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Prospect Magazine

Future Tense If you use Facebook, you’re probably familiar with the sort of post shown in the image above. It’s called “like-baiting,” and it has run amok on the social network in recent years. That’s because the software that determines what we see at the top of our Facebook news feed is tuned to show us posts that lots of other people have liked, shared, or commented on. Corporate brands, media outlets, and other "content producers" have learned this, and many now use like-baiting to game the system. People’s responses to like-baiting fall into three categories. The first group resents the blatant manipulation and intentionally avoids clicking.

Fonds Ricoeur L'espace documentaire du Fonds Ricœur est ouvert au public et aux chercheurs de 14h à 18h tous les jours de semaine. 83, boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris. Métro Denfert-Rochereau Renseignements plus de précisions Journée du Fonds Ricœurmercredi 16 avril« L’incapacité dans la philosophie et les sciences sociales » Modération : Ernst Wolff, Johann Michel Issue 5: Fame Biology | Primatology On the Origin of Celebrity Why Julia Roberts rules our world. By Robert Sapolsky Culture | Urban Studies Famous For Being Indianapolis

The Christian Science Monitor Michel Foucault - Archives Magazine - Table of Contents The Thirteenth Amendment forbade slavery and involuntary servitude, “except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.” Crops stretch to the horizon. Black bodies pepper the landscape, hunched over as they work the fields. Officers on horseback, armed, oversee the workers. The Awl - Be Less Stupid Groupe de recherche PLC - Philosophie, Langages & Cognition Peace and social justice since 1909 The Dabbler a magazine of ideas
