjunto de elementos (recursos, actividades, fuentes de información) utilizados para la gestión del aprendizaje personal.[1]​ Los entornos personales de aprendizaje surgen en el Reino Unido asociados al movimiento de la Web 2.0 y orientados al sistema educativo. El término PLE surge en la conferencia JSIC/CETIS Conference de noviembre de 2004; era el título de una de sus sesiones.[1]​ Desde sus comienzos surge como una serie de prácticas que no son homogéneas o compatibles.[2]​ El propio término “personales” se convierte en un término con diversas interpretaciones.[3]​ Estos son los momentos clave de la evolución del concepto de PLE: Los PLE se consideran la evolución tecnológica de los LMS (acrónimo de “Learning Management System”), tanto por la estructura de enseñanza, como la flexibilidad de usar herramientas de la Web 2.0. La corriente tecnológica.La corriente pedagógica. [editar]

Personal learning environment Personal Learning Environments (PLE) are systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning.[1] This includes providing support for learners to: Set their own learning goals.Manage their learning, both content and process.Communicate with others in the process of learning. A PLE represents the integration of a number of "Web 2.0" technologies like blogs, Wikis, RSS feeds, Twitter, Facebook, etc. around the independent learner. Using the term "e-learning 2.0", Stephen Downes describes the PLE as: "... one node in a web of content, connected to other nodes and content creation services used by other students. It becomes, not an institutional or corporate application, but a personal learning center, where content is reused and remixed according to the student's own needs and interests. It becomes, indeed, not a single application, but a collection of interoperating applications—an environment rather than a system".[2] See More[edit] External links[edit] References[edit]

Educational Technology & Society From the editors…... 2 Using Mobile Data Logger and City-Wide Weather Database to Facilitate Parent-Child coupled Climatology Learning 4 Elementary Level Botanical Item Generation. 7 Programming Integrated in K-8 Traditional School Curricula. 10 Learning Robotics using LEGO Mindstorms. 13 General Guidelines for Enhancing Online Collaborative Science Studies. 16 PLEF: A Conceptual Framework for Mashup Personal Learning Environments. 20 Mobile Long Life Learner Pervasive Assistance System.. 24 Distance Learning the Wave of the Future: A Case Study of Bringing World Class Education to the Isolated Rural Poor of Pakistan at SUIT.. 27 National Learning Object Repositories An Architectural Rethink.. 30 List of International Conferences on Learning Technologies. 33 Welcome to the July 2009 issue of Learning Technology Newsletter. Science education is considered as a challenging part of most national curricula, and is becoming increasingly important in the knowledge society and knowledge-based economy.

Ambientes Personales de Aprendizaje En Diciembre del año pasado, Enith Castaño me invitó a dar una charla en línea para profesores de la Universidad del Valle. Después de intentar una y otra vez con una fecha, y con un tema, acordamos hacerla sobre Ambientes Personales de Aprendizaje, y terminamos realizándola el viernes 3 de Abril. Lo que empezó como un experimento usando Skype y WebcamMax terminó convirtiéndose, gracias al apoyo del Ministerio de Educación, en una charla en la cual participaron poco más de 20 personas de diversos lugares del país (y creo que de otros países también), a través de Elluminate. No tengo clara la cantidad total de asistentes pues, por ejemplo, en la Universidad del Valle el usuario de Elluminate en realidad representaba a un auditorio con más personas. En fin, como de costumbre, una presentación es una excelente excusa para poner en blanco y negro (si tal cosa es posible) un montón de ideas. La presentación está disponible a través de diversos medios, para quienes estén interesados:

Personal learning environment This article or chapter is incomplete and its contents need further attention. Some information may be missing or may be wrong, spelling and grammar may have to be improved, use your judgment! 1 Definitions Graham Attwell defines Personal Learning Environments (PLE) as an idea that firstly integrates "pressures and movements" like lifelong learning, informal learning, learning styles, new approaches to assessment, cognitive tools. “The most compelling argument for the PLE is to develop educational technology which can respond to the way people are using technology for learning and which allows them to themselves shape their own learning spaces, to form and join communities and to create, consume, remix, and share material”.([2], retrieved 22:17, 25 April 2007 (MEST)] On also may define a PLE as a system (but some may not necessarily agree). “A PLE is characterized by the freeform use of a set of lightweight services and tools that belong to and are controlled by individual learners. .

Patterns of PLEs (Wilson) You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied because your Web browser is sending a WWW-Authenticate header field that the Web server is not configured to accept. Please try the following: Contact the Web site administrator if you believe you should be able to view this directory or page. Click the Refresh button to try again with different credentials. Technical Information (for support personnel) Go to Microsoft Product Support Services and perform a title search for the words HTTP and 401 .

10 Predictions for Personalized Learning for 2013 The main change that will happen in teaching and learning in 2013 will be about empowerment. Teachers and learners will be more empowered to take charge of their learning. We will see this through the evidence they share as they learn. Connected Learners: Teachers and learners of all ages are connecting more than ever. Evidence of Learning: Assessment will look different in 2013. 6 Tips for Starting an Online Community Are you considering building an online community? In order to build a strong community , there are a few key factors every business should take into consideration. This article will assist you in gathering the building blocks for a strong online community. #1: Know Your Audience Every business should begin its focus on its audience, the customers. No online community can exist without a firm foundation and if your online community is to truly succeed, you need to know the demographics of your target audience . What are demographics, you ask? General categories of demographics use age, gender, life-cycle stage, income, social class, lifestyle, education, religion and location and are collected by varying means of market research. If you know who your audience is, your business will be better able to understand the needs of and what drives the audience. #2: Know Their Needs How does a business find out what its audience needs? #3: Know Your Business #4: Know Your Stuff #5: Know Your Limitations

Weaving a Personal Web: Using online technologies to create customized, connected, and dynamic learning environments | McElvaney | Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l?apprentissage et de la technologie Jessica McElvaney Zane Berge Authors Jessica McElvaney is a graduate student in the Instructional Systems Development Program at the University of Maryland (UMBC). Zane Berge is Professor and former Director of the Training Systems Graduate Program at UMBC. Correspondence regarding this article can be sent to: Abstract: This paper explores how personal web technologies (PWTs) can be used by learners and the relationship between PWTs and connectivist learning principles. Résumé : Cet article explore les diverses façons dont les technologies Web personnelles peuvent être utilisées par les apprenants, ainsi que la relation entre ces technologies et les principes d’apprentissage connectivistes. The ability to personalize one's online experience is not new, each Internet user creates their own personal web by deciding which sites to visit, which blogs to read, which news sites to trust, and which to ignore. Connectivism and the need for continuous learning Aggregators Widgets

Environnement d'Apprentissage Personnel notes on Downes’s PLE presentation #plenk2010 | Morgan's Log When I watch videos, I take notes, so here they are. Stephen covers a lot of territory in this video – some technical, some practice, and some theory and speculation. My next post will have some notes of my own. Managing a MOOC>I describe the organization of connectivist courses such as CCK08 and PLENK2010, demonstrate some of the technology, and discuss some of the thinking behind the design.
