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Genealogy Atlas

Genealogy Atlas

Publishing: Genealogy, Family History, Ancestry, Genealogy books, parent of the Genealogical Publishing Company and its affiliate, Clearfield Company, is the leading publisher of books and CDs on genealogy and family history. Over a period of more than fifty years the GPC/Clearfield genealogy collection has grown to 2,000 titles featuring a wide range of topics such as genealogy, immigration, royal ancestry, and county history. Our genealogy books are authoritative and timeless, found in every library in the country with a genealogy and family history collection, and are widely respected by amateur and professional genealogy researchers alike. Our books and CDs cover the entire range of American genealogy, but one of our principal areas of strength is found in our collections of individual family histories. Typical of such collections, and among the best known in American genealogy, is Donald Lines Jacobus' Families of Ancient New Haven, a three-volume work that covers every family in pre-Revolutionary New Haven, Connecticut. - Bringing Genealogy To Life FamHist Genealogy Links We’ve talked about the vast family history resources on the web. Here are more sites that are worth visiting and bookmarking. Be sure to try the BYU Relationship Finder site.. Do you need a genealogy form including just the census records headers? Have you ever wanted to print a large family chart? Ever wonder if you are related to Kings, Queens, Prophets and Apostles? Would you like colored family history charts printed by a professional? A fellow researcher has created a good family history links site that has a great section related to involving children in family history. Another researcher, Sandra Jarvis, has posted a very good links page that shows FREE records web sites. Are you looking for ancestors in the UK – Scotland – Ireland but need help? An alternative site to has been created by three of the founders / early employees of Ancestry. Did you have a family member on the Titanic? Are you having a hard time finding your Jewish ancestry?
