15 Weeks To Ripped | Men's Fitness Magazine These photos are of the same man, taken just 15 weeks apart. If you want to undergo a similar transformation, keep reading. If you want to make big changes to the way you look, you need to make a big effort. Just ask Glenn Parker. When Parker approached personal trainer Nick Mitchell, he weighed 98.2kg, with body fat of 23.9 percent. Why two workouts? Training structure The training program Mitchell built for Parker ran along these lines: train twice a day for two days, take two days off, then train for two more days before taking a single day off. Morning sessions The morning workouts consist of two moves for five sets of five reps, using the same weight for all five sets. Afternoon sessions The afternoon sessions consist of drop sets, in which you perform a set to failure before decreasing the weight and continuing, which results it greater muscle-fibre breakdown. Lift off Mitchell adds a final word of warning. Click to download the 15 Weeks to Ripped Workout.
Produkter Pæne psykopater kan gøre stor skade på omgivelserne I bogen ’Forklædt – pæne psykopater og deres ofre’ tegner forfatteren, psykolog Irene Rønn Lind, et portræt af det hun kalder ’hverdagspsykopaten’ - et menneske, hvis destruktive adfærd gør stor skade på omgivelserne Der findes mange myter om psykopater som kriminelle eller farlige seriemordere. Men det er ikke den type psykopater, som psykolog Irene Rønn Lind har sat sig for at beskrive i bogen ’Forklædt – pæne psykopater og deres ofre’. Bogen handler i stedet om de mennesker, som forfatteren kalder ’hverdagspsykopaterne’: Personer, hvis destruktive adfærd i hverdagen gør stor skade på mennesker omkring dem. Irene Rønn Lind gør det fra starten i bogen klart, at ’psykopati’ ikke er en diagnose, og at formålet med bogen da heller ikke er at diagnosticere mennesker eller at udruste læseren til at diagnosticere andre. Formålet er at gøre opmærksom på en problematisk adfærd. Der er ifølge forfatteren flest mænd med psykopatiske træk, men hverdagspsykopaten kan også være en kvinde. Kilde: dr.dk
The Endocannabinoid System: We Are Born With It Tuesday, March 12th, 2013 CANNABIS Cures Cancer… and Everything Else… …which is the real reason it’s illegal! How cannabis works “Cannabinoids” is a blanket term covering a family of complex chemicals (both natural and man-made) that lock on to cannabinoid receptors—protein molecules on the surface of cells. Humans have been using cannabis plants for medicinal and recreational purposes for thousands of years, but cannabinoids themselves were first purified from cannabis plants in the 1940s. “We’re all born with a form of cannabis already in our bodies. The CB1 and CB2 receptors We have two different types of cannabinoid receptor, CB1 and CB2, which are found in different locations and do different things. The Endocannabinoid System Source: (1) Related Posts: Please Share
Martin Brofman, Ph.D. on the Body as a Map of the Consciousness Within (First Chakra, Second Chakra, Third Chakra, Fourth Chakra, Fifth Chakra, Sixth Chakra, Seventh Chakra) Cancer Healing & Energetics (III) by Martin Brofman, Ph.D. (healerAThealer.ch) Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: the following article on physical healing is based upon “Eastern” concepts such as aura and chakras. Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything Starts In Your Consciousness To understand this map, we must first orient ourselves to the idea that the causes of symptoms are within. When someone is injured in an "accident," why is it that a very specific part of the body is affected, and that it is the same part that has had habitual problems? You Are A Being of Energy Your consciousness, your experience of Being, who you really are, is energy. When you take a Kirlian photograph of your hand, it shows a certain pattern of energy. 1. 2. The direction of manifestation is from the consciousness, through the energy field, to the physical body. Consciousness------1------>Energy Field------2------>Physical Body We Each Create Our Reality The Human Directional System Reading The Map
New World Order – of darkness of the World Elite (part IV) – The Pope was the Devil self! | Scripts of Stig Dragholm Summary * Lack of faith of man required the Universe to create this dark NWO and bring “the end” with the underlying plan to save all, create our New World and return home to God The Catholic Church controls the UN, NWO, bankers, Islam (!), terror and wars to bring totalitarian world rule to enslave man Napoleon Bonaparte: “The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. The Ten Commandments of Anti-Christ calling for one World Government and religion limiting world population by 90% The Catholic Church invented Islam, wanted world domination and to kill me rather than bringing me the Shrine of Bethlehem Lack of faith of man required the Universe to create this dark NWO and bring “the end” with the underlying plan to save all, create our New World and return home to God Man created a dark NWO bringing Armageddon to man to overtake me/God as part of a plan with people of the Universe bringing the only chance to survive! Life originate from darkness!
