DIY Professional Development: Resource Roundup Taking Charge: 5 Key Strategies for DIY PD, by Michelle Manno (2015) Educators can create their own professional development opportunities with the many resources available via social media, and by bringing their admins on board with this new model, writes Manno. DIY Virtual Professional Development: Taking Ownership of Your Learning, by Monica Burns (2015) Burns suggests seven online strategies to help teachers take ownership of their professional development, including sane ways to embrace the information-rich Twitter experience, Google Hangouts, and video tutorials. 8 Tips to Create a Twitter-Driven School Culture, by Elana Leoni (2014) Edutopia's director of social media strategy and marketing provides tips that administrators can use to create a more connected school culture by modeling Twitter use and encouraging staff to work, play, and learn through the medium. Another great post from Leoni: 5 Tips for Taking Advantage of Twitter Over the Summer.
Providing Professional Development for Effective Technology Use ISSUE: Whether technology should be used in schools is no longer the issue in education. Instead, the current emphasis is ensuring that technology is used effectively to create new opportunities for learning and to promote student achievement. Educational technology is not, and never will be, transformative on its own, however. It requires the assistance of educators who integrate technology into the curriculum, align it with student learning goals, and use it for engaged learning projects. "Teacher quality is the factor that matters most for student learning," note Darling-Hammond and Berry (1998). Lack of professional development for technology use is one of the most serious obstacles to fully integrating technology into the curriculum (Fatemi, 1999; Office of Technology Assessment, 1995; Panel on Educational Technology, 1997). Overview | Goals | Action Options | Pitfalls | Different Viewpoints | Cases | Contacts | References Connection to Student Learning. Hands-On Technology Use.
Association of Intervention Specialists Tech & Learning University Professional Development & Program Evaluation A Special Sparkle WEBSITE-CONTENTS Website contents are organized by book chapter. 1. Orientation to Online Teaching and Learning 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Building the Course Foundation: Outcomes, Syllabus, and Course Online 10. Appendix A - Writing Learning Outcomes Appendix B - Using the Standards Checklist Contents
Needs Assessment Making Learning Fun Tioki — Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Connected. EdTech Leaders Online: Online PD Teachers and school leaders need flexible access to high-quality, engaging professional development that is immediately applicable in their schools and classrooms, is aligned to Standards, builds communities of learners and provides hands-on experience with new technology tools for learning. ETLO online professional development courses help teachers and school leaders update their content knowledge and pedagogical skills, align teaching to the Common Core, learn new assessment strategies, incorporate technology tools effectively, differentiate and personalize instruction, address diverse learning needs and styles, integrate project based learning approaches and more! In the current budget environment, educational organizations are seeking proven, capacity-building approaches that can be adapted and grown to meet their particular needs and sustained locally in a cost-effective way. ETLO courses qualify for CEUs through local universities.