Internet et réseaux sociaux : les TPE peu convaincues encore Le numérique remède à la crise que connaissent les entreprises ? Parmi les industriels du secteur, on ne se lasse pas de l’affirmer. Mais les entreprises, et en particulier les TPE, restent difficiles à convaincre de ces bénéfices. D’après la dernière enquête de conjoncture trimestrielle réalisée par l’Ifop pour Fiducial, pour les patrons de TPE, les priorités et les solutions à la crise sont ailleurs. Les réseaux sociaux ? Tous secteurs confondus, 47% des patrons de TPE « en attendent de véritables opportunités de développement de leur activité ». Les sites de réservation sont désormais une source majeure de revenus pour les hôteliers. Pour communiquer, les dirigeants d’entreprise privilégient nettement leur site Internet (46%), lorsqu'ils en ont un.
Sites responsive Responsive Design, la panacée pour le SEO ? En matière de SEO, les attractifs avantages du Responsive Web Design ne doivent pas éclipser l'intérêt d'un site mobile dédié, qui peut se révéler plus intéressant. Récapitulatif des avantages et inconvénients de ces deux voies. Le Responsive Web Design a clairement le vent en poupe. Ils sont désormais bien connus. Autre argument, tout aussi souvent avancé : comme le Responsive Web Design concentre sur une seule URL les versions mobile et Desktop, cette URL unique va donc pouvoir bénéficier de tous les backlinks, qui ne peuvent ainsi donc pas se disperser vers une URL dédiée à la version mobile (URL de type De quoi apporter un avantage SEO considérable aux sites "responsive" ? Une version mobile dédiée préférable pour certains sites ? Yann Gabay n'est d'ailleurs pas à court d'exemples de sites pour lesquels une déclinaison mobile dédiée (URL de type était bien plus intéressante, en matière de SEO, qu'un site en Responsive Web Design.
Sencha touch Sencha Touch Kitchen Sink The Kitchen Sink is an app that showcases all of the UI widgets, data features, animations, themes, and touch events offered by Sencha Touch. The app also features an easy way to view the live source of each demo — making it a great introduction to the framework. The Kitchen Sink works on both phones and tablets and can also be previewed in any WebKit-based browser, such as Apple Safari or Google Chrome. View the Kitchen Sink The Watch List The Watch List is an official demo lets you share your favorite movies with friends through Facebook. With a custom theme and integration with Sencha Touch ’s groundbreaking fast startup technology, The Watch List shows off the best of what the web can offer while blurring the lines between web and native apps. View the Watch List Demo App KivaTouch connects people through lending to help alleviate poverty. KivaTouch was designed for large resolution screens. View GeoCongress View TouchStyle
Top 10 B2B Websites 2013 | DMZ Interactive Boston Looking for the best in business-to-business (B2B) website design? Here are ten examples of B2B websites that have raised the bar to a new level for 2013. These sites are not your typical boring B2B websites. Each of these sites leverages the latest best practices in website design. They look great, have interesting content, and are easily viewable on a variety of devices ranging from a smartphone to a desktop computer. The criteria we used to determine who made the cut for the 2013 DMZ Interactive Top 10 B2B Websites list: Visual Design User Experience Usability Content Strategy Responsive Techniques Our evaluation starts with visual design. Next is user experience. Usability is our third criteria. The best B2B sites also have a coherent and effective content strategy. Responsive Web Design is not a luxury. Thinking about a website redesign in the next year? 1. View Website: 2. 3. OK, this is a stretch. 4. 5. 6. 7. Paychex specializes in payroll processing and tax services for business.
Un hamburger menu multi-niveaux Voilà une ressource super sympa, un « hamburger menu » multi-niveaux. Vous devez savoir ce qu’est le « hamburger menu « , on en trouve de partout sur les applications mobile et la tendance se déporte sur les sites internet. Alors pourquoi pas sur le votre ? La démo du menu. En savoir plus sur ce menu. Une feuille de styles de base pour le Web mobile Parce que faire un site web pour terminal mobile, ce n’est pas fixer sa largeur à 320 pixels ou proposer une version iPhone uniquement, je vous propose un tour d’horizon de quelques solutions offertes par CSS pour adapter une présentation existante aux mobinautes : gérer la largeur, redimensionner les éléments, passer à une seule colonne, gérer les débordements, supprimer le superflu, adapter les liens et les tailles de polices selon l'orientation. Pour vous faciliter la tâche, voici ci-dessous une feuille de style dédiée au média mobile qui condense diverses bonnes pratiques et astuces. Ces règles peuvent être externalisées dans un fichier CSS séparé, ou incluses directement au sein du document de styles global, déclarées à l’aide d'une règle media query de type @media (max-width: 640px) {...}. L’objectif de cette feuille de styles est avant tout de poser un socle de bases communes que vous pourrez adapter à vos convenances ou besoins personnels. Préambule : fixer le Viewport
960 Grid System Grid-Based Web Design, Simplified Advertisement A grid at its barest is nothing more than a series of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines spaced at regular intervals, but its innate propensity for creating order out of chaos makes it one of the most powerful tools at a designer’s disposal. If you want to reap their benefits of grids on your next project but are unsure of the specifics, this article is for you. Introduction Grids are everywhere in our society, and have been for centuries, as this city plan for Washington, DC drawn in 1792 by Charles L’Enfant demonstrates. If you’re even vaguely acquainted with the fundamentals of graphic design, you’ve probably worked on some kind of a grid or at the very least seen examples of grid-based layouts. Instead, this article will attempt to explain how to put the theory of grid-based design into practice, taking into account the typical workflow of a Web design project. The status quo, as it were Times are changing, however. So where to begin? Getting started
Grid Based Web Design Resources As a complement to our prior post "30 Grid-Based Websites", we've made a selection of indispensable resources like layout frameworks, tutorials, books, templates and useful tools that can help you understand and implement grid based design in your projects. Let's start with a little history. Many of you know who Massimo Vignelli is, a known designer with a solid modernist influence who developed his career in numerous areas of design. In 1977, he designed the Unigrid System for the National Park Service. Tools & Online Layouts Generators The 892 unique ways to partition a 3 x 4 grid The 3 × 4 grid poster is a computation-based design. Photoshop Grids and Plugins Frameworks 960grid The 960 grid is a classic among CSS frameworks, a very useful tool based on a width of 960px with a large number of resources to integrate the design in the layout. This is not just another multicolum layout. Books & Geekeries This notebook is designed for digital designers. Wordpress Themes
FAQ- 978 Grid System for Web Design Introduction Welcome to This website is owned and operated by Brothers Roloff, LLC. By visiting our website and accessing the information, resources, services, products, and tools we provide, you understand and agree to accept and adhere to the following terms and conditions as stated in this policy (hereafter referred to as 'User Agreement'). This agreement is in effect as of Jan 22, 2011. We reserve the right to change this User Agreement from time to time without notice. Responsible Use and Conduct By visiting our website and accessing the information, resources, services, products, and tools we provide for you, either directly or indirectly (hereafter referred to as 'Resources'), you agree to use these Resources only for the purposes intended as permitted by (a) the terms of this User Agreement, and (b) applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted online practices or guidelines. Wherein, you understand that: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Limitation of Warranties Governing Law