So, you want to become a Brewmaster? | fermentarium Think you have what it takes to be a brewmaster? While practice does make you a better brewer, the best way to advance your skill is to train to become a Brewmaster. This means you’ll need education and hands-on experience. Types of people perusing these paths are: Someone who wants to be a professional brewerSomeone who wants to open a brewery of their ownSomeone who wants a higher position in the brewing industry One possible path to become a Beer Jedi is to attend a vocational school. Siebel Institute of Technology The Siebel Institute is one of the premier trade schools for beer. Siebel offers a 12 week course called the “WBA International Diploma In Brewing Technology”. This school has campuses in Chicago, Montreal, and Munich. 12 week on campus program which includes several weeks of practical training in MunichInternationally recognizedPrerequisites are mathematics and chemistry, including a assessment to determine your readiness for the courseworkSiebel Institute of Technology
How to Buy a House -- A guide for first-time home buyers Welcome! I'm a writer and a real estate investor, so it made sense to combine those jobs to produce this ultra-comprehensive guide to how to buy a house. I've bought and sold several homes, and my writing specialty is making things easy to understand, so I'm in a good position to help you know what you need to know to buy a house (or a condo, or townhome, if that's what you're looking for). This might have actually been the first guide to home-buying on the Internet, launching around 1999. This site contains a lot more than a typical pamphlet or even what you'd learn from most real estate agents. ...and lots more. I believe everything here to be accurate, but of course it's "use at your own risk". Ready to get started? If you liked this site then you might like some of my other sites: How to Find Cheap Airfare How to Save Electricity How to get listed & ranked well in Google
Brewing Cider - Apple cider homebrew. Pressing apples. cider making and brewing, equipment and techniques THE SMALL BREWING SYSTEMS PAGEPlease read this if you are considering a system smaller than 7 barrels Please take the time to read this if you are considering buying a system smaller than 7 barrels for a start-up..... Links below provide additional information. This page is designed to inform buyers interested in what we'll call Mini-Micro brewing systems, which for our purposes are those under 7 barrels in batch size. Most of the one seen on the used market fall between 3 and 4 barrels in size. There are a few 1 to 2 barrel systems that show up from time to time, and a very few 5 barrel ones exist as well...5 barrels is actually the rarest of all sizes on the used market. There are one or two applications we feel Mini-Micro plants are good for, and quite a few more that they are not good for. 1. 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. We can’t think of any other applications where they make sense, either financially or logically. We have a love-hate relationship with small systems. 16. 17. We are willing to sell a buyer any size system that he wants, if we have it available.
Virginia Small Business Grants -Resources and Grants for Small Businesses in Virginia Do not fall for the hype – the truth about grants is that very few if any federal grants are available to individuals. The federal government does, however, award grants to state and local governments to help them with economic development, and these are the grants you might be able to take advantage of in financing your small business. For example, some states provide grants for expanding child care centers; creating energy efficient technology; and developing marketing campaigns for tourism. Among the business financing resources listed below, you might find a suitable grant. These grants are not necessarily free money, and usually require the recipient to match funds or combine the grant with other forms of financing such as a loan. If you cannot find a grant available from the state financial resources shown below, do not give up! Small Business Resource Web Portal Virginia Economic Development Partnership Small Business Grant Programs Financing a Business in Virginia
