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The men of the Fifth World (full documentary)

The men of the Fifth World (full documentary)
Related:  Indigenous

Vidéos et Films Be Sociable, Share! + de 100 FILMS à voir gratuitement… répartis en catégories NOUVEAU: SERIES Sciences Fiction + Peplums, Western, Spiritualité, Bible, Histoires de Guerre, Ciné-club … Un coin détente pour visionner une vidéo, un documentaire, une méditation guidée, un cours de kabbale. ou écouter une fréquence d’onde particulière et développer vos capacités cérébrales… Tout un programme A Visionner : + de 100 Films gratuits A Découvrir : Les Documentaires A Retrouver : La Bible en Dessin Animé A Vibrer : Méditations et Ondes A Résonner : Mantras et Chants A Ressentir : Canalisations à écouter A Intérioriser : Méditations Guidées A Apprécier : Méditations avec les Lettres Hébraïques A Écouter : Livres AUDIO A Recevoir : Cours de Kabbale Et bientôt encore d’autres films. Bonne détente … Miléna

Western World View and Indigenous World View – Teach Indigenous Knowledge and Culture Below are three tasks that can be done to introduce pupils to indigenous world views: What are the differences between western and indigenous world view? Watch this animation on youtube and make notes in the table below (you may need to watch a few times). (This video is produced by First Peoples Worldwide ( an indigenous-run non-profit organization that funds local projects in indigenous communities all over the world) 2. Now watch this video in which an Elder, Susie Jones, from the Walpole Island First Nations located in Ontario, Canada, describes characteristics of an Aboriginal worldview (3:59). After watching: Which points do you have in common with those presented by Susie Jones? 3. Further work: To explore your world view further, and what has formed it, try this activity, made by an Aboriginal researcher in Australia. Like this: Like Loading...

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Garfunkel and Oates Garfunkel and Oates is an American comedy-folk duo from Los Angeles, California, consisting of actress-songwriters Kate Micucci (Oates) and Riki Lindhome (Garfunkel). The band name is derived from "two famous rock-and-roll second bananas", Art Garfunkel and John Oates.[1] History[edit] Performing at their Christmas show, December 2009 The two met at the Upright Citizens Brigade theatre in Los Angeles, where they were introduced to one another by comic Doug Benson. The duo was formed when they started working together to turn a short film made by Lindhome, titled Imaginary Larry, into a musical.[2][3] Lindhome is from Coudersport, Pennsylvania; Micucci is from Nazareth, Pennsylvania.[4] On December 14, 2009, Garfunkel and Oates were on The Jay Leno Show to perform their song "Year End Letter". On October 7, 2011, they released a song for David Wain's web series Wainy Days titled "David Wain Is Sexy" and is available on the extras on the DVD of Wainy Days. Discography[edit] References[edit]

Jupiter Films - Lumière Au cinéma dès le 15 décembre 2010 En partenariat avec Génération TAOAvec le soutien du Forum Culturel Autrichien ...............Lumière sur Facebook : cliquez ici " *** ""Si cette enquête remet en question nos conceptions et ouvre une porte sur une alternative, elle n'en reste pas moins honnête, rigoureuse, et ne fait aucune propagande."Les Fiches du Cinéma "P.A. "Voilà, avouons-le honnêtement, qui a de quoi troubler les esprits rationnels, et justifie la tentation du réalisateur de remettre plus largement en cause les dogmes de la science positiviste." "Même si le scepticisme reste de mise, ce film peut laisser croire selon quelques spécialistes à la véritable influence de l'esprit sur la matière. "Sans trop s'encombrer d'idéologies fumeuses ou hors d'atteinte des non-convaincus, l'enquête s'attaque à l'énigme biologique et médicale, explore et élargit le débat jusqu'à la valeur des sciences et de nos certitudes.

