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Online Ear Training Games

Online Ear Training Games

Présentations multimédia Des présentations multimédia utilisables en classe (élaborées par l’équipe TICE de l’Académie de BORDEAUX) Les objectifs : permettre à l'enseignant * D'aborder d'une manière différente les activités du cours d'Education Musicale * De travailler de manière ciblée sur quelques capacités et connaissances précises, en privilégiant l'interactivité * D'accéder de manière souple et aisée aux extraits sonores, images, textes, réunis dans le même document, * D'exploiter toutes les possibilités pédagogiques offertes par les associations visuel-auditif : textes, mots de vocabulaire, illustrations, extraits de partitions, graphismes divers, questionnaires et tableaux à compléter, documents iconographiques, extraits vidéo sont associés à l'écoute et l'analyse d'extraits sonores * De stimuler la curiosité et la participation active des élèves en proposant des exercices variés * De favoriser par les exercices proposés l'évaluation des capacités et connaissances acquises par les élèves Quelques précisions

Pattern Block Rock by David Tulga Pattern Block Rock- adding whole numbers to make rhythms - The Pattern Block Rock activity connects your knowledge of geometric shapes and equivalency to musical notes and rhythms. Simply choose your pattern blocks and press play — your pattern will transform into a musical composition you can see and hear! Here's how it works: How to play the Pattern Blocks: Scroll down until to see the Pattern Blocks — they're near the bottom of the page. Technical Note: You must have Macromedia Flash Player 6 for this activity to work. Home Copyright © 2004 Phil Tulga Web Design by DT Tech

FAITH, FITNESS, FUN Bird News “The Fake Headlines” Cover for Yellow Bird Project “GOOD PEOPLE ROCK” is now available for pre-order via PledgeMusic. Help support Yellow Bird Project and their charities by funding the campaign for the compilation album that includes Andrew’s rendition of The New Pornographers tune “The Fake Headlines”. Listen: Donate: In other musical news, Andrew and his old timey band will be performing at this year’s Calgary Folk Music Festival July 24-27. Stay tuned for tickets & full lineup coming soon. Bonnaroo & Summer Tour Dates Announced! Today we announce the summer’s first slew of shows, both large and small… Andrew will be touring with a band he’s calling the Hands of Glory – an old timey acoustic configuration featuring Tift Merritt, Alan Hampton, and Eric Heywood on pedal steel. BONNAROO! Bonnaroo 2014 Just announced! Tickets & more info HERE.

14 Mantras For Transformation Yesterday at a cafe I overheard a sad and astonishing conversation. Two women about the same age were talking nearby me in line. The first said, “Yep, I turn 33 tomorrow. And hey, it’s ALL downhill from here, right? "I mean, I’ll just never be this young or in shape again. Her friend nodded somberly in agreement, her blonde ponytail bobbing. I couldn’t help but surreptitiously scan both of their faces for traces of irony or humor. I mean, they were just SO completely wrong in so many different ways. Because the truth is that our reality is deeply informed by how we see it, and by the limiting thoughts habitually formed in our minds. But believe that you’re barely getting started (I tell myself that every day) and the Divine can bring miracles beyond anything the ego can imagine. So here’s some mantras of Divine intercession on a whole slew of topics. I recommend doing whichever ones you need for at least twenty-one days to help the mind recalibrate. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Télécharger de la musique libre et gratuite A Nerd Of Advice podcast Sometimes there are questions that you can't ask Miss Manners. Questions such as; "Can we have both Dwarves and Orcs in our wedding party?", "Is it inappropriate to wear my white fanny pack after Labor Day?" Holly and Sara are those someones. A Nerd Of Advice will be a weekly free podcast. We plan to use the money from the Kickstarter to purchase microphones & good headphones, and to pay someone to edit the podcast for us.

Earthing: When was the last time you hugged a tree? So, I’ve mentioned before my “hippie” ways. I like living a natural life. I believe that God is really, REALLY smart and that He created an amazing world that works so synergistically that far too often our “man-made” ways have messed up with the natural balance of things… You know, like processed foods, over-dosing on pharmaceuticals, and shoes. Did I just say shoes are a problem? Sure did. As a modern dancer I’ve come to love the freedom of moving without restrictive shoes. Earthing. (This is where I put a flower in my hair and start singing “kumbaya” while hugging a tree.) What I’m about to say may sound like a too-hippie-for-most idea, but hear me out. So what is earthing? It’s both a very simple and very complex concept. Back in the “good old days,” people were much more connected to the earth. Consider this: The electric charges of the earth are really important for us humans. We believe that normal inflammation veers out of control because of lost contact with the Earth.

Ask Personal Trainers FREE Exercise Information Physical Fitness ... stereomood – emotional internet radio - music for my mood and activities 70 Year Old Prophecy : The Earth Will Soon Be Swept By Extraordinary Rapid Waves of Cosmic Electricity Note: While I’m not one to read too much into prophesy, and I have not heard of this man before now, I did find this one to be quite interesting! — Editor Found via RMN: The prophecy was written 70 years ago.. and it’s absolutely mind-blowing! Peter Konstantinov Deunov, also known as Beinsa Douno, born in 1886 and who later passed away in 1944, left a prophecy that he had obtained through a trance based state. The prophecy was therefore dated as 1944, a few days before his death in December that year. “During the passage of time, the consciousness of man traversed a very long period of obscurity. A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral. Your present life is a slavery, a heavy prison.

Hawaii Personal Trainer - Personal Fitness Training in Honolulu, Oahu ...
