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The Many Benefits of Hugelkultur

The Many Benefits of Hugelkultur
Hugelkultur, pronounced Hoo-gul-culture, means hill culture or hill mound. Instead of putting branches, leaves and grass clippings in bags by the curbside for the bin men... build a hugel bed. Simply mound logs, branches, leaves, grass clippings, straw, cardboard, petroleum-free newspaper, manure, compost or whatever other biomass you have available, top with soil and plant your veggies. The advantages of a hugel bed are many, including: The gradual decay of wood is a consistent source of long-term nutrients for the plants. Soil aeration increases as those branches and logs break down... meaning the bed will be no till, long term. The logs and branches act like a sponge. Sequester carbon into the soil. On a sod lawn Sepp Holzer (hugelkultur expert) recommends cutting out the sod, digging a one foot deep trench and filling the trench with logs and branches. Sepp Holzer recommends steep hugel beds to avoid compaction from increased pressure over time. Tree types that work well in hugelkultur: Related:

FayerWayer Vamos a imaginarnos por un momento que tenemos 96.000 camiones y unos cuantos cientos de aviones. Todos hechos de hojalata, formados uno junto al otro arriba de uno de esos tapetes con pequeñas carreteras y árboles simulados en el entramado del tejido. Intentemos mover, entonces, los miles de pequeños camiones ahorrando tiempo, energía y simplificando las rutas. No es un trabajo fácil diría yo. Más que un juego tendríamos entonces frente a nosotros un problema de optimización. Es precisamente por eso que llamó mi atención una nota “vieja” sobre UPS. La nota es una de esas notas tan simples que pueden ser pasadas por alto, pero si nos detenemos a analizarla un poco podemos ver uno de las cosas más bellas y terribles de las matemáticas, además del análisis complejo: a veces las soluciones más simples son las que otorgan mejores resultados a pesar de parecer contraintuitivas. Ver en YouTube Link: Priceonomics

Year Round Growing in Underground Greenhouses There is a growing need for safe, healthy, and natural food items, and what seems like a decreasing amount of space to grow healthy organic food in nutrient-rich soil. Growers are always looking for methods which will save energy, reduce pollution, grow more and higher quality crops, and they want something that is affordable. Underground greenhouses are a preferred method for the environmentally conscious grower. Underground greenhouses can be constructed within a wide variety of geographic and climatic conditions, and because the ground is warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, you are creating a far more stable micro-climate than growing outside. Typically, the design is built three to five feet underground, and the setup allows for the collection and storage of daytime solar radiation. Growing can be done all year long regardless of the weather conditions, which is why the underground greenhouses are referred to as the Walipini, meaning the “place of warmth”.

1000 libros sobre ecología, permacultura, agroecología, bioconstrucción y vida sustentable | Tol.News Permacultura y agricultura ecológica. Bioconstrucción. Arquitectura sustentable. Manuales para la construcción de una Earthship y planos. Temario general ecología Consumir menos, vivir mejor Descargar el libroLo pequeño es hermoso Descargar el libroHaciendo Biodiesel (Inglés) Descargar el libroCalentador solar I Descargar el libroCalentador solar II Descargar el libroCalentador solar III Descargar el libroComo hacer un aerogenrador de 10 pies Descargar el libroGenerador eólico casero Descargar el libroEnergia solar para agricultura y desarrollo Descargar el libro .Permacultura y agricultura ecológica Manuales para la construcción de una Earthship y planos Permacultura y agricultura ecológica Biblioteca Permacultural Colección de cursos del profesor Urdiales Fuente: 25 libros sobre construcción natural:

Five Little Homesteaders: Thirty Minute Thirty Dollar Raised Bed Our generous nurseryman Tim (my step-father and the kids’ go-to ‘Papa’) had on his own initiative cultivated a bunch of herb plants and flowers – fifteen to be exact – in backyard pots. One day he told us they were ready for planting, so I had to build something fast. Despite its relative impermanence in the world I decided to go with an 8’x4’ raised bed made simply out of 2×10’s and screws and laid flat on the ground, no stakes or setting needed. I bought three untreated 2x10s, 8’ long ($27), cut one in half, pre-drilled four holes at each corner and assembled with 4” exterior screws (a few bucks, but I already had them). I used my corded drill since my cordless lacked the power I needed – that, and I love an excuse to use yellow tools. I still had trouble sinking them so I stood the whole box up on end and used a step ladder to get on top of it. I took a few minutes to locate the new bed so it worked with our future deck and landscaping plan.

