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La boutique de Cyberperles - Les coups de pouce

La boutique de Cyberperles - Les coups de pouce

Bracelet chaine/ fils coton Chain link bracelets, with colorful threads woven through them, have been popping up here and there. We adore Aurèlie Bidermann‘s Do Brazil bracelets and thought it was about time we graduate to the ultimate “grown-up” friendship bracelet. With a curb chain bracelet and some embroidery thread, we’ll teach you how to make your own woven chain bracelet. And one for your bestie too, of course. You’ll need:a curb link braceletembroidery threadtwo bobby pinsa pair of scissors Cut 2 sets of 15 strands of embroidery thread, with each strand measuring four times the length of the bracelet. Lay the second color (blue) over the first color (coral). Repeat the steps until you reach the end of the bracelet. (top images from here and here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF)

Bracelet anneaux/macramé Growing up by the beach in Southern California, the ability to knot a macrame bracelet was practically a right of passage. Although those days are long behind us, we’ve never forgotten the ever-so-simple square knot technique. This time, however, we’re replacing hemp and wooden beads for more updated elements like colorful nylon cord and glossy metal charms. Happy knotting! You’ll need: Start by cutting the knotting cord into two 30 inch, two 20 inch and one 10 inch lengths. Center the 30 inch cord under the two middle strands. Pull tightly and slide the knot up to the top. Finish the 2nd half of the square knot by folding the left cord over the middle strands and under the right cord. Pull tightly and repeat the steps – left, right, left, right . . . To finish the knots, thread one of the cords onto a needle and sew up the center of 3-4 knots along the backside. Repeat the same step on the other cord. After sewing up both knotting cords, trim away any excess.

TUTOS Bracelets porte bonheur Pondu par Flo le 17 août 2012 Les bracelets porte-bonheur en coton et perles sont très en vogue en été. Pour que vos poignets soient au top dans quelques mois, voici un tuto très simple pour réaliser ces petits bijoux colorés ! Publié initialement le 30 avril 2012 Les bracelets porte-bonheur sont très en vogue quand arrive l’été : petits, légers et souvent très colorés, ils décorent vos poignets nus d’une très jolie façon ! Vous pouvez en trouver vraiment partout et pour tous les prix (voir la sélection d’Émilie), mais vous pouvez aussi en confectionner vous-même : c’est facile et peu coûteux, vous pourrez ainsi en avoir de toutes les couleurs pour cet été ! Le matériel Du fil coton ciré (comptez minimum 1m pour un bracelet ; à trouver dans les magasins de loisirs créatifs, au rayon rubans et fils)Des fermoirs « repliables » (deux par bracelet)Des perles de rocailles (faites attention au diamètre pour qu’elles s’enfilent sur le coton ciré, souvent épais)Des ciseaux, une pince, un cutter

Bracelet noeud marin 27 octobre 2010 3 27 /10 /octobre /2010 22:13 Aujourd'hui un petit tuto pour réaliser un très joli bracelet avec un noeud de carrick. Ultra simple à réaliser. Pour le réaliser, il faut juste travailler avec deux cordages en double. Le noeud s'exécute comme un noeud de carrick traditionnel. Le premier cordage plié en deux réalise une demi clé. Le deuxième cordage plié en deux lui aussi passe deux fois dessous, ensuite il passera dessus, dessous... ... pour ensuite traverser en exploitant les ganses, à savoir : dessus, dessous, dessus. Vous n'avez plus qu'à passer les deux extrémités à travers leur deux ganses respectives, le tour est joué.

Bracelet escalade Climbing rope? Bracelets? Count us in. Inspired by Miansai‘s colorful, stackable and adjustable rope bracelets, we were determined to add another do-it-yourself bracelet to our growing collection. With some colorful rope and an S hook from the hardware store, making this bracelet is as simple as mastering the versatile sliding knot. We must warn you though, this project is extremely easy and addicting! Before you begin, seal the tips of the cord by burning them with a lighter. Coil the cord twice around towards the left loop. Repeat the same steps on the other side. Trim and re-burn the tips if necessary. Try making the bracelets with leather cord too. (top image from here; rest of images from Honestly…WTF)

Bracelet écrous We’re nuts for nuts. Is there a more versatile and inexpensive DIY component than a hex nut from the hardware store? You can imagine our excitement when we first discovered Philip Crangi’s Giles & Brother Hex Collection. Honestly, nuts braided into jewelry is WTF genius! You’ll need:3 strands of cotton butcher’s twine cut into one yard pieces18 small brass hex nutsa bit of dexterity! Gather the 3 strands of twine and tie a knot at the top, leaving about 2 inches of slack. Keep your thumb at the base of the braid, holding the nut in its place. Repeat the steps, by threading the rest of the nuts to the outer pieces of twine before they are crossed over. The bracelet should wrap around your wrist at least two or three times. Good luck!! (top image from here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF)

Bracelet fine tresse/perles It’s been awhile since our last bracelet DIY. I don’t know about you, but our wrists have been begging for another colorful addition for months now. So after playing with some materials that were already on hand, we’ve created a tutorial for a braided bead bracelet, which is a not so distant cousin of the hex nut and wrap bracelet. You’ll need: Cut the waxed linen cord into a 26″ and 19″ piece. Tie a knot about half an inch down from the loops. Start braiding the strands. Push the bead against the base of the braid, and cross the left strand over the middle. Keep a finger at the base of the braid, holding the beads in their place and keeping the braid tight. Finish the bracelet with another inch of braided cord, measuring it against the wrist. Thread on a two hole button – two strands through one hole and one strand through another. Trim the end. Your bracelet is finished! (all images by HonestlyWTF)

DIY Wrap Bracelet You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists. The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! With that being said, we’ll show you how to master a version of the ever so popular wrap bracelet. You’ll need (for a double wrapped bracelet) :* Lengths will vary depending on the size of your wrist (see comments for suggestions). Fold the length of leather cording in half to form a loop. Place the ball chain along the leather cording with the end of the chain meeting the end of the wrap. Continue wrapping while checking it for fit around the wrist. When you have reached the end of the ball chain wrap the linen cording around the leather strands 2-3 more times. Thread the hex nut through the strands and tie a second knot. Trim with scissors and your wrap bracelet is finished!! The materials are listed for a double wrap bracelet. It’s a party! (tutorial adapted from Ornamentea; top image via Jak & Jil, rest of image by Honestly…WTF)
