The Evangelical Christian Library: Online Books for the Whole Fa Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages StyleFrizz Understanding the 66 Books of the Bible is a beautiful new resource that takes you on the fastest journey through the Bible you will ever experience! Learn More Request with a generous donation: Please enter a valid amount. Join Dr. Learn More > Explore the evidence of theresurrection of Jesus Christ. Download Your copy > Theology An Introduction to the Doctrines of the Christian Faith The pages listed below were written seeking to accurately express the teaching of the Bible on each subject in an "introduction and overview" format. As such, each study begins with a detailed summary of the teaching outlined below, and a listing of related studies is included so that you can follow from one study logically onto another. The Bible on God: (top) The Bible on Mankind: (top) The Bible on Salvation: (top) The Atonement (the work Jesus did to save us) The 'salvation stream': Predestination (election to be saved) Conversion and the Christian Life (faith and repentance) Justification (God views us as righteous) Adoption (becoming children of God) Sanctification (becoming more like God) Glorification (receiving 'resurrection bodies') The Bible on the Future (top) References (top) Many books were helpful in the completion of the theology section of this site, but these especially: -
Resource Pages for Biblical Studies, main page This page contains links to biblical texts and various other texts related to the Bible, and especially to the New Testament. Greek and Hebrew texts, and various translationsRead more » Works in Greek and Hebrew and translationsRead more » Various Palestinian textsRead more » Various texts from the second century on.Read more » Greek and Latin textsRead more » Grammar, lexica etcRead more » This second page presents sources and studies dealing with the social World related to the New Testament. Read more » Read more » Presentations of features like mysteries, clubs, magic etcRead more » Studies using various models from sociology and social-anthropologyRead more » Read more » This page is dedicated to studies of Philo of Alexandria Philo’s texts and translationsRead more » Various articles on PhiloRead more » Links to abstracts and manuscripts read at the Philo Seminar sessions at the SBL Annual Meetings in 2013-16.Read more here » Scholarly studies available on the InternetRead more »
Change The Shape Of Your Eyes With Eyeliner! — StyleFrizz If you only knew how many pages I had to open just to get to the source of this great picture! And even now I still can’t say with 100% certitude that I found who took it, whose beautiful eyes help us see the differences when tracing various eyeliner contours! Either way, I cross my fingers and credit back, hoping that this is the rightful owner of them beautiful eyes! Now about what the picture is teaching us: that using eyeliner is not enough. We must also be aware of the effect this or that eyeliner trace has on our eyes shape! December 1st, 2011 by kpriss | Cosmetics, Style Guides
Amazing Grace: The Story of John Newton Amazing Grace:The Story of John Newton by Al Rogers (This article is reprinted from the July-August 1996 issue of “Away Here in Texas”.) “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound...” Newton was born in London July 24, 1725, the son of a commander of a merchant ship which sailed the Mediterranean. Finally at his own request he was exchanged into service on a slave ship, which took him to the coast of Sierra Leone. Although he had had some early religious instruction from his mother, who had died when he was a child, he had long since given up any religious convictions. For the rest of his life he observed the anniversary of May 10, 1748 as the day of his conversion, a day of humiliation in which he subjected his will to a higher power. In 1750 he married Mary Catlett, with whom he had been in love for many years. He decided to become a minister and applied to the Archbishop of York for ordination. Cowper helped Newton with his religious services and on his tours to other places. Amazing grace!