Dirigente del FMI : El dinero del rescate a Grecia fue para salvar a bancos alemanes y franceses. La primera vez que un líder de los representantes de la troika (BCE, Comisión europea y el FMI) hace frente a lo que dijo el BCE y la Comisión Europea sobre el “rescate a Grecia ” . “El dinero fue dado para salvar a los bancos franceses y alemanes, no a Grecia”, dijo Paulo Batista, uno de los 19 miembros de la Junta Directiva del Fondo Monetario Internacional. En una entrevista con Alfa TV, un canal privado griego, el brasileño denuncia las decisiones impuestas a Grecia por la Comisión y el Banco Central Europeo. Él no escatimó críticas a su jefa, acusando a Christine Lagarde, que preservara por encima de todos los intereses de la Unión Europea en lugar del de los griegos. Aunque es cuestionable si alguna vez el FMI miró el interés realmente de los países intervenidos y no el de los acreedores. En síntesis las declaraciones de Paulo Batista a Alfa TV .. ..” Claramente el “rescate griego” ha sido pasar deuda a privada a pública europea (2) El subprime se cobra su segunda víctima en Alemania

How to Plan an Organic Raised Bed Garden - Daily Pea Planning an organic raised bed garden takes a bit of research and time, so with winter coming, it’s the perfect time to sit back and draw up plans for next year. We just moved and one of the first things I wanted to accomplish after we got settled in South Carolina was to build the garden that I’ve been daydreaming about for a long time. It’s been 2 months since we moved in and my beds are built! In fact, my 3 year old daughter and I have already planted a few things. Our gardens will be a big part of our lives, and I believe that gardening is a great step for anyone striving to live a healthier lifestyle. When we were looking for our new house, the most important requirement was that it had to have plenty of space for us to begin our own little backyard homestead. Why Raised Beds? Okay, focusing on the raised beds…why choose raised beds? Plan Your Space Choose the Right Building Materials For a chemical-free organic garden, you’ll want to choose the purest materials possible.

United Nations Exposes Chemtrails 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned If you haven’t read all my previous article exposing ‘Agenda 21’ and Chemtrails here is even more proof from United Nation. By now everyone has witnessed streaks of white trailing across the sky, stretching from horizon to horizon, ultimately turning the skies into a murky haze. The truth is the government is spraying deadly chemtrails in hopes of population reduction. We’ll now we have 100% undeniable evidence that chemtrails exist. If you were a skeptic before, I can assure you, that you will not be after hearing what she has to say to the people in power. Here are more articles you can read about Chemtrails and the Elite evil agenda: Eddie Latest posts by Eddie (see all)

“Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic – Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t (2007) One thing Microsoft founder Bill Gates can’t be accused of is sloth. He was already programming at 14, founded Microsoft at age 20 while still a student at Harvard. By 1995 he had been listed by Forbes as the world’s richest man from being the largest shareholder in his Microsoft, a company which his relentless drive built into a de facto monopoly in software systems for personal computers. In 2006 when most people in such a situation might think of retiring to a quiet Pacific island, Bill Gates decided to devote his energies to his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest ‘transparent’ private foundation as it says, with a whopping $34.6 billion endowment and a legal necessity to spend $1.5 billion a year on charitable projects around the world to maintain its tax free charitable status. So when Bill Gates decides through the Gates Foundation to invest some $30 million of their hard earned money in a project, it is worth looking at. Did we miss something here? John H.
