Sail the Book Today’s Education Should Be About Giving Learners Voice and Choice Some of the recurring themes of my conference presentations and blog posts include: The underlying theme of all of my ideas, of all of my blog posts is about setting up the conditions where learners’ choice and voice flourish. I have come to believe that the only real education is one that fully embraces learner choice and voice. All instructional practices in this era of learning should revolve around learner choice and voice: Education works when people have opportunities to find and develop unaccessed or unknown voices and skills. Internet accessibility, technologies that permit the user-generated media, and social media allow for unlimited potential for learner choice and voice. Learner Choice can be facilitated through: Learner Voice can be facilitated by: Giving learners an opportunity to use their unique voices to show what they know-what they learned (see UDL’s multiple means of action and expression).Giving learners options to use their voice in a way that works best for them.
Vocabulary Lessons: Flipped, Collaborative & Student Centered Students who are avid readers have better vocabularies. This is a fact that most teachers are well aware of. However, many students do not fit this description and even those who read regularly are unlikely to encounter high level vocabulary in the novels they select. The Common Core Standards require students expand their vocabularies, use context clues to uncover the meaning of unfamiliar words, understand word relationships and word patterns. In addition to the various texts we read in class, I include SAT vocabulary in my curriculum. This year I changed my approach and began using the following approach to teaching vocabulary. Making Prediction Based on Context Clues I begin by presenting students, in small groups of 3-4, with 15 sentences. This activity requires that they analyze the sentences, how the word is used, the part of speech to “determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases” using context clues. Flip Vocabulary Instruction Presenting
The Teacher's Guide To Flipped Classrooms Since Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams first experimented with the idea in their Colorado classrooms in 2004, flipped learning has exploded onto the larger educational scene. It’s been one of the hottest topics in education for several years running and doesn’t seem to be losing steam. Basically, it all started when Bergman and Sams first came across a technology that makes it easy to record videos. They had a lot of students that regularly missed class and saw an opportunity to make sure that missing class didn’t mean missing out on the lessons. Once students had the option of reviewing the lessons at home, the teachers quickly realized the shift opened up additional time in class for more productive, interactive activities than the lectures they’d been giving. And voila: a movement began. A 2014 survey from the Flipped Learning network found that 78% of teachers said they’d flipped a lesson, and 96% of those that tried it said they’d recommend it. What is a flipped classroom? 1. 2. 3. 1.
11 Simple Ways To Start Using Technology In Your Classroom Via Edudemic If you’re on the education technology fence, you probably can’t decide which device or app is the best one to really use. You aren’t sure if you want to jump into the edtech pool with Evernote, Moodle, an iPad, a Chromebook, or some other hot new product or service. And that’s just the apps. What if there was some sort of time-saving handy visual that could help you dream up nearly a dozen new ways to use technology in your classroom? This article was featured on Edudemic on September 16 2014 and was written by Jeff Dunn. The Four Pillars of Flipped Learning Note: Today’s guest post was written by Jessica Yarbro, George Mason University, Patrick McKnight, Ph.D., George Mason University, Kari M. Arfstrom, Ph.D. Executive Director, Flipped Learning Network and Katherine McKnight, Ph.D. Pearson’s Center for Educator Learning & Effectiveness. While various new learning styles are making headway in the classroom, none more than Flipped Learning has made such an impact. In fact, a 2014 survey, conducted by the Flipped Learning Network™ (FLN) and Sophia Learning, revealed that in a matter of two years, the FLN has seen a 700% growth in teachers joining the FLN community, which now is comprised of more than 20,000 educators. FLN leaders determined that there is a difference (and that they are not interchangeable) between Flipped Learning and the Flipped Classroom – which has been misused by many. The Four Pillars Flexible Environment Educators create flexible spaces where students choose when and where they learn.
