OPPIMISPELIT JA VIRTUAALISET YMPÄRISTÖT Ensi vuoden Löytöretkellä tutustutaan sähköisiin oppimateriaaleihin ja sähköisiin ylioppilaskirjoituksiin. Aihealueilta saadaan käytännön esimerkkejä ja mielenkiintoisia demonstraatioitaOppimispelit ja virtuaalimaailmat ovat uudella, mielenkiintoisella tavalla esillä.3-D tulostuksesta saadaan lisää käytännön esimerkkejä. Mielenkiintoiset yritykset esittelevät laitteitaan ja oppimisratkaisujaan. Seminaarin osallistumismaksu tulee olemaan 50 €. Varaa kalenteriisi ti 30.9.2014 ja tule Löytöretkelle hakemaan ratkaisuja oppimisen haasteisiin! Jos haluat esiintyä seminaarissa ja kertoa muille mielenkiintoisia oppimisratkaisujasi tai haluat esitellä yrityksesi tuotteita, ota yhteyttä meihin.
15 sites que deixam você mais inteligente (Fonte da imagem: Reprodução/Website Ideas) A internet é um campo vasto de informações, com infinitas fontes e canais através dos quais podemos ter contato com sabedorias de diferentes áreas. Todo mundo, hoje em dia, consegue realizar uma pesquisa no Google ou utilizar a Wikipedia para buscar um artigo sobre um tema específico. Há, porém, quem procure por dados mais detalhados, com abordagens mais aprofundadas, em níveis científicos, acadêmicos ou mesmo escolares, e nem sempre encontra bons materiais através de uma simples pesquisa na web. Nesta listagem, abaixo relacionada, selecionamos uma variedade de sites na internet que oferecem palestras, cursos e videoaulas totalmente gratuitos que trazem conhecimento e curiosidades que podem fazer a diferença no seu dia a dia. Muitos desses endereços exigem que o leitor tenha domínio do inglês para acompanhar os materiais de áudio e vídeo, e nem sempre há tradução ou legendas em português disponíveis nos cursos e palestras. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07.
Viktor Alksnis Due to his political views and personal style, Alksnis was nicknamed "the Black Colonel",[6][7][8] an allusion to the Soviet term "Black Colonels" (Russian: Чёрные полковники) for the Greek military junta of 1967-1974. Family history[edit] In the 1930s, Alksnis's grandfather, Yakov Alksnis (Latvian: Jēkabs Alksnis) was the head of the Soviet Air Force. He also took part in the military tribunal for the Case of Trotskyist Anti-Soviet Military Organization, which sentenced Mikhail Tukhachevsky and other high-ranking Soviet officers to death on Joseph Stalin's order. However, only eight months later, Yakov Alksnis himself was also arrested and executed. Alksnis's grandmother spent 14 years in labor camps and his father was discriminated for being the son of an "enemy of the people".[9] During the destalinization of late 1950s Yakov Alksnis was posthumously rehabilitated; the Air Forces college in Riga was named in his honour. Attitude to the breakup of the USSR[edit] Notes[edit]
Commandes et tarifs Bonjour à tous, un petit rappel, pour vous prévenir que tous les créneaux de stages de printemps 2014 (à savoir 14 stages d'une semaine chacun) sont déjà réservés , ainsi que la premiere semaine de septembre. je vous invite donc à me contacter TRES vite pour réserver vos stages de l'automne. A bientôt ! vinh forgedecaractere@gmail.com Après un apprentissage de forge traditionnelle de cinq mois au Vietnam, je suis maintenant installé à mon compte, en Lozère. Les stages sont à l'image de ce qui m'a été inculqué, à savoir, privilégier le marteau et réduire l'usinage au possible. Les stages sont sur mesure, entièrement adaptés selon les souhaits du stagiaire (sauf s'il veut apprendre à forger quelque chose qui est trop difficile pour un débutant, du genre marteau ou hache à oeillet). Situé en lozère, l'atelier comprend 2 forges à gaz et 2 forges à charbon, et on peut tout autant apprendre à y forger une lame à poisson de 1mm, que des outils à bois ou un couteau de chasse...entre autres.