Tartine's Baker on Working with Heirloom Wheat Varieties Wheat is the dominant ingredient in just about any bakery. The widely grown, widely consumed grain is uniquely suitable to creating the high-risen, soft, fluffy loaves that dominate the bread market. But wheat as exemplified in bleached all-purpose flour is boring. In a new, bread porn-y video from The New Yorker, Robertson says he took a trip to Denmark hoping to learn more about rye bread—but instead stumbled on a whole different realm of wheat. “What I found is that they were cultivating dozens of different kinds of wheat varieties,” he says of the grains grown in Denmark, grains that were different “like different kinds of tomatoes” are different. Inspired by that diversity and the increasing availability and interest in quinoa and more obscure ancient grains like einkorn and emmer, Robertson and his staff are working with a broader palate in what was until very recently a binary world of white flour and whole-wheat flour.
How long did YOUR ancestors live while eating BACON, LARD, & WHOLE MILK? | Weed'em & ReapWeed'em & Reap My Great-Grandma was a tough ol’ chick. She ate real, traditional food & could cook up fried chicken from scratch. When I say “from scratch” I literally mean “from scratch”. As in, she would kill a chicken, dress it, coat it with flour, and fry that baby up in a big ‘ol frying pan of lard. Naturally, when I started to research traditional, nourishing foods, I thought of my great-grandmother. Did Grandma really know best? One of the most common questions when talking about the wisdom of traditional diets is….. WRONG! The truth is the human lifespan has been consistent for more than 2,000 years! “The inclusion of infant mortality rates in calculating life expectancy creates the mistaken impression that earlier generations died at a young age; Americans were not dying en masse at the age of 46 in 1907. Just for curiosity, I decided to research my own ancestral line as well as my husband’s ancestral line to find out how long our very own ancestors lived… Crazy, right?! Share
Stick Out Your Tongue! Understanding Chinese Tongue Diagnosis Chinese tongue diagnosis is an essential tool used by acupuncturists and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Your tongue plays a unique role in understanding your body’s constitution; it is the only organ that is both interior and exterior. When I examine your tongue, I systematically look at very specific characteristics and I learn a lot about the interior of your body and the state of your health. Tongues differ from one person to the next and, although people probably take them for granted, they have a lot to tell me if I look carefully. Your tongue provides a window into how your body is functioning, for example, each tongue will change as its owner ages or experiences improvements or declines in health. Jennifer Dubowsky, LAc A healthy tongue is naturally pink and has a thin white coating. For example, regular smokers will often have a drier, yellowish coating on their tongues. I once had a patient show up with a bright purple tongue that surprised me. Tongue chart.
18 Breathtaking Architectural Lookouts You'll Wish You Could Visit Machobrød – til store, stærke mænd Her kommer en re-post af en af mine mest populære opskrifter: Machobrødet. Opskriften stammer fra dengang min mand besluttede sig for – bare for sjov – at udelade kornprodukter af sin kost. Han fik i løbet af 14 dage den vildeste six pack på maven, hvilket ingen ville have klaget over, hvis ikke det var fordi der samtidig begyndte at stikke knogler ud på mystiske steder. Derfor måtte kulhydraterne igen trappes op, og rugbrød er nemt og velsmagende, men efter en måneds afholdenhed kunne han tydeligt mærke, at gluten ikke længere var hans ven. Macho-brødet indeholder olie og proteinpulver for at give mæthed og næring til store og aktive kroppe Ingredienser (2 bradepander/16 store stykker): 8 æg 2 dl græsk yoghurt 1 dl FiberHUSK 1 dl mandelmel 1/2 dl olivenolie 50 gram smagsneutralt proteinpulver 4 dl blandede frø og kerner 3 tsk. salt 3 tsk. bagepulver Æg, yoghurt, FiberHUSK, mandelmel. proteinpulver og bagepulver blendes med håndblenderen, hvorefter frø og kerner røres i. P.S.