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The MacPorts Project

The MacPorts Project

Distributing your program on Mac OS X Creating self-contained applications on Mac OS X is not quite as straight-forward as it is on Windows but as long as you follow the guidance below all will be okay. Python and PyQt Unfortunately the current version of cx_Freeze on Mac OS X does not play particularly nicely with Python versions that have been installed from or PyQt if you have installed it previously using our instructions. Therefore, to ensure that cx_Freeze installs successfully you will need to install Python and PyQt using a package manager called MacPorts. Thankfully, the MacPorts installation of Python and PyQt is separate from your existing installation so you do not need to remove any files before you start. MacPorts MacPorts is a package manager for Mac OS X which is designed to make working with tools that are predominately Unix based much easier. Installing MacPorts To install MacPorts you will need to do the following: Using MacPorts to install Python and PyQt Adding a missing library Installing cx_Freeze

Snow Leopard Compatibility: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard compatibi How to map your apple keyboard to be more GNU-like Under Construction This is a small guide to setup a development environment in Mac OS X (10.4) for doing GNU or other open-source software not specifically written for the Mac, but more for linux and other *nix's. Get your ready I would really suggest getting your terminal to behave properly, so swap some keys in 'Terminal', 'Window Settings. Then edit the home key: delete all that is there and type the following keys: ctrl + [, [, 1, ~ it should now say: \033[1~ Do the same for the end key, it should say: \033[4~ Then setup those keys to have, linux like, sane behaviour in bash and other readline aware programs, as root edit /etc/inputrc or as user ~/.inputrc: In the same arena, you can setup all your Cocoa Mac OS X programs to have the same behaviour with end / home / page up / page down keys, create a file ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict that holds these values: X11 and Mac OS X gcc Next, install XCode (from Darwin Ports Using it Hints

Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial Last modified: Mon Dec 2 16:50:13 2019 Table of Contents Note - You can click on the table of contents sections to jump to that section. Then click on the section header of any section to jump back to the table of contents. Copyright 1994, 1995 Bruce Barnett and General Electric Company Copyright 2001,2005,2007,2011,2013 Bruce Barnett All rights reserved You are allowed to print copies of this tutorial for your personal use, and link to this page, but you are not allowed to make electronic copies, or redistribute this tutorial in any form without permission. Original version written in 1994 and published in the Sun Observer Introduction to Sed How to use sed, a special editor for modifying files automatically. There are a few programs that are the real workhorse in the UNIX toolbox. One way to think of this is that the old, "classic" version was the basis of GNU, FreeBSD and Solaris verisons of sed. The Awful Truth about sed Sed is the ultimate stream editor. Anyhow, sed is a marvelous utility. .

PureDarwin Darwin is the Open Source operating system from Apple that forms the basis for Mac OS X, and PureDarwin is a community project to make Darwin more usable (some people think of it as the informal successor to OpenDarwin). One current goal of this project is to provide a useful bootable ISO of Darwin 10.x and Darwin 9.x. Another goal of this project is to provide additional documentation. More... Documentation and quick hints This pseudo-wiki is globally divided in 3 parts: Status MacPorts is running on PureDarwin 9, potentially giving us thousands of open source software titles. The screenshot above shows a PureDarwin 9 system created from the scripts in our repository, running on real hardware, using TightVNC and XFCE from MacPorts. At the same time, the PureDarwin project would like to invite the community to discuss, participate and contribute. A minimal PureDarwin system known as "PureDarwin nano" is also available, where only one process is running (a shell). Credits

PyQt : la rencontre entre Python et Qt | Pierre Gradot L’existence d’un binding pour utiliser Qt depuis Python faisait partie de ma liste des bonnes raisons d’apprendre Python. J’avais déjà utilisé Qt en version originale, c’est-à-dire en C++, pour faire des interfaces graphiques ou gérer une base de données. Vous pouvez voir le code sur ma page Github les projets UnMineMe et DiskDB. La possibilité de faire mes interfaces graphiques en Python grâce à Qt et réutiliser mes connaissances de ce framework était donc un point positif. PyQt ou PySide ? Il existe en fait deux bindings de Qt vers Python. Installation Commençons par installer PyQt en nous rendant à la page de téléchargement de PyQt4, la dernière version du framework. La compilation pour SIP et pour PyQt se fait de la même façon : Un sudo sera sûrement nécessaire pour la dernière commande. Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> import PyQt4 >>> Premier programme

'The #1 Power Tool for OS X' - iCreate Magazine [For news on the new 'manpage' feature in CLIX, click here.][For news on the new 'sleep mode' security feature in CLIX, click here.][CLIX is a free product. To download it now without further ado, click here.][Be sure to check out the AWS Resource Page with more free utilities from Rixstep. Click here.] Sell a man a fish when he really needs to know how to fish himself, and you're ripping him off. CLIX ('command line interface for OS X') makes it easy to harness the power of Unix. It doesn't try to rip you off - it tries to teach you, so you become more independent and don't need that line thrown at you all the time. The CLIX package includes a starter command database with over 1000 (yes, you read that right) system commands for investigating your system status, for cleaning out the junk files, for getting at secret settings for the Dock, the Finder, Spotlight, Dashboard, Exposé, and all of your most used applications, and all sorted for easy access, any way you wish. Manpage ManOpen

defaultapp defaultapp Where Keith finds the default app In this tweet yesterday, John Gruber of Daring Fireball fame asked: Anyone have a shell or AppleScript command that tells you what the current default web browser is? I had written code to do this for my upcoming app, so i spent a few minutes packaging it up as a command line tool. I present to you defaultapp. $ . The tool uses LaunchServices to determine url of default app for the given document extension and then LaunchServices again to find the application name. Posted by kalperin at 17:07 | Comments (7) CFBundle is CoreFoundation, not Carbon. The default web browser isn't necessarily the default opener of .html files, though. Nice. IC-Switch not only tells you what the default application is selected, it allows you to change quickly and easily your default emailer, FTP client, news and RSS readers and Web browser. To be able to change this from the command line: Nice. Ok, thanks a lot for your post.

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