8.01x Classical Mechanics (Sept 2013) *Note - This is an Archived course* This is a past/archived course. At this time, you can only explore this course in a self-paced fashion. 8.01x is an online version of Classical Mechanics, which is the first of MIT's introductory physics courses. The course follows the MIT on-campus class as it was given by the renowned Professor Walter Lewin in the fall of 1999. You will complete automatically graded weekly homework problems and exams to test your understanding and to help you master the material. The book is available on line without charge, but you can also buy a printed copy of the book (publisher Wiley). Lewin's lectures at MIT are legendary. Before your course starts, try the new edX Demo where you can explore the fun, interactive learning environment and virtual labs.
Suomalaisen kuvittajan ja valokuvaajan huikeat Lego Star Wars -kuvat herättävät huomiota maailmalla Suomalainen kuvittaja Vesa Lehtimäki alkoi muutama vuosi sitten puhtaasti huvikseen ottaa valokuvia lapsensa leluista. Kovana Tähtien sota -elokuvien fanina hän keskittyi nimenomaan Star Wars -Legojen valokuvaamiseen. Sitten hän latasi kuvat Flickr-palveluun ja kaikki muuttui. Avanaut-nimimerkillä julkaistut aivan käsittämättömän upeat actionkuvat saivat huikean vastaanoton, ja vuonna 2012 myös Lego löysi ne. Nyt Lehtimäki on kuvannut Legoja ja Star Wars -pienoismalleja verkkoon jo nelisen vuotta. Eikä ihme, sillä Lehtimäki on onnistunut herättämään nuo pienet lelut henkiin ja antamaan niille tarinan, persoonan ja mielipiteen yhden ainoan kuvan avulla. Lego Star Warsin lumisia tapahtumia jääplaneetta Hothilla Kuvat: Vesa Lehtimäki Lisää Vesan upeita kuvia Flickrissä: www.flickr.com/photos/avanaut
Gigantes do Mundo-as maiores obras criadas pelo homem e pela natureza British Sergeants Mess - Servers All our servers can be found by clicking the Gametracker or Battlelog image. BSM take admin duties very seriously. Hackers are the stench in the world of gaming and we do everything and anything we can in order to ensure your time on our servers is scumbag-free. All our servers stream to PBBans and so far we have netted our fair share of stinking fuckers with their bollcoks nailed to the PBBans wall of shame. Alongside this we use a variety of analytical approaches using the many stats sites available, gathering evidence and then making a joint decision amongst a number of admins. We will never just ban someone for one suspicious kill. Server Specification Our server is provided by Fragnet.net. Intel Xeon E3-1270 Processor @ 3400MHz8GB ECC 1333MHz DDR3 RamOCZ Vertex 4 256GB SSD1000Mbit network port with unlimited bandwidth Future Plans Our future plans are quite simple, keep providing the best possible gaming experience for our community! For more information or news, have a look at the Forum
Jean-François Rauzier Je vous laisse pour aujourd'hui avec les magnifiques "hyperphotos" de Jean-François Rauzier. Que du bonheur :-) Rise of the Global Corporatocracy: An Interview with John Perkins Ravi Bhandari is co-editor of Real World Globalization and professor of economics at Saint Mary’s College of California. This interview was conducted on September 17, 2012. Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. —John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004) Across several books, John Perkins exposes the lifestyles of the economic hit men. The system of contemporary capitalist globalization operates for the exclusive benefit of a global plutocracy that has no national boundaries or loyalties. The operation of this global system and its current financial architecture is as far as it could possibly be from the fairytale version of “free market” liberal democracy glorified in standard economic textbooks and the mainstream media. John Perkins (JP): The public interest aroused by Confessions was not by any means a forgone conclusion. One of the earliest robber barons noted in my book was J.P.
America is the best—even at being the worst. If you've never heard anyone shout, "AMERICA'S NUMBER 1!!!" then you've probably never been to America. And the people shouting that are right: America is the best... but not necessarily at everything people should be proud of... The US is the best at being the worst in a number of unfortunate areas that most people wouldn't have guessed and that most US citizens wouldn't want to: (Note: Cymbalta is a depression, anxiety, and diabetic nerve pain medication. Stats like these may make one wonder if it's possible to gain refugee status by moving away from America.