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100 Best Video Sites For Educators

100 Best Video Sites For Educators
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15 Great Video Sites for Educators YouTube: The undisputed king of all video sites. Whilst all the others are great and offer you a little more safety in regards to content, pretty much all the great content from those sites can also be found here in most cases. TED-Ed: From a site that’s long been known for big ideas, you’ll find TED-Ed, videos specifically designed to act as highly engaging and fun lessons. TeacherTube: This YouTube for teachers is an amazing resource for finding educationally-focused videos to share with your classroom. Edutopia: An awesome place to find learning ideas and resources, Edutopia has videos, blogs, and more, all sorted into grade levels. YouTube EDU: A YouTube channel just for education, you can find primary and secondary education, university-level videos, and even lifelong learning. Classroom Clips: Classroom Clips offers media for educators and students alike, including video and audio in a browseable format. neoK12: Find science videos and more for school kids in K-12 on neoK12.

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25 ideas for using WhatsApp with English language students | Oxford University Press Philip Haines is the Senior Consultant for Oxford University Press, Mexico. As well as being a teacher and teacher trainer, he is also the co-author of several series, many of which are published by OUP. Today he joins us to provide 25 engaging and useful classroom activities for language learners using WhatsApp. There are three main obstacles to the use of technology in ELT. WhatsApp or similar messaging services can help overcome these obstacles. Many self-confessed, techno-phobic teachers that I know use WhatsApp on a regular basis in their private lives, so already feel quite comfortable with it. Here are 25 ideas of how to make good use of WhatsApp for language learning. Like this: Like Loading...

Making it Funny: 8 Hilarious Infographics Humor is a fickle thing. One person’s laugh-out-loud joke is another person’s head-scratcher. Some people strive for the perfect pun, while others would rather choke on their punini, pun fried noodles, or pun seared scallops than debase themselves with wordplay. What makes a kid laugh uproariously may make an adult groan, and what makes an atheist giggle with glee may make a fundamentalist cringe. Finding that humorous sweet spot is no easy task. Here are some infographics to tickle the funnybone, along with color commentary on what makes the good stuff work. Flow Charts: Funny? The flow chart is a popular format for humor infographics, perhaps because it lends itself to short, pithy one-liners. Take the example below. Nerd Humor: Tech, Geeks vs. Nerds, geeks, IT techs and related folk are a big audience for the humor category on Comparisons are also popular in this niche: comparing geeks to hipsters, for example, or geeks to nerds, or geeks to uber geeks. Workplace Humor

The Internet map Tech For Teachers Course Description A hands-on, high-tech workshop for teachers of grades 6-12. High-energy sessions designed for all learning levels. Participate in a hands-on, high-tech exploration of digital tools and resources tailored for the secondary (grades 6-12) educator. Increase Student Engagement Maximize Parent Involvement Click below for a Prezi preview of just some of these amazing education technology applications. Lee Araoz - Ext. 7222 Create the Future Design Contest :: Create the Future 6 Excellent Free Sites to Practise Reading Comprehension It’s been too long since I’ve written about improving reading skills. Last time I posted about sites to help you practise reading comprehension was in May last year. Way too long. On the other hand, I am one of those teachers who think reading aloud in class is a good exercise. Reading aloud fluently not only helps to improve the reading ability, but also oral expression.It gives students a chance to focus only on fluency, pronunciation and intonation as they don’t need to worry about grammatical accuracy.It gives teachers a nice opportunity to correct pronunciation mistakes.It helps students enhance comprehension as pauses should be made in the correct places.Reading aloud is especially good for students who don’t feel very confident speaking English in public. These are some of the sites I’ve been recommending my students to further practise reading comprehension.They are all completely free. 1. The site also offers a multiple choice exercise to test your comprehension of the article.

