David Friedman Photography: Blog: Inventors Archives It’s been way too long since I’ve posted one of these. This is my portrait of Steven Sasson, inventor of the digital camera. He was the 32nd inventor in my project. I shot him in October at Kodak’s headquarters in Rochester, just a couple weeks before President Obama awarded him the National Medal of Technology. When he initially mentioned that the first digital camera held 30 pictures, I assumed that was due to the storage capacity of the digital tape. Here are a couple photos from our shoot, as seen in the video: Update: A few people have commented on the upholstery, so I thought I’d expound on that a little bit: The only room made available to me for shooting at Kodak was the lobby, which wasn’t very inspiring.
Creating a WebQuest | It's Easier Than You Think Always wanted to make a WebQuest but not sure where to start? Education World has all the answers and can make the process easy for you. WebQuests are probably the most talked-about and widely used Web-based activities in today's classrooms. What are WebQuests? "I hear and I forget. "A WebQuest," according to Bernie Dodge, the originator of the WebQuest concept, "is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. Education World asked two educators who have created their own WebQuests to share with us the benefits they bring to their classroom. WebQuests, which use the constructivist approach to learning, are a super learning tool, said Kenton Letkeman, creator of a number of excellent WebQuests. "With many research projects," Letkeman told Education World, "students feel that they are sucking up information and regurgitating it onto paper for no other reason than to get a good grade. Looking for WebQuests to check out?
Google Earth Library » Google Earth Network Links Explained Network Links are a very powerful, but very simple, feature of Google Earth that every Google Earth user should understand. Also, EVERY Google Earth content developer that hosts KML/KMZ files online should understand Network Links and make use of them when it makes sense. So take a couple minutes and read below to learn how to make use of this powerful feature of Google Earth. Background: Normally when you add custom KML content to you My Places, all of the data included with that custom KML file gets added to your main myplaces.kml file (saved under Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Google\GoogleEarth\myplaces.kml). If instead, you decide to use a Network Link, some important things will happen: Instead of your myplaces.kml file becoming 15 megabytes larger, it will only become 1-2 kilobytes larger. How does all this happen? Creating a Network Link: If your still reading, then I must have convinced you Network Links are a good thing. Content Developers: That’s it.
8 Jules Verne Inventions That Came True (Pictures) Building Your Class Website Lesson Plans and Teacher Timesavers - Huge Collection - Instant Lessons View Collection Need Tons of New Worksheets? - 50,000+ printables - Save Time! View Now... Building Your Class Website The Design Process: Build It The first step in making your web site is to actually write the programming code for the web pages. Writing in HTML can be accomplished in one of two ways: the easy way and the hard way. The most popular graphical web-editors include Microsoft Frontpage, Adobe GoLive, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Allaire Homesite. If you want make an appealing web site, you may need more than just an editor to get the job done. The Design Process: Show It to the World For some reason a great deal of people seem to think that once you have made an HTML document, your page is on the web. You can get web space free, or if you want your own domain name, you can pay for space on a server. Free Servers- TeAch-nology- 1. 2. General Web Services:
Video: Roiling Sun Captured From All Angles | Wired Science When it comes to solar storms, there’s no longer any place to hide. For the first time, solar scientists have obtained simultaneous views of the entire sun, both the front and back sides. The unprecedented 360-degree panorama, released by NASA on Feb. 6, combines sharp images of the sun’s front side recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory with those from NASA’s twin Stereo spacecraft, which have just begun an eight-year exploration of the rotating sun’s far side. The images can also capture eruptions on the back side so short-lived that they disappear before that region of the sun rotates into view, says Stereo scientist Joseph Gurman of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The new Stereo images resolve features on the sun about 2,400 kilometers [1,500 miles] across. Video: This solar portrait captures the far side of the sun, hidden from Earth’s view, as een by NASA’s twin Stereo spacecraft. See Also:
How To Use Wiki In The Classroom - eLearning Industry What is Wiki? Wiki is an online application that allows users to contribute to or edit its content. Meaning “quick” in the Hawaiian language, wiki is a creative and open environment where everyone has a voice. The significance of wiki lies in the fact that there is no assigned “leader” or “head writer”. The founder of wiki, Ward Cunningham, described his creation as “the simplest online database that could possibly work”. Yet what makes wiki so unique (in most cases anyone can add or change content on a wiki website) has also given it a bad reputation among most educators. Why Teachers Should Use Wiki in the Classroom? Incorporating wiki into the classroom provides a very different kind of online experience for your students. By giving students more control over a project’s outcome, you are encouraging them to be producers, rather than just consumers, of information. In order to watch this video you need to have advertising cookies enabled. You can adjust your cookie preferences here.
Science Tricks - Video, Clip - ROFL.TO Eine spannende Mischung aus Musikvideos, alten und neuen Filmen, spannenden Fernsehserien der ProSiebenSat.1-Gruppe und lustigen Videos bietet die Internet-Community MyVideo. So wie verschiedene Medienunternehmen urheberrechtlich geschützte Filme und Serien kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen, können auch Mitglieder bei MyVideo eigene Fun Videos kostenlos hochladen und mit anderen teilen. Zur leichteren sprachlichen und regionalen Verständigung steht MyVideo in verschiedenen Sprachen und Webauftritten zur Verfügung. Zusammengefasst: Mit Funny Videos Spaß haben auf MyVideo Unbegrenzt: Riesige Auswahl an Musik, TV und Filmen Auf der MyVideo Webseite versammeln sich alle beliebten Medien wie Musik, TV und Filme aller Art. Einzigartig: Eigene Fun Videos hochladen und teilen Neben Musik, Filmen und Serien nehmen vor allem beliebte Videos aller Art eine tragende Rolle im MyVideo-Angebot ein. Mitgemacht: Mittendrin bei MyVideo und Facebook Empfehlenswert: Lustige Videos sehen mit der MyVideo App
Build Your ThingLink Classroom The start of the New Year seems like the perfect time to review teacher management features to make it simpler for students to signup, create and collaborate with ThingLink. We hope you will find these quick video tutorials with accompanying written directions to be helpful. In addition, we invite you to attend our upcoming webinar, Build Your ThingLink Classroom, on January 13th at 8:00 PM EDT for a comprehensie overview of features with ideas for integration. Create a ThingLink If you are new to ThingLink, watch this video to help you create your first ThingLink. Teacher Signup If you are a teacher, you should be working in our ThingLink EDU space. Student Signup Sign in with Google Account If your school uses Google Apps for Education, students can easily sign up for a ThingLink account with their Google username and password. This student account is not yet associated with a teacher account, but that’s easy to do. Sign in with Teacher Created Accounts Sign In with Student Email Accounts