K-5 iPad Apps for Analyzing (Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, Part 4) We are all born with a natural curiosity that relies on our ability to analyze. It is how we initially learn to understand and make sense of our world. When Benjamin Bloom writes about the fourth learning stage, analysis, he primarily refers to our ability to analyze written content. But his statements have far greater implications. Every day, a barrage of information enters into the lives of our students through the Internet. Assisting our youth with critical thinking skills has never been more important. Analysis of the Elements: Differentiating This component requires the ability to dissect content, identify its parts, and differentiate between them. Analysis of Relationships: Attributing The relationship between the parts is what forms content. Analysis of Organizational Principles: Organizing All content has structure and organization. Analyzing Criteria When locating these "analyzing" apps, consider the following questions. Does the app help the user... 1. Reviews
PLE, Taxonomía de Bloom y iPad PLE, Taxonomía de Bloom y iPad La Taxonomía de Bloom, revisada posteriormente por Anderson y Krathwohl (2001), establece una secuencia de 6 categorías para alcanzar el dominio cognitivo: recordar, entender, aplicar, analizar, evaluar y crear (ordenadas de inferior a superior). El grado de conocimiento dependerá de la habilidad de la persona para utilizar ese conocimiento en el marco de una categoría superior. El PLE (acrónimo inglés de Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje) es un sistema que permite a los estudiantes gestionar su propio proceso de aprendizaje. De las sinergias entre la Taxonomía de Bloom, el PLE y el iPad, surge la idea de un modelo de aprendizaje.
Student Apps for Winter Reading For families traveling this winter or teachers simply looking for an alternative to tablet games, there are lots of great apps for winter reading. Android devices, iPhones and iPads can be turned into ebook readers with a quick tap or swipe. Portable and kid-friendly, these interactive storybooks will support and engage young readers. Snowman Joe (iOS) Follow along with this musical storybook as readers travel through a winter wonderland. Read Me Stories (iOS and Android) This app is full of picture books with illustrations that children will love. Epic! Another subscription-based service for iPads called Epic! Frozen: Storybook Deluxe (iOS) This storybook app from Disney brings the characters from the Frozen movie to life on your children's iPad screens. Winter Is (iOS) A simple storybook with high-quality illustrations, this app is perfect for reading together as a family or letting your children listen as the narration is read aloud. Dr. A wide variety of classic Dr. A Blizzard of eBooks
Top 25 Android Apps for Educators Home » Education , Technology Written by Grace 6 March 2012 8 Comments Looking for the best education Android apps to use in your classroom? Not too long ago, someone in our Personal Learning Network (PLN) shared a terrific resource on SimpleK12's Facebook page . It's no secret that the Blue Bunnies are HUGE iPad fans... But I know what you're thinking... iPads aren't the only mobile devices used in classrooms. Which leads me back to that wonderful resource I mentioned earlier ... Educational Technology compiled a list of great education apps for Android tablets. So if you're an Android tablet user/lover/fan/groupie ... check out the following recommendations. Top 25 BEST Android Apps for Educators Evernote - allows users to capture photos, create to-do-lists, take notes and record voice reminders. 26. Thanks for sharing these wonderful Android apps, Education Technology! Readers ... what Android apps were left out?
Instructional Design Models Martin Ryder University of Colorado at Denver School of Education Instructional Design Models Models, like myths and metaphors, help us to make sense of our world. Whether it is derived from whim or from serious research, a model offers its user a means of comprehending an otherwise incomprehensible problem. An instructional design model gives structure and meaning to an I.D. problem, enabling the would-be designer to negotiate her design task with a semblance of conscious understanding. Models help us to visualize the problem, to break it down into discrete, manageable units. The value of a specific model is determined within the context of use. Models, like other tools, shape the consciousness of those who use them. -Martin Ryder Some Basics What is design? Corollary Sites See also... The Models: Comparitive Models see also... Main Index
La taxonomía de Bloom e Ikasys - The Jolaus Lifestream Hace unos meses acudí a una charla informativa organizada por Ikastolen Elkartea en la que se nos explicaba a los dinamizadores TIC de las ikastolas cual era el lugar que ocupaba el proyecto Ikasys dentro de un modelo educativo basado en competencias. Personalmente, tenía mucho interés en comprender como se planteaba el tema ya que personalmente, tenía mis dudas sobre el proyecto y veía bastantes cosas que miraban más hacia el pasado que hacia el futuro. Después de un inicio donde se nos expusieron conceptos básicos bastantes generales (metacognición, competencias…) se nos habló sobre como Ikasys podía contribuir en el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos. A mi me vinieron a la mente las guías para profesores que tuve en mis manos cuando empecé a trabajar en mi ikastola. Más información:
Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics The Center for Educational Technologies NASA-sponsored Classroom of the Future The NASA-sponsored Classroom of the Future serves as the space agency's principal research and development center for educational technologies. The Classroom of the Future™ opened on the campus of Wheeling Jesuit University in 1990 with one employee whose job involved delivering NASA educational materials and programs to local classrooms. NASA relies on the Classroom of the Future in a variety of roles. The role of the Classroom of the Future is ever changing to meet the needs of NASA as it seeks to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research. The Classroom of the Future currently is working on these projects: Completed NASA projects: Classroom of the Future™ was developed under a cooperative agreement with NASA.
