10 Search Engines to Explore the Deep End of the Invisible Web The Invisible Web refers to the part of the WWW that’s not indexed by the search engines. Most of us think that that search powerhouses like Google and Bing are like the Great Oracle”¦they see everything. Unfortunately, they can’t because they aren’t divine at all; they are just web spiders who index pages by following one hyperlink after the other. But there are some places where a spider cannot enter. Search engine technology has progressed by leaps and bounds. To get a more precise idea of the nature of this “˜Dark Continent’ involving the invisible and web search engines, read what Wikipedia has to say about the Deep Web. How do we get to this mother load of information? That’s what this post is all about. Infomine Infomine has been built by a pool of libraries in the United States. You can search by subject category and further tweak your search using the search options. The WWW Virtual Library Intute Complete Planet Complete Planet calls itself the “˜front door to the Deep Web’. Scirus
Psychoanalytic theory Definition[edit] Through the scope of a psychoanalytic lens, humans are described as having sexual and aggressive drives. Psychoanalytic theorists believe that human behavior is deterministic. It is governed by irrational forces, and the unconscious, as well instinctual and biological drives. The Beginnings[edit] Freud first began his studies on psychoanalysis and in collaboration with Dr. These observations led Freud to theorize that the problems faced by hysterical patients could be associated to painful childhood experiences that could not be recalled. Personality Structure[edit] The Unconscious[edit] Defense Mechanisms[edit] Psychology theories[edit] Psychosexual development[edit] Neo-analytic theory[edit] Freud's theory and work with psychosexual development lead to Neo-Analytic/ Neo-Freudians who also believed in the importance of the unconscious, dream interpretations, defense mechanisms and the integral influence childhood experiences but had objections to the theory as well.
Invacare TDX SP with Formula CG Power Seating, TDXSP-MCG Invacare TDX SP with Formula CG Tilt Powered Seating Top of the line Power Chair with Center Wheel Drive! Product ID: TDXSP-MCG HCPCS Code: K0861 HMESA CODE: 20-10-04-02 The TDX-SP is the first model in the next generation of TDX (Total Driving eXperience) power wheelchairs. The TDX SP takes all the best features of the TDX series and improves upon them with enhanced performance, superior ride quality, quieter chassis, and an elegantly simple design. With built-in technologies such as a True Center Wheel drive, Enhanced SureStep, Traction Control Design, Quiet Stability Lock, MK6i Electronics, and powerful 4-pole motors, the TDX SP is designed to meet the needs of rehab clients who demand performance and style. Now available, the Formula CG Tilt Recline on the TDXSP base. Specifications:*Back Height, Conventional 20"-26" *Contoura: 25" and 29.5" Base Width: *24" base width with 22NF battery tray *25.5" base width with 24TRY & 22TRY3 battery tray Incline Capability: *9 degrees Seat Depth: Speed:
Ego Defense Mechanisms in Psychology 101 at AllPsych Online Section 1: Introduction to Development, Personality, and Stage Theories Section 2: Motor and Cognitive Development Section 3: Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Section 4: Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development Section 5: Freud's Structural and Topographical Model Section 6: Freud's Ego Defense Mechanisms Section 7: Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Ego Defense Mechanisms We stated earlier that the ego's job was to satisfy the id's impulses, not offend the moralistic character of the superego, while still taking into consideration the reality of the situation. Before we can talk more about this, we need to understand what drives the id, ego, and superego. Sex, also called Eros or the Life force, represents our drive to live, prosper, and produce offspring. Now the ego has a difficult time satisfying both the id and the superego, but it doesn't have to do so without help. Ego defenses are not necessarily unhealthy as you can see by the examples above.
THE BRAIN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM One of these structures is the hypothalamus, and more specifically its suprachiasmatic nucleus, which receives a certain number of connections from retinal axons. The suprachiasmatic nucleus is considered the primary site of the body's internal biological clock. The visual signals that it receives from the retinal axons keep it continuously informed about the darkness or lightness of the environment, thus enabling it to synchronize a wide range of biological rhythms, including sleep and wakefulness, that are linked to the cycle of day and night. Axons from some other retinal ganglion cells project to the pretectum, a part of the midbrain that controls the opening of the pupil and certain eye movements. Lastly, about 10% of the axons emerging from the retina project to a part of the tectum (roof) of the midbrain called the superior colliculus. Like the lateral geniculate nucleus, the superior colliculus also receives connections from the primary visual cortex.
Health Promotion Introduction: According to the 1st International Conference on Health Promotion, Ottawa 1986, (which resulted in the “Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion”), health promotion: "is not just the responsibility of the health sector, but goes beyond healthy life-styles to well-being" "Aims at making... [political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, behavioural and biological factors] favourable through advocacy for health" "focuses on achieving equity in health" "demands coordinated action by all concerned: by governments, by health and other social and economic sectors, by nongovernmental and voluntary organization, by local authorities, by industry and by the media" "should be adapted to the local needs and possibilities of individual countries and regions to take into account differing social, cultural and economic systems" In addition, the Ottawa Charter conceptualized "health promotion action" as: 1- Build Healthy Public Policy 2- Create Supportive Environments a. b. c. 1. 2. 3.
