The Oatmeal Artist: Lemon Poppy Seed Oatcakes for One After exploring every oatmeal option to use my lemon extract, I had to move on to the next format: pancakes. I'm so glad I discovered how to make these single-serving pancakes. It's wonderful to have pancakes in the morning without standing over the stove, flipping extra pancakes for half an hour. Also, these oatmeal pancakes treat me without ripping my stomach apart. My body hates Bisquick! Now, I'll be honest, these pancakes are perfectly tasty but not overly sweet. by The Oatmeal Artist Prep Time: 5 min Cook Time: 10 min 2/3 cup rolled or quick oats (I use Country Choice Organic)2/3 cup milk of choice1/2 overripe bananajuice of one lemon (~3 tbsp), or 1 tsp lemon extractrounded 1/2 tsp baking powder1 tsp poppy seedspinch of salt1 tbsp honey or agave (optional) Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Heat a griddle pan over medium low heat. When griddle pan is ready, spray with nonstick cooking spray (it only needs a little bit!)
Disco Soupe Lait d'avoine crémeux aux fraises J’aime. Fait également en remplaçant les fraises par banane et crème de sésame noir*nectarine, miel d’acacia et cannelle(à suivre, forcément, un litre de « lait » m’attend au frigo) Lait d’avoine crémeux aux fraises Temps de preparation Auteur: Florence Type de recette: Boisson, Petit-déjeuner, Snack Pour: 4 2 tasses/0.5 litre de flocons d’avoine3 tasses/ 0.75 litre d’eau (filtrée, par exemple)fraises[optionnel : sirop d'érable ou sirop d'agave ou miel ou sucre complet] La veille, placer les flocons d’avoine dans un récipient et recouvrir d’eau.Le lendemain, égoutter les flocons.Les placer dans un mixer (ou un bol à bords hauts, ce que je fais), ajouter 1 à 2 tasses d’eau (voire plus, selon l’épaisseur du « lait » voulue), et mixer finement (j’utilise pour cela mon mixeur plongeant, un de mes ustensiles préférés).Pour un résultat bien onctueux, passer le lait dans un passoire fine, afin que les morceaux encore un peu gros de flocons soient retenus par les mailles.
Oatgasm: Peach Cobbler Baked Oatmeal I’ve been spending a lot less time consumed within the beguilements of the virtual world, and more noticing the one around me. I’ve finally come to realize, after years of being a self-proclaimed internet addict, that I’d rather submerge myself in culture, food, laughter, and life than clicking away at meaningless diversions and lost opportunities. Why this insight remained in the shadows for (more or less) sixteen years, I do not know. But the clarity and consciousness is real, and I’m finding the effect quite lovely. For the first time in countless months, I started my morning with the newspaper. Today, I’d like to share this ode to fruit desserts, and their overlooked independence in the world of food. In the mean time, I’ll be out rediscovering the world for a bit. “I have recently been alarmed to learn of the indiscriminateness with which the general public uses the term “cobbler.” “But you may ask, wouldn’t a clafoutis by any other name taste just as sweet? (L.V. Mr. Ingredients
Antigone XXI | - le blog de l'abondance frugale - Hot Pumpkin Mug. Sip Some Cozy. Why does chocolate get to have all the hot beverage fun come fall and winter? Pure Chocolate. Hot cocoa, aka hot chocolate, is a classic, beloved warm beverage that celebrates one thing: chocolate. Pure Pumpkin. Hot Pumpkin Mug. Back up cocoa. And this golden orange, creamy-bliss sip means business. Go ahead, stare directly at the glowy golden ring of pumpkin. Without whip.. But adding whip is pretty yummy too.. First Can of the Season. But for now, bring on the pumpkin frenzy. The perky orange can I purchased last night was burning a hole in my pantry this morning. Nog you say? Speaking of Starbucks, it is a shame that their Pumpkin Spice Latte isn't vegan (have you signed the petition??) And if you want to add a shot of espresso or tea bag to this recipe you can .. but try the pure pumpkin version first! Don't let hot cocoa have all the fun this fall. This pumpkin sip is ready to party. Hot Pumpkin Mug, Spicedvegan, serves 1 On top: coconut whip or soy whip (optional) Directions: 1. Pumpkin.
Salted Brownie Baked Oatmeal Mmkay. How could anyone see the name of this recipe and NOT be tempted?! I suppose I owe you that much. It's been over a WEEK since I've posted a recipe. But hizzah! The idea of this one has been haunting me for MONTHS. BUT it is! by The Oatmeal Artist Prep Time: 5 min Cook Time: 20 min 1/3 cup milk of choice1/3 cup applesauce or 1/2 a ripe banana, mashed1/4 tsp vanilla extract1/2 cup regular rolled oats4 tsp. cocoa powder1/4 tsp. baking powderone LARGE pinch of coarse salt (like kosher) Preheat the oven to 350 F and spray a single-serving ramekin with non-stick spray.Mix together first three ingredients in a large bowl.Add in dry ingredients: oats, cocoa powder, and baking powder.Stir well, and then transfer to the ramekin.Top with salt, then bake for 18-25 minutes. * Alternatively, you could replace almond milk, applesauce/banana, and cocoa powder with 1/3 cup chocolate milk (I recommend Silk Dark Chocolate almond milk.
Le Jardinier Maraîcher Chocolat ‘chaud’ au chocolat cru { Lucuma, caroube, cannelle, cardamome, vanille } Un chocolat chaud pas vraiment chaud … Juste tiède afin de profiter de tous les bienfaits du chocolat cru, du lucuma, et de la caroube … Et qui se prête idéalement aux après-midi pluvieuses ou frisquettes de ce printemps ! 100 % végétal – 100 % bio – 100 % cru – 100 % santéCette boisson divinement chocolatée est un concentré de bienfaits nutritionnels … Tout en se faisant plaisir avec gourmandise et prenant soin de son organisme ! Bah, c’est chouette quand on peut allier les deux, non ? Aujourd’hui, c’est surtout le lucuma que j’aimerais vous faire découvrir, tout du moins pour celles et ceux qui ne le connaissent pas encore ! Et vous, cela vous parle le lucuma, dites ? Quant à la caroube, je vous en parle déjà ici … Une saveur légèrement caramélisée de chicorée dont je raffole ! Ensuite, comment faire ? Textes et photos © Epices & moi Prise par un contre-temps donc je me serais bien passée, j’ai bien du mal à être régulière en ce moment … Je m’excuse sincèrement de mon manque de présence.