Seed Bombing « Jardins et Potagers Urbains Les « seed bombs » ou » seed grenades » sont les armes favorites des « Guerilla gardeners », elles permettent en effet de végétaliser facilement des espaces urbains inhospitaliers. Elles sont composées d’un mix de graine, d’1/3 de lombricomposte et de 2/3 d argile. Ainsi compactées et séchées elles sont facilement transportables et on peut ainsi les jeter par dessus n’importe quelle barrière et sur n’importe quel terrain. Le terme « seed grenades » a été pour la première fois utilisé par Liz Christy en 1973 quand elle démarra à N.Y la « green guerilla » (les premières actions de fleurissement sauvage). Les premières grenades étaient fabriquées à partir de préservatifs, de graines de fleurs sauvages, d ‘eau et d’engrais. Les « seed bombs » aujourd’hui employées s’inspirent d’une technique inventée par Masanobu Fukuoka, le père de l’agriculture du non-agir ( une forme de culture Bio). 1. 2. 3. 4. Voila c’est prêt… WordPress: J’aime Chargement...
Guerrilla Gardening: Mini Ecosystem Installations On The Streets Of Madrid Take Root In a symbolic way, Luzinterruptus wanted to protect and preserve the small timid plants that live in the cracks around the city. Their outrage at the lack of usable green space in the city center was their impetus. To protect them, the group covered the plants with small umbrella-like greenhouses to shelter them from pollution. Small animals accompany the plants and live with them under their refuge, which is brightly lit with lights. The group was also aware that they would find few instances of plants growing in the cracks, so they also added their own plantings. Luzinterruptus’ goal was to draw attention to the lack of green space, to pay homage to the insignificant weeds that beautifully grow in unexpected places as well as to add even more green life to the city streets. + Luzinterruptus Via MocoLoco Images ©Gustava Sanabria
The Guerrilla Gardening Home Page masters thesis about guerrilla gardening masters thesis about guerrilla gardening juju: dear fellow guerrilla gardeners, i am (amongst other things...) a guerrilla gardener, community gardener and a student of sustainable land use in berlin, germany. i am currently working on my masters thesis about guerrilla gardening. at first i was going to write only about the movement in berlin, but the more i researched, the more i became fascinated in gg as a global movement. my main focus is the political aspect of gg, the importance of gg for the start of community gardens and the different&common aspects/relation/ distinction between gg and community gardening. i also need to cover some straight up horticultural aspects. but i am still open to ideas and suggestions..... we can communicate either via email ( or i can even call you when i am back home (december). i will also post some pictures from our gardens in berlin soon... i hope to hear from you, whoever you are...thanx in advance! julia Richard _001: Hi Julia Richard
Guérilla gardening France 14 Best DIY Gadget Projects of 2011 Becoming a "maker" is a very green thing to do, and we love seeing fun, interesting and do-able projects to test out our builder instincts. This year, we've come across some fantastic projects by creative makers, from building your own solar-powered emergency radio to whipping up a solar oven with sun-tracking capabilities. Check out the top 14 projects from this year, and start making your to-do list. This project is a great one to start out with, as it covers a few basics for dealing with electronic parts. Plus, it's handy to have on hand when you're out traveling and will be off the grid. If you want to keep your electricity bills down, this cool hack could be perfect for you. For those of you who want to get a little more complicated with your solar projects, this might be just the project for you. Not only is this project inexpensive, but it's also practical — and anything that fits in an Altoids tin is cool. This is a handy project that will keep your gadgets powered up any time.
Guérilla gardening France Rain Barrels Here you'll find an extensive selection of rain barrels, which have been individually selected by our staff. Each model has a unique set of features, so we've categorized them for you under labels like Staff Pick, New and Exclusive to help you choose just the right rain barrel for your situation. Why buy a rain barrel, anyway? It's an environmentally friendly option. Don't know how to choose which rain barrel to buy?
Guerilla Gardening Lyon Rain Barrel Guide: How to use rain barrels to harvest rainwater at home