Related: grahama
WhatDoesItMean.Com Brain, Mind, and Altered States of Consciousness The conspiracy to reduce consciousness to intellectual awareness of the physical world has been in evidence for at least five thousand years. Over the centuries the mental and psychic powers that only mystics and seers now possess have been filtered out of most people. So we now assume that our narrow, tightly-bound consciousness is normal and natural. "Ordinary consciousness" is "normal" only in the strict sense of "statistically most frequent," not inherently "good" or "natural" as the term is sometimes misconstrued to mean. When contrasted with supernormal consciousness experienced by certain people in specific instances, our current rigid, intellect-based awareness is highly abnormal and unnatural. Reports of Supernormal Consciousness "The boundary between my physical self and my surroundings seemed to dissolve and my feeling of separation vanished. . . . The Conspiracy to Debase Human Consciousness The Human Brain and Mind Brain Stimulation and Neurofeedback
Allen Ginsberg’s Hand-Annotated Photos of the Beat Generation Disappointed by the On the Road movie? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Luckily, NYU’s Grey Art Gallery is offering a far superior option for those in search of an inside glimpse at how the Beat Generation lived. Beginning January 15, New Yorkers can visit the gallery’s Beat Memories: The Photographs of Allen Ginsberg to peruse a selection of 110 photos taken (and often captioned by hand) by none other than Allen Ginsberg. From a shot of Jack Kerouac’s muse, Neal Cassady, and “his love of the year” snuggling under a cinema marquee advertising a Brando triple feature to a solemn photo of William S.
DeLeon Tequila Trying to catch lightning in a bottle in the spirits industry is nearly impossible. What worked once for one segment of the industry often doesn’t work in another. This is one of the many challenges facing Sean “Diddy” Combs (aka P. Diddy, Puff Daddy), Diageo, and their co-operative new brand, DeLeón Tequila. The thing about success in spirits is, once you achieve it, there’s a lot of pressure to try to repeat that success. While DeLeón Tequila isn’t a brand-new brand, it’s pretty close. While DeLeón’s Diamante is expensive, it’s not completely out of the stratosphere, given Casa Dragones is $299 and Patron “Gran Platinum” Tequila is $250. Recognizing that the market for ultra expensive (or more tastefully titled “luxury”) tequilas is limited, Diageo and Combs have expanded DeLeón’s offerings with three more traditional tequilas under the DeLeón Ultra-Premium line: DeLeón Platinum ($60), Reposado ($65), and Anejo ($70). When you put it in context, the finish isn’t a complete surprise.
The Rabbis Speak Out Rabbi Dovid Baharan of Jerusalem (d. 1946) רבי דור בהר"ן זצ"ל מגדולי ירושלים We must separate completely from the Nationalist Council, from the Zionists and from their organizations and institutions. Fight hard and be strong in the battle against the Zionists and the Nationalist Council, which has risen up against us and against the holy Torah. Rabbi Ahron Roth,Shomer Emunim Rebbe (1894-1946) רבי אהרן ראטה זצ"ל אדמו"ר משומרי אמונים A festive meal was held to celebrate the completion of a Torah scroll in memory of the Jews killed in the Holocaust. who this man was, and they replied that it was the Zionist chief rabbi. Once the Rebbe was taking a walk in the field and his Chassidim wanted to bring him a chair to sit on and rest. He scrupulously avoided any words that came from the Zionist language, modern Hebrew. they asked. It is a temporary settlement that will not be successful in the end, for soon we will see the fulfilment of “to dump the wicked out of the land”. Chief Rabbi J.
EuroVelo 15: From the source of the Rhine to its mouth in the North Sea — Eurovélo 15 10 infusiones naturales y saludables con lo que tenemos en la despensa En esta ocasión les traigo, diez infusiones que podemos hacer con cosas que tenemos habitualmente en nuestra cocina, son infusiones distintas, la idea es descubrir nuevos sabores y que ademas cada uno tenga alguna aplicación saludable, sin mas que decir nos ponemos manos a la taza. Infusión de Cúrcuma y Limón para el Hígado. El uso de la cúrcuma se remonta a mas de 2.500 años en la India, donde se utiliza comúnmente en la medicina Ayurvédica y Unani. La cúrcuma reúne una gran cantidad de beneficios para la salud, pero para nuestros propósitos, debe ser considerado como un agente limpiador del hígado, antiséptico y antibacteriano. Se puede endulzar con miel para equilibrar. Para una taza, utilizaremos el jugo de medio limón, agua caliente en cantidad necesaria y una pisca de cúrcuma digamos la punta de una cucharadita. Infusión de Manzanilla y Jengibre para irnos a la cama. Relajarse al final del día con un té que promueve un sueño profundo y placentero, pues la respuesta esta aquí.
Spirit Science - YouTube Lets not get caught up on details, there is a bigger picture to this whole thing. I think i'll let this video speak for itself. I would like to thank Yann Arthus-Bertrand for the creation of the movie "Home" from which the scenes in the first half of this video were created. A large part of the script from the first half was derived from this movie, and they deserve a lot of credit for putting together a powerfully honest movie about the state of the world. Team Spirit is working hard to help facilitate the space for everyone from oil executives to high school teachers to begin directing our efforts at cleaning up this mess, and fixing the problems that we've made. We believe that by doing so, we can create the most magnificent place to live. Subscribe to our new channel for more stuff :) ~ ~ Thank you to everyone! Thank you to Raymond Kamille and Kristopher Love for all of the support.
PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: War is a Racket DAVID ICKEAdolf Hitler and the Nazis were created and funded by the Rothschilds. It was they who arranged for Hitler to come to power through the Illuminati secret societies in Germany like the Thule Society and the Vril Society which they created through their German networks; it was the Rothschilds who funded Hitler through the Bank of England and other British and American sources like the Rothschild's Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution. The very heart of Hitler's war machine was the chemical giant, I.G. So the force behind Adolf Hitler, on behalf of the Illuminati, was the House of Rothschild, this "Jewish" bloodline which claims to support and protect the Jewish faith and people. Indeed, the Illuminati are so utterly obsessed with bloodline, because of this reptilian genetic code, that there was no way that someone like Hitler would come to power in those vital circumstances for the Illuminati, unless he was of the reptilian bloodline. But hold on. Oh really.