15 Words You Won't Believe They Added to the Dictionary
The Oxford English Dictionary is constantly updating, adding new words to reflect the vibrant changes in language and culture. Of course, that also means that as said culture spirals toward a frightening and retarded oblivion, the good people at Oxford have to be there to chronicle it. Here are some recent additions that make us fear for our future.
7 Bullshit Police Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies)
Hollywood has never been afraid to sacrifice realism for the sake of an entertaining story. And since pretty much every movie or TV show features the police in some way, we as an audience get fed a lot of total horseshit about how the law works and how cops operate in the USA. But as most of us are on the outside of the judicial system (for the moment) we usually don't even realize that what we're being told is incorrect. So we just accept things like... Forensic Science is Magic As Seen On:
Wedding Guestbook Ideas
Most people these days have a guest book at their wedding, it’s a way of your guests writing you a short note that you can look back on in years to come, a memento from your day. The guest book from my own wedding is the only thing my Husband has actually looked at since we got married, he has refused point blank to watch the wedding DVD, and he wouldn’t even look at our wedding photos on our 1st wedding anniversary! So it goes to show that the Guest book can be an important addition to the day itself and the memories afterwards. However along with many long standing wedding traditions, the normal guest book that guests just sign and pass round the room are dying a death. Couples are now looking for new and more interesting ways to get their guests to leave a memento. I often get asked by my couples to give them ideas, so I have put together a few ideas to inspire you.
The List Blog
10. Why are dogs committing suicide by jumpingoff the Overtoun Bridge? The Overtoun Bridge is an arch bridge located near Milton, Scotland, overthe Overtoun Burn. A burn is a term used to describe a type of streamwhich is smaller than a river. Milton is a village in West Dunbartonshire,which is just on the outskirts of Dumbarton. The Overtoun Bridge hasgained public attention because of the unusually large number of dogs thathave allegedly leaped to their deaths off the bridge.
6 Soldiers Who Survived Shit That Would Kill a Terminator
We love us a good badass war story, almost as much as we love a good survival story. But in the overlapping part of that Venn diagram you get these guys, who didn't let what clearly should have been fatal injuries stop them from kicking mind-boggling amounts of ass. Major Robert Cain Kills Many Tanks, While Blind Who? A British army infantryman during the WWII who sported one of the most luxurious mustaches in military history. Devastating Wound(s):
6 Eerily Specific World Events Predicted by Comics
A lot of shit happens in comic books, and a lot of shit happens in real life, so every once in a while they're bound to coincide, right? That still doesn't explain some of the freaky stuff comics have gotten right. Like...
Quotes from Starbucks
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Best Pictures Of The Decade: The Noughties
TotallyCoolPix is all about the images and this is a retrospect all about the years 2000-2010 aka The Noughties. We could write about September 11th 2001 or the tsunami or countless earthquakes or the Middle East conflict or Barack Obama or Michael Schumacher or Saddam Hussein or Facebook or the human race. But we’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. Note: The images are in no particular order, some contain graphic scenes and they are the personal choice of the editors. If you miss something, we’re sorry.
Anthropomorphic + Futuristic = Fantastic Floating Homes
Futuristic, yet, but not the far-fetched science-fiction fantasy industrial design you might think – the Oculus by Schoepfer Yachts may not be for sale yet but it is already in pre-production mode with naval architects on board, so to speak. Hardly your typical houseboat, it is a virtual cruise ship for the rich and famous who can afford to buy it when it is fully planned and built. The anthropomorphism of this luxury floating home is of course intentional – the front deck like the gaping mouth of a gigantic sea creature and the sleek curves mimicking streamlined oceanic animals. Complete with a swimming pool on top and a futuristic interior design this is far more like a permanent mobile home than a cruising yacht. The smaller and simpler (both adjectives applied relative to its bigger brother of course) version of this spectacular design is the Infinitas, with a more sleek and streamlined profile and a semi-enclosed on-board swimming pool in the center but underneath the shell.