Rainforest Portal Gapminder Úvodní strana | ekologická architektura, návrhy a realizace přírodních zahrad New global maps detail human-caused ocean acidification A team of scientists has published the most comprehensive picture yet of how acidity levels vary across the world's oceans, providing a benchmark for years to come as enormous amounts of human-caused carbon emissions continue to wind up at sea. "We have established a global standard for future changes to be measured," said Taro Takahashi, a geochemist at Columbia's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory who published the maps with his colleagues in the August issue of the journal Marine Chemistry. The maps provide a monthly look at how ocean acidity rises and falls by season and geographic location, along with saturation levels of calcium carbonate minerals used by shell-building organisms. The maps use 2005 as a reference year and draw on four decades of measurements by Lamont-Doherty scientists and others. The oceans have taken up a quarter of the carbon dioxide humans have put in the atmosphere over the last two hundred years.
Ixchel Ha | A Rain Forest Home Juicy Geography Copenhagen Solutions Lab Data-driven Insights on the California Drought (12/8/2014 8:33:13 AM) A newly released interactive California Drought visualization website aims to provide the public with atlas-like, state-wide coverage of the drought and a timeline of its impacts on water resources. The U.S. Geological Survey developed the interactive website as part of the federal government's Open Water Data Initiative. The drought visualization page features high-tech graphics that illustrate the effect of drought on regional reservoir storage from 2011-2014. For the visualization, drought data are integrated through space and time with maps and plots of reservoir storage. California has been experiencing one of its most severe drought in over a century, and 2013 was the driest calendar year in the state's 119-year recorded history. "USGS is determined to provide managers and residents with timely and meaningful data to help decision making and planning for the state's water resources," said Nate Booth, chief of USGS Water Information.
Permaculture Principles SLN Geography Home Page Welcome from the Staffordshire teachers of Geography Whether you are interested in primary, middle or secondary education, we hope you will find something useful and enriching. You will not regret it! Geography teachers are welcome to join in, wherever you come from in the world (and indeed you do!) This site was started by Chris Durbin and Kate Russell, former Geography Advisers at Staffordshire County Council, with invaluable support from Andy Holt and Mark Gee. Due to to personnel and technical issues this website will not be updated further, but it will remain live and you will still be able to access it. Thank you to each and every one of you who has had anything to do with the success of this website - the technical side, the contributions of resources and ideas, the visitors who have used the site and to the GA for recognising the site in their awards. Quick links London 2012 One of the best sources of Olympics resources for geographers is the GA's Planet Sport Topical activities
České hovězí míří do Kanady. Zasáhla neviditelná ruka trhu, nebo jsme tak levní? ptá se Pavel Maurer | Glosa Pavla Maurera Copak v té obrovské kanadské zemi nemají krávy? diví se Pavel MaurerFoto: pixabay.com Na českém hovězí si nově budou pochutnávat Kanaďané. Radujete se, že se tak podpoří vývoz českých výrobků? Předevčírem jsem si přečetl informaci Státní veterinární zprávy, že naši zemědělci mohou nově vyvážet hovězí maso a produkty z hovězího do Kanady. Neviditelná ruka trhu v akci. Vložit na svůj web Asi bych měl být na tento náš úspěch hrdý, že? Jen si představuji, jak býček putuje: z pole do kravína, z kravína na jatka, odtud tirákem do logistického centra, pak asi náklaďákem nebo vlakem do nějakého evropského přístavu, lodí přes oceán, následně zase autem nebo vlakem a snad už jen několik málo přestupů než přistane v nákupním košíku a posléze v podobě steaku či hamburgeru nějakému Kanaďanovi na talíři. Čtěte také: Neservírují vám restaurace na talíř starou krávu? Česká stračena balí kufry do Toronta Česká stračena není v Česku k mání, míří totiž do Toronta, uvědomuje si Pavel MaurerFoto: pixabay.com