Khan Academy Josh Kaufman: Inside My Bald Head | The Personal MBA 135 Completely Free Distance Education Courses Whether you’re studying online or at a traditional college, there’s no question that school is expensive. But not everything has to cost an arm and a leg. There are plenty of free distance education resources out there for cash-strapped students—if you know where to look. Here are 135 free ways to enhance your education online. Free Classes Many of these schools and sites offer a large number of free courses and courseware. Access to scholarly journals: Google Scholar: Search scholarly articles with Google.Resource Shelf: See the results of searches performed by professional researchers, scholars, professors, and reference librarians.Directory of Open Access Journals: Online access to scholarly and scientific journals—all free.Rutgers Library Online: Rutgers library archives on African American history, literature, and Privately-run website where academic researchers can store online academic papers—a user-contributed web library.Questia: Online library. U.S.
[OTA] The Oxford Text Archive 10 Open Education Resources You May Not Know About (But Should) This week, the OCW Consortium is holding its annual meeting, celebrating 10 years of OpenCourseWare. The movement to make university-level content freely and openly available online began a decade ago, when the faculty at MIT agreed to put the materials from all 2,000 of the university’s courses on the Web. With that gesture, MIT OpenCourseWare helped launch an important educational movement, one that MIT President Susan Hockfield described in her opening remarks at yesterday’s meeting as both the child of technology and of a far more ancient academic tradition: “the tradition of the global intellectual commons.” We have looked here before at how OCW has shaped education in the last ten years, but in many ways much of the content that has been posted online remains very much “Web 1.0.” But as open educational resources and OCW increase in popularity and usage, there are a number of new resources out there that do offer just that.
Colleges and Universities that Offer Free Courses Online « homeschool university In recent years, many colleges and universities have decided to make course materials such as lectures, tests, notes and readings available for free on the Internet. These schools, which include world-class institutions like MIT and UC Berkeley, are offering an incredible opportunity for learning to people around the world. View schools matching true View schools matching true Top Free Online Schools A handful of world-class colleges and universities have decided to offer free courses, assignments and lectures online. These materials are available through a variety of means, including streaming video, podcasts and downloadable lecture notes. * University of California at Berkeley * Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Tufts University * Stanford University * Yale University * University of Notre Dame * Carnegie Mellon University * University of Washington * Johns Hopkins University * New York University * Berklee College of Music * Vanderbilt University * Gresham College * Open University Like this:
Lectures Spring 2012 Lectures: The Art of Litigating High Profile Copyright CasesPresented by Duke Law's IP & Cyberlaw Society Joseph M. Beck, Partner, and Alison Roach, Associate, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, discussed some of the major copyright cases they have worked on including Estate of Martin Luther King, Jr. v. CBS, Authors Guild v. Google, and Authors Guild v. HaithiTrust. A Neofederalist Vision of TRIPS Duke Law's Center for International and Comparative Law presents Professor Rochelle C. Fall 2011 Lecture: Meredith & Kip Frey Lecture in Intellectual PolicyBuilding a 21st Century Patent Office in a Global Economy David Kappos, Under Secretary of Commerce and Director, United States Patent Office, delivered the Tenth Annual Meredith & Kip Frey Lecture in Intellectual Property. Fall 2010 Lecture: Professor Jennifer Jenkins Duke Law School "Theft: A History of Music" View the webcast We are in the midst of the music wars. “The Information Ecology” Fall 2008 Lecture: View the webcast Dr.
Courses List Producing Films for Social Change This is an intensive, hands-on editorial and production course in which students pitch their ideas and then research, report, produce, shoot, write, and edit their own short documentary films on social issues affecting the local community, the U.S., or the world. Readings and discussions focus on current news, media ethics, media literacy, the declining credibility of the press, journalists' responsibilities to the public, social justice issues, First Amendment principles, corporate media ownership, media images of women and people of color, and the powerful role of media (TV news, documentaries, new media, digital storytelling) as tools for civic engagement and positive social change. We will cover the basic principles and techniques of video journalism, including directing, lighting, camera work, composition, interviewing, and character development.