Los nueve culpables del envejecimiento Un nuevo trabajo recopila las principales causas de deterioro biológico que hace que los organismos envejezcan y enfermen. Los nuevos tratamientos rejuvenecedores tardarán en llegar, pero son posibles Hace ya 30 años que un gusano de un milímetro le dio al ser humano la lección de su vida. Aquella criatura era capaz de vivir el doble de lo normal y sin enfermedades. Con el tiempo, los humanos aprendieron que el secreto de su longevidad estaba en unos pocos genes y consiguió, modificándolos, crear otros gusanos que viven diez veces más o ratones matusalén que doblan su esperanza de vida y sin rastro de cáncer, una de las enfermedades más asociadas al envejecimiento. Por ahora no se ha logrado dar el salto para lograr lo mismo en humanos, pero, a cambio, empieza a estar clara la respuesta a una pregunta universal: ¿por qué envejecemos? Los estudios con gusanos o ratones son “la demostración de que algo que parecía imposible se puede lograr” Daños primarios Daños secundarios Daños terciarios

Kdy bude učení s mobilem běžné? 1) Samozřejmě, že pozornost žáků primárně určuje vyučující, ale jak jsi sám řekl, už dnes jsou MT technologie studenty při hodinách aktivně využívané, ale jakým způsobem ? Je sice roztomilé, že student si na cca 4 minuty vypne hru, a zapíše si, co je mu zdůrazněno , ale pak se vrátí k tomu, co byla jeho hlavní náplň hodiny - hraní. Tak to být nemá, myslím, že u žáka, který nemá k dispozici tuto formu rozptylování je pravděpodobnější pozornost. 2) Potřebuje malíř k tomu, aby mohl tvořit počítač? 3) Dočetla jsem se, že jistá psycholožka Virginia Berninger ve svých výzkumech prokázala, že "sekvenční pohyby prstů při psaní perem nutí aktivovat mozkové oblasti spojené s myšlením, mluvením a krátkodobou pamětí". 4) Uznávám, že konkrétní literaturu jsem po dlouhém hledání nenalezla. Ryze netechnologické dovednosti v rámci výuky, sezení pod stromem, vykládající o fosyntéze například a k tomu ještě zdraví pobyt na čistém vzduchu, no není to nádhera?

Earslap · Procedural music, art, computation and some other things. Survival Kit for Teaching Kids Looking forward to connecting with you! Feel free to share these resources. Thank you for leaving your digital footprint! Check out other worldwide digital footprints. I Love My Visitors! Love Stories for Learners in Simple English (Stories, Glossary, Exercises, Answer Key) Here you can find beautiful stories in simple English for you to read, download and practice. Read interesting stories and improve your English at the same time. Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses The following stories are suitable for students at an advanced reading level. Each story comes with the following sections: Story Glossary Exercises Fill in the blanks Vocabulary questions Grammar questions Comprehension questions Essay questions Full answer key You can read and practice with these stories by yourself or with your students, and then check your answers. Please also fill out the short survey at the end of each story to let us know which future stories and exercises you would like to see here. A Tale of Two Jackets (Story + Exercises + Answer Key) Andrew walks out of his meeting, completely exhausted. The Show Must Go On (Story + Exercises + Answer Key) The stage lights shine brightly on Cho's face. Ghost Poems, Parts 1 and 2

Ocho frases geniales de Jacques Cousteau Ocho frases geniales de Jacques Cousteau Cetáceos: orcas, ballenas y delfinesPara ver todas las fotos haz click aquí Liderando expediciones a lo largo y ancho de todo el planeta, el explorador, marino e investigador francés Jacques Y. "La felicidad de la abeja y la del delfín es existir. "No es necesario civilizar la ciencia; necesitamos utilizar la ciencia para civilizar a la civilización". "Innumerables veces he tenido que explicarles a los periodistas que nuestro equipo no tenía ningún objetivo, ninguna idea de qué íbamos a encontrar en una misión; si como explorador hubiera sabido lo que iba a encontrar, no hubiera ido. "La razón de que haya hecho películas sobre el mundo submarino reside simplemente en mi creencia de que la gente protege aquello que ama. "Muchas personas atacan al mar, yo le hago el amor". "Lo que una persona no descubra, otra lo hará". "Cerrar los ojos a la naturaleza solo nos hace ciegos en un paraíso de tontos".

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