Future - The astonishing vision and focus of Namibia’s nomads Nestled in a grassy valley of north-eastern Namibia, Opuwo may seem like a crumbling relic of colonial history. With a population of just 12,000, the town is so small that it would take less than a minute to drive from the road sign on one side of town to the shanty villages on other. Along the way, you would see a hotchpotch collection of administrative offices, a couple of schools, a hospital and a handful of supermarkets and petrol stations. For many of the people living in the surrounding valley, however, this small town is also the first taste of modern life. The capital of the Kunene region, Opuwo lies in the heartland of the Himba people, a semi-nomadic people who spend their days herding cattle. How does the human mind cope with all those novelties and new sensations? In reality, the lines are exactly the same, but if you ask people to estimate their size, most Westerners claim that the second line (with the 'feathers' pointing outwards) is around 20% longer than the top line.

universidad nacional de colombia | Cortometrajes Colombianos Género: Ficción Año: 2011 Duración: 23 min Dirección: Jerónimo Sarmiento Guión: Jerónimo Sarmiento Producción: Camilo Romero Coproducción: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Hangar Films, Tramoya Producciones Con el apoyo de CAR, Famisanar Dirección de Fotografía: Jerónimo Sarmiento Dirección de Arte: David Álvarez Jefe de Casting y Dirección de Actores: Marisol Correa Sonido: Nicolás Guarín Montaje: Andrés Arizmendy, Jerónimo Sarmiento Música: David Torres (Anturio Films) Mezcla de sonido: Jerónimo Sarmiento Diseño Gráfico: Alejandra Rodríguez Fotofija: Laura Matyas Reparto: Mauro Donetti, Sara Velásquez, Mariana García, Katherine Morales, Marisol Correa, Teresa Salcedo. Solo a través de la pintura Daniel podrá buscar el rastro de su hija y de sí mismo: Recuerdos diluidos. Imágenes fugitivas. Selección Competencia Nacional del Festival Internacional In Vitro Visual 2012 – FIIVV’12

San Council Launches Code Of Ethics For Researchers After more than a century of being questioned, photographed, measured and "sampled" by researchers from around the world, and having San indigenous knowledge pilfered for commercial gain, it was time to say, "enough", the council said, GroundUp reports. While the council is not saying there must be an end to research, it is saying it must be on their terms. The code of ethics was made public in Cape Town on Thursday, during a conference of TRUST, an international network set up in 2015 to ensure researchers adhere to high ethical standards. TRUST is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme. The council said before researchers could work among the San, they must agree to embrace the four pillars of the code: respect, honesty, justice and fairness, and care. The code is designed to ensure the sharing of any benefits derived from using San traditional knowledge in the pharmaceutical industry, in cosmetics, and in food and beverages. 'Influx' Medicine

Home | Crazy Wisdom ”Sameblod öppnar Pandoras ask” | SVT Nyheter Nu är den äntligen här, den internationellt bejublade långfilmen Sameblod, där Amanda Kernell skickligt berättar ett levnadsöde från svenska Saepmie, från 1930-talet till nutid. Jag fick nöjet att se den på galavisningen här i Umeå där både Amanda Kernell och huvudrollsinnehavare Maj-Doris Rimpi gästade. Det var stort. Vissa debattörer säger att Saepmie i dag genomgår en renässans, där allt fler samer dyker upp i rampljuset. Huruvida det är sant, eller om svensk media bara till slut upptäckt det samiska, det lämnar jag till andra att tolka. Jag skrev själv här på SVT Opinion för två år sedan om alla de förhoppningar jag kände som same när Jon-Henrik Fjällgren tävlade i Melodifestivalen för första gången. Där Jon-Henrik slagit igenom med livsglädje och passion har Amanda Kernells Sameblod en leverans av benhård realism, kantat med kärlek och sorg. Hon har själv beskrivit det som att peta i fortfarande blödande sår – vilket hon också har helt rätt i. Manne leäh saemie.

A new look at ebook lending Jennifer Lawrence, please keep your butt off our ancestors | J Kehaulani Kauanui | Opinion How do you define “sacred?” One simple answer: it’s something you keep your butt off. Jennifer Lawrence got that memo, but decided to disregard it. In the comments, which she made on a recent episode of the BBC’s Graham Norton Show this week, she says: “There were … sacred … rocks — I dunno, they were ancestors, who knows — they were sacred.” She knew this was a gross cultural breach – that much is clear – but Lawrence decided to go ahead and desecrate the rocks anyway. A pōhaku (stone) can be sacred for a number of reasons. Lawrence’s story shores up a long line of Hollywood productions that have mocked traditional Hawaiian spiritual beliefs. This has to do with the kitsch-factor that continues to plague Kanaka Maoli – indigenous Hawaiians – and Hawai’i. Also, the retelling of this story for entertainment value makes Hawaiians and our ancestors “the butt” of her joke. Settler colonialism has historically deemed non-Christian concepts of the sacred as a form of savage superstition.