Innovating Education with an Educational Modeling Language: Two Case Studies Sloep, Peter B.; van Bruggen, Jan; Tattersall, Colin; Vogten, Hubert; Koper, Rob; Brouns, Francis; van Rosmalen, Peter Innovations in Education and Teaching International, v43 n3 p291-301 Aug 2006 The intent of this study was to investigate how to maximize the chances of success of an educational innovation--specifically one based on the implementation of the educational modeling language called EML. Descriptors: Educational Innovation, Case Studies, Investigations, On Campus Students, Distance Education, Extension Education, Demonstration Programs, Programming Languages, Formative Evaluation, Enrichment Activities, Research Problems, Foreign Countries, Open Universities Routledge.
Taxonomía de Bloom para la Era Digital Andrew Churches Descargue este documento en formato PDF La Taxonomía de Bloom y la Taxonomía Revisada de Bloom [1] son herramientas clave para los docentes y los encargados del diseño de capacitaciones. Benjamín Bloom publicó la taxonomía original en los años de 1950 y Lorin Anderson y Krathwohl le hicieron revisiones en el 2000 [1]. Pero desde la más reciente publicación de la taxonomía han ocurrido muchos cambios y desarrollos que deben tenerse en cuenta. Esta es entonces una actualización de la Taxonomía Revisada de Bloom [1] que atiende los nuevos comportamientos, acciones y oportunidades de aprendizaje que aparecen a medida que las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones) avanzan y se vuelven más omnipresentes. Tanto la Taxonomía Original como la revisada por Anderson y Krathwohl [1] se centran en el dominio cognitivo. Esta taxonomía para la era digital no se enfoca en las herramientas y en las TIC, pues éstas son apenas los medios.
eTEL Fun with learning taxonomies | gram consulting Dave Ferguson’s recent post on Bloom’s learning taxonomy (see Lovin’ Bloom) got me thinking about the value of learning taxonomies in learning and information design. Learning taxonomies attempt to break down and categorize types of learning to help designers (of instruction, information, education, performance) develop objectives and learning strategies best matched to the specific type of learning targeted. They are at the core of most approaches to instructional design. A taxonomy of learning taxonomies A few well known and less well known learning taxonomies… Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy is probably the best known and breaks learning into the three commonly used categories of cognitive, psychomotor and affective learning. Bloom's Learning Taxonomy Robert Gagne had significant influence with his taxonomy which he labeled “learned capabilities”. Gagne's Learned Capabilities I always found David Merrill’s Content/Performance matrix helpful. A.J. Romiszowski's Knowledge Schema
iPad como pizarra digital interactiva iPad como pizarra digital interactiva La mayoría de los centros educativos de nuestro país cuentan ya con al menos una pizarra digital interactiva (PDI). Esta herramienta está siendo clave para el procesos de digitalización de las aulas, aunque por si sola no implica innovación educativa alguna. Por esta razón, algunos docentes innovadores están yendo un paso más allá pensando en el iPad como una PDI en manos de los alumnos, ya que es más versátil, puede compartirse fácilmente, puede proyectarse y también sincronizarse con otros dispositivos Apple vía Air display. Os presentamos a continuación un conjunto de 4 vídeos tutoriales que muestran como configurar el iPad para usarlo como una PDI: