How to create a simple texture background in 5 seconds / Web Design /... inShare7 First fill the background: Add a new layer and make a noise and then duplicate the layer: Do motion blur on the first layer with the angle of 0 degrees, distance 40 pixels: Do the same thing with another layer and set 90 degrees: Then apply the blend mode multiply to the layers with noise: Add lighting in Overlay mode: Here is also an example of how to create a simple relief background in two clicks. Create a new layer with noise on a gray background, blend mode screen. Advertisement Duplicate this layer, invert (Ctrl + I), displace by 1 pixel down, blend mode multiply. Reduce the opacity of both layers to 20% Then colorize it (color layer in soft light mode), you can do it twice You can brighten it if it is necessary (the layers in the soft light mode), insert the icons, buttons, text or whatever you have in your design. In addition: on the second step you should apply edit→define pattern and in further work use the pattern overlay in luminosity mode. 7inShare AndrewG
Objectivism (Ayn Rand) Objectivism is a philosophical system that originated as the personal philosophy of Russian-born American writer Ayn Rand (1905–1982).[1] First developed in her novels and polemical essays,[2] it was later given more formal structure by her designated intellectual heir,[3] philosopher Leonard Peikoff, who characterizes it as a "closed system" that is not subject to change.[4] Academia has generally ignored or rejected her philosophy, but it has been a significant influence among libertarians and American conservatives.[5] The Objectivist movement, which Rand founded, attempts to spread her ideas to the public and in academic settings.[6] Rand originally expressed her philosophical ideas in her novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and other works. Rand characterized Objectivism as "a philosophy for living on earth", grounded in reality, and aimed at defining human nature and the nature of the world in which we live.[7] Rand argued that concepts are hierarchically organized.
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » welcome julia and how to make a repeat pattern hello hello. thank you Grace for having me this week! I am very excited to be here. Besides introducing you to some cool artists, giving sneak peeks and before and afters of some friends homes, and sharing my favorite new product finds, I thought it would be nice to share some of the things I have learned along the way of being a illustrator/pattern designer. One of the questions I frequently get emailed is -how do you make a repeat pattern? I thought it would be fun today to do a little tutorial showing you how simple it is even with a very complex drawing. And you don’t even need a computer! On a clean piece of paper draw a design in the middle of your paper without letting any of the drawing touch the edges- this is very important. Once you finish the middle space as much as you want you are going to cut your drawing in half- scary I know- but that’s why computers are helpful. Next you are going to cut your drawing in half again the other way- (yikes!) And here’s my finished design:
Jean Meslier Jean Meslier Jean Meslier (French: [melje]; also Mellier; 15 June 1664[1] – 17 June 1729), was a French Catholic priest (abbé) who was discovered, upon his death, to have written a book-length philosophical essay promoting atheism. Described by the author as his "testament" to his parishioners, the text denounces all religion. Life[edit] Thought[edit] In his most famous quote, Meslier refers to a man who "...wished that all the great men in the world and all the nobility could be hanged, and strangled with the guts of the priests Equally well-known is the version by Diderot: "And [with] the guts of the last priest let's strangle the neck of the last king Voltaire's Extrait[edit] Various edited abstracts (known as "extraits") of the Testament were printed and circulated, condensing the multi-volume original manuscript and sometimes adding material that was not written by Meslier. Meslier's significance[edit] For the first time (but how long will it take us to acknowledge this?) References[edit]
Former Christian apologizes for being such a huge shit head for all those years | PochoBlog I stumbled on this . Thoughts? 1. I apologize to all the homosexuals. I am sorry that I believed in a religion that condemns you. I am sorry that for many years I thought that the bible was right in it’s condemnation of homosexuality. This is a worse for me having tolerated the irrational moralizing and thrown stones and from the safety of the closet those years ago. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. For all these things I am truly sorry and I most humbly repent… AND plan to make changes, repair damages and do the hokey pokey and turn myself around.
Why Can't I Own a Canadian? October 2002 Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Dear Dr. Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. My uncle has a farm.
Daily Atheist Quote - View All Quotes