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Android Tools latest change androguard v3.0-git gui 3/6/2016: + update the GUI + parsing performance Androguard is mainly a tool written in python to play with… Read Article → AppMon is an automated framework for monitoring and tampering system API calls of native apps on iOS, Mac OS X and Android apps (upcoming). You… Read Article → Android APK automatic auditor for vulnerabilities in rust language. with flag: FLAGS: –force If you’d like to force the auditor to do everything from the… Read Article → DroidFuzzer is a Android fuzzing toolkit that is mean to target devices and their mechanisms for parsing things like images and documents. Read Article → Linux tool used to extract sensitive data, inject backdoor, or drop remote shells on android devices. Read Article → Metaphor’s source code is now released! Read Article → Appie is a software package that has been pre-configured to function as an Android Pentesting Environment.It is completely portable and can be carried on USB… Read Article → Read Article →

test everything — 100+ tools in one! Choose the tools with that you want to test the given adress: CSS and HTML validators SEO tools Social services Web proxies Network tools Text tools Image tools (works only with Image URLs) Miscellaneous tools How to find Caller ID Location with call2location? – Call2Location Caller ID Location is using for search any mobile number, STD code and other all number you can find easily. Search phone number’s name, city and state’s location all detail are display. Every incoming and outgoing calls and messages are display in one notification. All incoming and outgoing calls and messages are display in history.

List of massively multiplayer online role-playing games Business models[edit] MMORPGs today use a wide range of business models, from completely free of charge (no strings attached) or advertise funded to various kinds of payment plans. This list uses the following terms. Free-to-play (F2P) means that there might be a cost to purchase the software but there is no subscription charge or added payments needed to access game content.Pay-to-play means that players must pay, usually by monthly subscription, in order to play the game.Freemium means that the majority of game content is available for free but players can pay for extra content or added perks. List of notable MMORPGs[edit] See also[edit] Notes[edit]

40 Sites You Might Actually Use There are plenty of lists out there that do a good job of telling you the best applications for whatever occasion you could come up with. I decided to avoid a list of what is “best” and instead put together a list of sites that I actually use. You can probably find better alternatives for most of these categories, but all the applications I’ve listed here I fire up at least once a week. News and Bookmarking 1. Runner Up: – Still a must visit for anyone looking for a website or two to break up the monotony. 2. Runner Up: YCombinator – A well executed news site in it’s own right. 3. Runner Up: Digg – Oh Digg, if only you weren’t so frustrating. Conversation 4. Runner Up: Plurk – It’s a much “cuter” version of Twitter with an innovative timeline interface. 5. Runner Up: Social Thing! 6. Runner Up: Tweetscan – Tweetscan used to be my favorite Twitter search engine, but the API caps have really hurt it. Multimedia 7. 8. 9. 10. Runner Up: 72 Photos – A new entrant into the market.

Cool Websites | The Coolest Sites on the Web Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software by Richard Stallman When we call software “free,” we mean that it respects the users' essential freedoms: the freedom to run it, to study and change it, and to redistribute copies with or without changes. This is a matter of freedom, not price, so think of “free speech,” not “free beer.” These freedoms are vitally important. Tens of millions of people around the world now use free software; the public schools of some regions of India and Spain now teach all students to use the free GNU/Linux operating system. The free software movement has campaigned for computer users' freedom since 1983. Not all of the users and developers of free software agreed with the goals of the free software movement. Some of the supporters of open source considered the term a “marketing campaign for free software,” which would appeal to business executives by highlighting the software's practical benefits, while not raising issues of right and wrong that they might not like to hear. “Free software.” Conclusion

GISS (IS NOT) TV Editor e gravador de áudio livre Unleashing Creativity: Greg Kulowiec App Smashing - from Beth Holland Greg Kulowiec begins his session by asking, “Why limit our students to one tool at one time?” With App Smashing, students can create content with a variety of apps and then publish it to the web – don’t let content “die on your iPad.” The general concept between App Smashing is merging content from a variety of apps. Greg likes the word App Smash, but Lisa Johnson (@techchef4u) calls it App Synergy. Toolkit for App Smashing – keep it simple! The key to App Smashing is the camera roll – use apps that can save to camera roll or take screen captures and bring them in. While the concept is to create content, get it into a central location, and make something with it, now, what can you do???? App Smash Creations Create a multimedia book about whatever concept, topic or idea is happening in class. Create a published web-book that can be exported to the web as a PDF. “Making books if fun, but advanced video can be more fun,” says Greg. The ThingLink Smash is one of Greg’s favorites. Related Save

Neer stickybits / explore & score™ L’Internet européen, à la carte Collecte des IP, protection de la vie privée, inefficacité des dispositifs de filtrage, dernières nouvelles d’ACTA: voilà tous les thèmes dont vous n'entendrez pas ou peu parler lors de l'e-G8. OWNI vous les présente, dans une carte des Internets européens. Collecte des IP sous contrôle du juge, inefficacité des dispositifs de filtrage, “amis” du copyright, dernières nouvelles d’ACTA… Voilà, entre autres mets, tout ce à quoi vous ne goûterez pas lors de l’e-grand-messe qui se déroule en ce moment à Paris. Afin que le festin soit complet, OWNI propose d’enrichir le tableau du réseau dressé par Nicolas Sarkozy, Publicis et autres nababs du web présents à l’e-G8, avec une carte des Internets européens, qui replace l’utilisateur au centre de l’attention. Le rapport à Internet des 27 pays de l’Union Européenne, ainsi que de la Norvège, de l’Islande et de la Suisse, a été scruté à la loupe. La palette de critères, non exhaustive, est appelé à s’enrichir, notamment grâce à votre contribution.