Fruits of Flip Side Classrooms | digitalLEARNING Magazine Flipped Classroom is a process that would turn around the traditional technique of teaching methodology, shifting focus from lecture delivering to student learning. Zankrut Oza, Assistant Professor, VES Institute of Management Studies and Research (VESIM) shares an overview of the flipped classroom “You will be doing your students a much greater service by reducing the amount of material that you are covering and actually ensuring that students are learning it, rather than making sure that you are ticking off everyone checkpoint in your ideal syllabus. Learning comes from practice, and you have to help and teach your students to practice just as you help and give them the basic knowledge and skills of your discipline,” said by James M. Lang, Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty. Zankrut Oza, Assistant Professor, VES Institute of Management Studies and Research (VESIM) New Buzzword Students of this generation love technology. Flipped Classroom-Need F – Flexible Environment
Des élèves apprennent leurs leçons à la maison et font leurs devoirs à l'école TORONTO – À l’aube de la rentrée scolaire, de plus en plus de parents se montrent intéressés par la «classe inversée», une nouvelle tendance dans le milieu de l’éducation dans laquelle l’enfant apprend ses leçons à la maison et fait ses devoirs à l’école. Dans le cadre de ce programme, les élèves visionnent une vidéo en ligne qui lui permet de maîtriser les notions et après, il se rend en classe pour mettre en pratique ces apprentissages. Cette méthode d’enseignement est de plus en plus répandue au pays alors que les vidéos sont facilement accessibles, en l’occurrence à l’aide du site YouTube ou par un téléchargement quelconque. L’école secondaire Sir William Mulock, à Newmarket, en Ontario, a décidé de faire le saut. Donna Green, professeure de mathématiques, a opté pour ce virage dans sa classe de 10e année (l’équivalent de la quatrième année du secondaire au Québec). «Ce que j’aime avec cela, c’est que je passe plus de temps avec les étudiants qu’à écrire au tableau.
A Wonderful App for Students to Showcase Their Learning August 21, 2015 30hands is an excellent app to use with students in class. You can use it for a wide variety of purposes from creating demos and tutorials to crafting visually appealing presentations and videos. Students can use it to create multimedia productions showcasing their learning in the form of a slideshow with audio narration, or through an audio-enhanced image portfolios to mention but a few examples. 30hands is also great for digital storytelling. ‘For teachers Flipping the Classroom or older students creating presentations in Slides, PPT, Keynote: - Bring all slides into 30hands in 1 step then narrate + annotate to create a flipped video or project video - It takes < 1 minute in 30hands PRO vs. ~15 min in 30hands FREE vs. 30+ min in other apps - This can save huge amounts of time and obstacles to flipping the classroom - Output for flipped videos can be published at High Res for easier reading when text is used ’ 30hands is available in two versions: free and pro.
Trying to dig deep with a flipped classroom | Innovative pedagogy – Dean Pearman As Prensky highlights that the technology today’s learners have grown up with has ‘induced today’s students to think and process information fundamentally different from their predecessors’ (Prensky 2001, p.1). We know our students access, process and create information in very different ways and are moving away from more classical approaches to teaching and learning in order to engage students and move beyond retention. It is a mistake to focus solely on the technology as its the active lesson which really makes this a powerful pedagogical approach to learning. If we look at this in the context of a ‘traditional’ classroom most of the focus is on the remembering and understanding stages of Bloom’s Taxonomy, processing information and content. Bloom’s Taxonomy © No expert support, no feedback, no collaboration. Lets flip Bloom for the 21st century, it now looks like this. Where to start It’s important to start a flipped journey well and sensibly. The setup
To Flip or Not to Flip Your Classroom To Flip or Not to Flip: The Only Question Should Be When! Guest post by South Florida State College and Florida Keys Community College instructor, Erik Christensen, written for the quarterly educator newsletter The Learning Lounge. What would you do if all of your students read the textbook and studied online lecture videos BEFORE each class? My Classroom Anyone walking past my classroom would see a chaotic place with students huddled in groups, some students roaming around the class talking with others, and others looking up things on their laptop, tablet, or phone. My Results Anecdotally, it is easy to say that flipping my classes works. “I really enjoyed the flipped classroom. My Implementation Orchestrating a flipped classroom is more complex and requires more advanced planning than simply lecturing and assigning homework. Before Class “Using both Camtasia and Snagit in my flipped classroom has really transformed me from feeling like a chalkstar to a rockstar!” During Class After class
La classe inversée c’est du Freinet 2.0 Le 1er Congrès National sur la classe inversée a eu lieu les 3 et 4 juillet 2015 au lycée Montaigne à Paris. Les enseignants sont venus, très nombreux, de tous les coins de France et même de l'étranger au point que les organisateurs ont été obligés de limiter l'accès à cet évènement faute de place. L'association Inversons la classe créée en 2014, organisatrice de ce Congrès se donne pour objectifs de « diffuser le travail des pionniers, pour que la classe inversée fasse partie de la boîte à outils de chaque enseignant, qu'il souhaite l'utiliser ou non. »Le succès de ce premier congrès ne surprend pas Héloise DUFOUR qui préside l'association. « Pourquoi 99% des enseignants qui se sont lancés dans la classe inversée veulent continuer l'année d'après ? C'est parce que s'il y a des élèves qui n'adhèrent pas, par rapport au nombre d'élèves que l'on perd ou qu'on ne touche pas quand on est dans le face à face, il n'y a pas photo ! On comprend alors le succès fulgurant de l'association.