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Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC

Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC
(NaturalNews) How do you keep the spread of cancer "growing"? Bury the cure. How do you keep 1.5 million Americans "infested" yearly with mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably? You breed cancer in food and medicine. Just in case you "doubters" and skeptics want some concrete proof, some evidence to take with you on your journey NOT to get cancer, here are some historical, proven facts to help you understand WHY you need to go 100% organic and research and use natural remedies, to build your immunity to disease with superfoods, herbs, tinctures and organic supplements. Let's begin this journey of truth and the not-so-healthy history of medicine in this bold country we call the "Land of the Free." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Nearly 100 years ago, the AMA began removing nutritional education from medical schools in America. Mother Nature, on the other hand, has a CURE for everything and also offers prevention and immunity for everything under the sun. Sources for this article include: Related:  Alternative treatments

5 Tips To Ditch Needless Pressures & Let Feeling Good Be Your Guide Months after I wound up in the ER with blood clots in my lungs, I realized I needed to stop putting so much pressure on myself and start enjoying life a little more. Before my cosmic kick-in-the-butt, I'd been climbing the ladder at work, striving to be a perfect wife and friend, and trying to get Michelle Obama arms. I was spending a lot of time doing things I felt I "should" be doing. Can you relate? No wonder we all know what "adrenal fatigue" is! Sure, we need money to live, sleep and eat, but fulfillment comes from creating joy and serving others. I’m still trying to curb myself when I realize I’m grasping a little too hard for things that don’t really matter. 1. Between morning meditations, journaling, oil-pulling, yoga sequences, affirmations, dry brushing, and kale juicing, there’s a lot it seems like we should be doing before 9 a.m. You don’t have to buy into every evolving nutrition theory and change your food philosophy every time there’s a new New York Times best-seller. 2.

Science for stoners: What is marijuana “abuse?” America is reconsidering marijuana. But even as medical applications are recognized and Colorado and Washington roll out regulations for recreational use, the definition of “abuse” is still subject to debate. Until only a few years ago, any marijuana use was drug abuse. Refraining from pot was good. Using it was bad. Then, as medical marijuana gained recognition, users of marijuana ended up split into medical and recreational users, the worthy and the wayward, the legal and the criminal. Even with medical use laws, many people believed that “green cards” — medical marijuana permits — were often being issued to fakers, people using medical-use laws as a cover for their recreational interest in marijuana. But, as marijuana’s legal status changes, should the framework for what constitutes “abuse” change, too? Marijuana does not “fit in” as tidily as sound bites and political messaging require. Let’s say the stoner on the couch has a migraine. This tension is not the same thing as stress.

Facebook 20 Things Happy People Never Do Our obsession with happiness is linked to our inner desire to feel connected and loved. When we're happy, we feel confident, purposeful and in harmony with our true self. However, what is often overlooked in this rush to reach a happy state is learning how to stay happy. The truth is, happiness is not just a feeling or a state of mind; being happy is actually good for you. People who are genuinely happy are healthier, kinder and have better relationships. Over the past few years, I've done extensive research for my next book. What it comes down to are the common habits that happy people avoid. If you want to stay happy, cut out these 20 habits in your life that happy people don’t do: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. If you want a more inspiration check out this free guide to help you tap into lasting happiness.

The detrimental effects of magnesium deficiency (NaturalNews) Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and one of the most important for the human body. It is estimated that over 80% of Americans are deficient in it. Magnesium deficiencies cause a myriad of health problems that are very rarely ever diagnosed by most health authorities. Magnesium is critical for muscle and nervous system activation and intracellular energy production. 1) Insufficient dietary sources of magnesium2) Pharmaceutical drugs that interfere with magnesium absorption in the body3) Poor blood sugar balance that leads to poor magnesium uptake into the cells.4) Gut dysbiosis and intestinal permeability that leads to poor nutrient absorption in the gut5) Chronic mental, emotional and physical stressors Many individuals are dealing with magnesium deficiency due to all of the above mechanisms. Magnesium deficiencies have been shown to mal-coordinate immune function and cause an inflammatory response in the body.

How To Make My Tincture To Cure Cancer Chuck's prostate cancer disappeared. Rick's 10-inch tumor went away. Jack's advanced lung cancer cleared up. Those are some of the successes my recipe has helped to bring about. So what you've got here is almost like having the keys to the kingdom when it comes to better health. You can read more about my complete recipe on another one of my hub pages. To simplify things when I started sharing my recipe, I instructed people to grate the habaneros and garlic. Today, I'd like to share with you a simple way to make a tincture, which simplies your efforts. Making a quick, easy tincture prevents getting the hot pepper and garlic oils in the eyes. It is also plenty powerful. Making an herbal tincture is really, really easy. You need three things to make the tincture: Habaneros peppers, enough to fill your blenderGarlic cloves, one or two bulbsCheap vodka or brandy, or Apple Cider Vinegar with "the mother" (cloudy stuff at bottom) You'll also want to use plastic or rubber gloves. Voila!

