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[APP][BETA]USB Cleaver - USB Password Recovery Tool [APP][BETA]USB Cleaver - USB Password Recovery Tool Hi there! Those of you who are familiar with USB Haksaw or USB Switchblade then you probably know what this app is all about. For those who a not familiar GOTO Description just like the USB Switchblade you can select the payload you want to use to shorten the hack time. This program is very beta! : Description The goal of the USB Cleaver is to silently recover information from a target Windows 2000 or higher computer, including password hashes, LSA secrets, IP information, etc... beauty lies in the fact that the payload can run silently and without modifying the system or sending network traffic, making it near invisible. : Payloads : Disclaimer This program will hold no responsibility for your action. [DualBoot TF101] - [Wx86/Wx64] Tubuntu dual boot one click tool [USB Cleaver] [APP] [BETA] - Password recovery and foresics tool.

Cryptocat XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Cheat Sheet Last revision (mm/dd/yy): 07/4/2018 This cheat sheet lists a series of XSS attacks that can be used to bypass certain XSS defensive filters. Please note that input filtering is an incomplete defense for XSS which these tests can be used to illustrate. Basic XSS Test Without Filter Evasion This is a normal XSS JavaScript injection, and most likely to get caught but I suggest trying it first (the quotes are not required in any modern browser so they are omitted here): XSS Locator (Polygot) The following is a "polygot test XSS payload." javascript:/*--></title></style></textarea></script></xmp><svg/onload='+/"/+/onmouseover=1/+/[*/[]/+alert(1)//'> Image XSS using the JavaScript directive Image XSS using the JavaScript directive (IE7.0 doesn't support the JavaScript directive in context of an image, but it does in other contexts, but the following show the principles that would work in other tags as well: No quotes and no semicolon Case insensitive XSS attack vector HTML entities Malformed A tags <! <!

John the Ripper password cracker John the Ripper is free and Open Source software, distributed primarily in source code form. If you would rather use a commercial product tailored for your specific operating system, please consider John the Ripper Pro, which is distributed primarily in the form of "native" packages for the target operating systems and in general is meant to be easier to install and use while delivering optimal performance. This version integrates lots of contributed patches adding GPU support (OpenCL and CUDA), support for a hundred of additional hash and cipher types (including popular ones such as NTLM, raw MD5, etc., and even things such as encrypted OpenSSH private keys, ZIP and RAR archives, PDF files, etc.), as well as some optimizations and features. Unfortunately, its overall quality is lower than the official version's. To verify authenticity and integrity of your John the Ripper downloads, please use our PGP public key. There's a wiki section with John the Ripper user community resources.

Essential Wireless Hacking Tools By Daniel V. Hoffman, CISSP, CWNA, CEH Anyone interested in gaining a deeper knowledge of wireless security and exploiting vulnerabilities will need a good set of base tools with which to work. Fortunately, there are an abundance of free tools available on the Internet. This list is not meant to be comprehensive in nature but rather to provide some general guidance on recommended tools to build your toolkit. Finding Wireless Networks Locating a wireless network is the first step in trying to exploit it. Network Stumbler a.k.a NetStumbler – This Windows based tool easily finds wireless signals being broadcast within range – A must have. (NetStumbler Screenshot) Kismet – One of the key functional elements missing from NetStumbler is the ability to display Wireless Networks that are not broadcasting their SSID. (Kismet Screenshot) Attaching to the Found Wireless Network Once you’ve found a wireless network, the next step is to try to connect to it. (Screenshot of Airsnort in Action)

hackhaven Ophcrack ActivePerl is Perl for Windows, Mac, Linux, AIX, HP-UX & Solaris ActivePerl Business and Enterprise Editions feature our precompiled, supported, quality-assured Perl distribution used by millions of developers around the world for easy Perl installation and quality-assured code. When you're using Perl on production servers or mission-critical applications, ActivePerl Business and Enterprise Editions offer significant time savings over open source Perl for installing, managing, and standardizing your Perl . If you are using ActivePerl for production, redistribution, on terminal servers, for thin client for app deployment (i.e. on MS Terminal Services, Citrix XenApp or File Servers), or for use on HP-UX/AIX/Solaris then ActivePerl Community Edition is not the right license for you. Please contact us for Business Edition or Enterprise Edition options. Not sure which edition is right for you? Tested, Timely and Compatible ActivePerl Business and Enterprise Editions include: Reduce Risk with Commercially Supported Perl Extended Platform and Version Support

Patator – Le logiciel de bruteforce universel Patator – Le logiciel de bruteforce universel Si vous souhaitez tester la force de vos mots de passe afin de déterminer si un hacker chinois peut peut en venir à bout avec un simple bruteforce, il vous faut : Des dictionnairesPythonEt un patator ! Ou plutôt Patator, un script python mis au point par Sébastien Macke, capable de bruteforcer un peu tout et n'importe quoi, que ce soit SSH, SMTP, MySQL, VNC et même les fichiers zip et les DNS (c'est à dire pour débusquer certains sous-domaines inconnus). Le script est téléchargeable ici. Pour les dictionnaires, je vous recommande d'en récupérer ici, mais sinon, y'en a plein sur le net (et des outils pour les générer aussi). Faites-en bon usage. Photo et source Vous avez aimé cet article ?

How I cracked my neighbor’s WiFi password without breaking a sweat Last week's feature explaining why passwords are under assault like never before touched a nerve with many Ars readers, and with good reason. After all, passwords are the keys that secure Web-based bank accounts, sensitive e-mail services, and virtually every other facet of our online life. Lose control of the wrong password and it may only be a matter of time until the rest of our digital assets fall, too. Take, for example, the hundreds of millions of WiFi networks in use all over the world. First, the good news. What's more, WPA and WPA2 passwords require a minimum of eight characters, eliminating the possibility that users will pick shorter passphrases that could be brute forced in more manageable timeframes. That's not to say wireless password cracks can't be accomplished with ease, as I learned firsthand. I started this project by setting up two networks with hopelessly insecure passphrases. Brother, can you spare a deauth frame? It was the neighborly thing to do

Hidden iframe injection attacks | Structured Randomness [Updated on October 27, 2009 with new a version of the script] It is a shame that after all those posts about security, some of my websites were under attack today. Shoban and Anand emailed me about this today morning (Thanks guys) and I tried to understand what was going on. To my utter disbelief more than 10 websites hosted in the same server were affected by the attack. All the index.* files in the server were infected with a piece of code that loaded a hidden iframe in the page. To the html pages the following piece of code was added: To php pages it added: echo “<iframe src=\” Asha took the effort and cleaned most of the infected files. How did the worm inject the hidden iframes to my files? There are two ways through which the worm is believed to infect your files: 1) Server is compromised This is the most common way. 2) Client side FTP The worm resides in some/any of the client side PCs you use for accessing the ftp/control panel accounts of your hosting server.

Hack/Steal Wifi Password very easily ~ Pak Maize | All Current Affairs | Download Full Free Software, Blogging Tips, And Many More If you are living nearby someones WiFi hotspot and every time your laptop search for connection its showing up but you don't have passwords. Or you just want to grab someones WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi hotspot key or passwords. Don't worry... In this tutorial I’ll show How to hack/steal a WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi password through a bootable USB. 3. Some few steps you should to do ( WEP): 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. To creak WPA/WPA2 follow this image instruction. Let me know if you have done it successfully or you have any complicity.