Multiple Regression with Two Predictor Variables - Text Multivariate Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications David W. Stockburger Multiple regression is an extension of simple linear regression in which more than one independent variable (X) is used to predict a single dependent variable (Y). The predicted value of Y is a linear transformation of the X variables such that the sum of squared deviations of the observed and predicted Y is a minimum. The computations are more complex, however, because the interrelationships among all the variables must be taken into account in the weights assigned to the variables. The interpretation of the results of a multiple regression analysis is also more complex for the same reason. With two independent variables the prediction of Y is expressed by the following equation: Y'i = b0 + b1X1i + b2X2i The "b" values are called regression weights and are computed in a way that minimizes the sum of squared deviations in the same manner as in simple linear regression. Homework Assignment 21 Y'i = b0
Epidemiological transition Diagram showing sharp birth rate and death rate decreases between Time 1 and Time 4, the congruent increase in population caused by delayed birth rate decreases, and the subsequent re-leveling of population growth by Time 5. In demography and medical geography, epidemiological transition is a phase of development witnessed by a sudden and stark increase in population growth rates brought about by medical innovation in disease or sickness therapy and treatment, followed by a re-leveling of population growth from subsequent declines in fertility rates. "Epidemiological transition" accounts for the replacement of infectious diseases by chronic diseases over time due to expanded public health and sanitation.[1] This theory was originally posited by Abdel Omran in 1971.[2] Theory[edit] Omran divided the epidemiological transition of mortality into three phases, in the last of which chronic diseases replace infection as the primary cause of death.[3] These phases are: History[edit] See also[edit]
Avoiding Plagiarism Summary: There are few intellectual offenses more serious than plagiarism in academic and professional contexts. This resource offers advice on how to avoid plagiarism in your work. Contributors:Karl Stolley, Allen Brizee, Joshua M. There are some actions that can almost unquestionably be labeled plagiarism. But then there are actions that are usually in more of a gray area. However, other teachers and administrators may not distinguish between deliberate and accidental plagiarism. When do we give credit? The key to avoiding plagiarism is to make sure you give credit where it is due. Bottom line, document any words, ideas, or other productions that originate somewhere outside of you. There are, of course, certain things that do not need documentation or credit, including: Deciding if something is "common knowledge" Generally speaking, you can regard something as common knowledge if you find the same information undocumented in at least five credible sources.
Planning & structuring your essay This guide covers the first stages of writing an essay including: Planning & Structuring Essays (this is designed to be printed double-sided on A4 paper, then folded to make an A5 leaflet) We also have a series of bitesize Video tutorials to help you develop key aspects of your essay writing. Answering the question A very common complaint from lecturers and examiners is that students write a lot of information but they just don't answer the question. Is the question open-ended or closed? Underlining key words – This is a good start point for making sure you understand all the terms (some might need defining); identifying the crucial information in the question; and clarifying what the question is asking you to do (compare & contrast, analyse, discuss). Re-read the question – Read the question through a few times. Try breaking the question down into sub-questions – What is the question asking? Watch our Answering the question & planning for more suggestions. back to top Generating ideas
Epidemiology Epidemiology is the science that studies the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations. It is the cornerstone of public health, and informs policy decisions and evidence-based practice by identifying risk factors for disease and targets for preventive healthcare. Epidemiologists help with study design, collection and statistical analysis of data, and interpretation and dissemination of results (including peer review and occasional systematic review). Epidemiology has helped develop methodology used in clinical research, public health studies and, to a lesser extent, basic research in the biological sciences.[1] Etymology[edit] Epidemiology, literally meaning "the study of what is upon the people", is derived from Greek epi, meaning "upon, among", demos, meaning "people, district", and logos, meaning "study, word, discourse", suggesting that it applies only to human populations. History[edit] Modern era[edit] The profession[edit] The practice[edit]
How to Dress, Act and Behave Like a Trinity Orts Student « « Trinity Halls Trinity Halls So… yaw. I’ve been in Trinity so long now that I can barely even remember my loife before my epic L.C catapulted me into university greatness. In fact, I can barely remember my second level education and am sometimes thrust into uncertainty when I am asked of the difference between the standards of university, and the standards of secondary school, (also I’m doing Orts so loike, yaw, uber challenging.) I cringe inside when I think of the days when I was forced to wear my long skirt that didn’t show off my super toned calves and my totes grubby Dubes. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I walked into college a couple of weeks back to find that my utopia – the Orts Block – had been invaded by little secondary peeps on a tour of my home. So, if your parents aren’t loike, super loaded loike mine, I suppose you’ll have to loike, work or something because you need money for a totes new awesome wardrobe. So this is all well and good but what will you need? So, yaw. By Shauna Cleary