12 All-Natural Ways To Deal With Cellulite Although the word "cellulite" might sound like a health condition, it is in fact not harmful. Many doctors consider cellulite an absolutely normal occurrence. Cellulite is a “disease” invented by Vogue magazine. It's estimated that about 80-90% of women have cellulite. The reason why women get cellulite more than men is because of the vertical distribution of their collagen fibers between the dermis and muscle. Up until the late 60s, cellulite was just known as fat and was completely acceptable and considered normal in adult women. The good news is that it's possible to significantly reduce cellulite, if not get rid of it completely. Even though cellulite is completely normal, there are some all-natural ways to reduce its appearance if you choose to do so. 1. Warm water and lemon balances body pH, helps detoxify, hydrates lymphatic system, helps get rid of toxins and helps with weight loss. 2. Proper hydration is the key to keeping your tissues and lymphatic system clean. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

How to Clean Your Liver with 5 Natural Liver-Cleansing Tips Your liver is like the maid of your body, cleaning up all the toxins you put into it, and therefore keeping all internal systems running smoothly. The modern diet, environmental pollutants, and our increasing dependence on toxic personal care products have put our livers on serious overtime. For this reason, it’s important to know how to clean your liver thoroughly and effectively – oh, and naturally. Your liver works to cleanse the blood and remove toxic substances that we’ve eaten, inhaled, or rubbed on our bodies. When it is overworked—as it is in many modern adults—or when you are under a significant amount of physical or even mental stress, your liver can struggle to keep up. “The thousands of enzyme systems that are responsible for virtually every body activity are constructed in the liver,” explains Dr. How to Clean Your Liver – No Products Required So, what can you do about it? 1. Source: Natural Society Related:

Thermograms - a safe, accurate and reliable alternative to mammograms (NaturalNews) Various researchers and experts have highlighted several issues and limitations with using mammograms as the main method of breast cancer diagnosis. A viable alternative is thermography. Thermograms are safe, nontoxic, highly accurate and inexpensive. Thermography is carried out based on infrared heat emission by the body's tissues. Using information on the varying heat emissions, thermography is able to produce images that provide insight into the functional status of a specific area of the human body, in this case the breasts. Further, as compared to normal tissue, cancer growths are also regulated to a much lower extent by the autonomic nervous system. The woman to be screened stands bare-chested about 10 feet from the machine, and imaging lasts for only a few minutes. The woman feels no pain, there is no physical compression of the breasts, and no rays or radiation enter the lady's body. Thermograms can also detect breast cancer years earlier than physical examinations.

How I Healed My Metabolism By Rewiring My Brain Being athletic doesn’t necessarily mean you're healthy. I used to run for miles, restrict my caloric intake, and eat as little fat as possible. Then I’d do it all over again the next day. The result? Though I appeared fit and healthy, I’d actually destroyed my metabolism. Not only was maintaining a healthy weight next to impossible, the scale was reading higher and higher numbers, my knees were aching, and I could feel my panic level rising. Luckily, holistic nutrition has come to my rescue! Healing my metabolism by re-wiring my brain and my body has been a long, challenging process. Here are few key things I’ve learned along the way that have helped me emerge from a very deep metabolic rut: Focus on high intensity exercise. Integrate regular yoga and strength training. Count nutrients, not calories! Enjoy healthy fats. There ya go! Photo Credit: Tailwind Jungle Lodge

12 Natural Ways To Get Better Sleep Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Before you consult your doctor about getting a prescription, please consider these alternative natural solutions: 1. It has calcium, which helps the brain produce melatonin, as well as magnesium, which is important for sleep regulation. 2. This includes coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, some soft drinks and cigarettes. 3. In order to best do this, don't have more than a two-hour lapse between the time you wake up on the weekend and weekdays. 4. You spend a huge chunk of your life sleeping. 5. You don't want your sleep interrupted by having to visit the bathroom! 6. Reserve this room instead for just sleep and sex. 7. This includes making sure that your technology is turned off. 8. But don't do so within three hours before sleeping. 9. Research has suggested that lavender oil is calming and encourages sleep. 10. This will focus your mind and keep you from worrying about the next day or recounting the day’s activities. 11. 12. SHARE SHARES 6.7k