Home Brewing Supplies | Hop and Grain Home Brewing Supplies | Copper Kettle | 財政部訂定「財政部酒品認證標誌評審基準-啤酒」 | 法律事務所-台灣法律網 財政部 令中華民國100年8月22日台財庫字第10003505440號 訂定「財政部酒品認證標誌評審基準-啤酒」,自即日生效。 附「財政部酒品認證標誌評審基準-啤酒」 部長 李述德 依分層負責規定授權單位主管決行 財政部酒品認證標誌評審基準-啤酒 1目的 本基準係為辦理財政部酒品認證標誌而制訂,其目的在於規範啤酒製造業者(以下簡稱業者)之製造、包裝及儲運等過程中,有關人員、建築、設施、設備之設置及衛生、製程及品質等管理作業,均能符合良好衛生規範,並藉適當運用危害分析重要管制點(HACCP)系統之原則,以防範在衛生安全條件不佳、可能引起污染或品質劣化之環境下作業,並減少作業錯誤之發生及建立健全之自主管理體系,以確保啤酒產品之衛生安全及穩定品質。 2適用範圍 本基準適用於經財政部許可設立之業者自行糖化、發酵、產製並經完整包裝之啤酒產品。 3專門用詞定義 3.1酒類:指含酒精成分以容量計算超過0.5%之飲料、其他可供製造或調製上述飲料之食用酒精及其他製品,但經中央衛生主管機關依相關法律或法規命令認屬藥品之含酒精製劑,不屬酒類產品。 4廠(場)區環境 4.1廠(場)區不得設置於易遭受污染或造成公共危害之區域。 5廠(場)房及設施 5.1廠(場)房配置與區隔5.1.1廠(場)房應依作業流程需要及衛生、安全要求,有序而整齊之配置,以避免交叉污染。 6機器設備 6.1所有酒品製造、調配、加工、包裝及貯存等機器設備之設計和構造,應能防止危害酒品衛生、易於清洗消毒(儘可能易於拆卸)並容易檢查。 7品管設備 7.1廠(場)房內應設置足夠之檢驗設備(儀器),供例行之品管檢驗及判定原料、半成品及成品之衛生及品質。 8衛生管理 8.1業者應制訂衛生管理標準書,並據以確實執行。 9製程及品質管制 9.1業者應制訂製程及品質管制標準書,並據以確實執行,以確保產出酒品之品質穩定及衛生安全。 10倉儲與運輸管制 10.1倉庫應經常予以整理、整頓,貯存物品應與地面保持適當距離。 11標示 11.1啤酒產品經包裝出售者,其標示之項目及內容應以中文及通用符號標示,並符合「菸酒管理法」之相關規定;該法未規定者,適用其他中央主管機關相關法令之規定。 12客訴處理與成品回收 12.1應建立客訴處理制度,對顧客提出之書面或口頭抱怨與建議,應立即追查原因,妥予改善,同時派人向提出抱怨或建議之顧客說明原因(或道歉)與致意。 13紀錄處理 14人員資格 資料來源:財政部
How do I figure my food cost? | O'Dell Restaurant Consulting's Blog Calculating how much the food you sell costs you to sell is a very important practice in running a profitable restaurant. Knowledge is power, and knowing your food cost compared to your sales and your ideal food cost is very empowering information. By figuring your food cost percentage, you have an early warning system to alert you to potential theft and waste. Before we get into the process for calculating food cost, it’s good to talk about how often this should be done. You are going to need to track a few pieces of information to calculate your food costs. How much is my starting inventory for the period I am evaluating? This is all the information necessary to calculate actual food costs for any given period. In addition to knowing your actual food costs, you’ll need a couple other pieces of information to compare the actual food cost to: What is your ideal food cost for the period being evaluated? Now let’s go one step at a time to get these powerful pieces of information. Like this:
Penderyn Distillery | The home of Welsh Whisky Restaurant Accounting - Restaurant Finance - Inventory Your Food Cost! by Ron Gorodesky and Kate Lange The food is great, the service fabulous and the restaurant is busier than ever - but are you wondering why the bottom line isn't all it should be? Check your FOOD COST. Despite its importance, we find many restaurant managers do not calculate food cost correctly, or if they do, they do not fully understand the process. 10 Restaurant Marketing Tips for 2014... Get More Customers! Join us for a can't miss webinar session on marketing for 2014. Register now... CALCULATING FOOD COST Keeping in mind you want to eventually compare your food cost with industry averages, how you determine the numbers must be consistent with industry practices. Food Cost = Cost of Food Sales / Food Sales Establish a specific time period for analysis. TIME FRAME Working with your accountant and managers, set up a regular time frame to analyze food cost. TIME FRAME: Start Date_______End Date_______ FOOD SALES (including coffee, juices and non-alcoholic beverages): A
Hugo Award for Best Novel The Hugo Award for Best Novel is one of the Hugo Awards given each year for science fiction or fantasy stories published in English or translated into English during the previous calendar year. The novel award is available for works of fiction of 40,000 words or more; awards are also given out in the short story, novelette, and novella categories. The Hugo Award for Best Novel has been awarded annually since 1953, except in 1954 and 1957. In addition to the regular Hugo awards, beginning in 1996 Retrospective Hugo Awards, or "Retro Hugos", have been available to be awarded for 50, 75, or 100 years prior. Retro Hugos may only be awarded for years in which a World Science Fiction Convention, or Worldcon, was hosted, but no awards were originally given.[1] To date, Retro Hugo awards have been given for novels for 1946, 1951, and 1954.[2] During the 61 nomination years, 129 authors have had works nominated; 43 of these have won, including co-authors and Retro Hugos. Retro Hugos[edit]
2004 American League Championship Series Route to the series[edit] Boston Red Sox[edit] The Red Sox ended their 2003 season in the previous American League Championship Series with a game seven loss to the Yankees, on a walk-off home run by Yankees third baseman Aaron Boone in the bottom of the 11th inning.[5] During the offseason, they traded Casey Fossum, Brandon Lyon, Jorge de la Rosa, and a minor leaguer to the Arizona Diamondbacks for ace starting pitcher Curt Schilling.[6] Manager Grady Little was also fired and replaced with Terry Francona due to poor decisions that Little made during the previous season's playoffs.[7] The Red Sox also signed a closing pitcher, Keith Foulke, to a three-year contract.[8] New York Yankees[edit] The 2004 Yankees began the season in Tokyo with a split against the Rays. Series build-up[edit] The Red Sox and Yankees had met 45 times in the previous two years, with Boston holding a 23–22 lead. Game summaries[edit] Game 1[edit] Game 2[edit] Game 3[edit] Game 4[edit]