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10 Mind Mapping Strategies For Teachers

10 Mind Mapping Strategies For Teachers
10 Mind Mapping Strategies For Teachers by Andrea Leyden, The adoption of Mind Maps in teaching has grown recently due to the benefits of using Mind Maps to learn and the availability of free online mind mapping software. Teachers have recognized the value of using Mind Maps to engage students, encourage creativity and, most importantly, teaching how to learn rather simply memorizing content. How do teachers harness the full power of Mind Mapping? Mind Mapping Strategies for Teachers Pre-class: Planning: Whether its lesson plans, design of your class curriculum for the school year or planning an assignment timeline, Mind Maps give you a clear and visual overview of what needs to be covered.Organizing: If you’re the type of person who regularly jots down ideas and thoughts, Mind Maps are the perfect tool to create structure and organization of a topic. In-class: Teaching: Online Mind Maps can be used in class to brainstorm and generate discussions. Outside class:

Common Core in Action: Writing for an Audience What is new and different in the Common Core? When it comes to the writing standards, a heavy emphasis on audience for one thing, and this is very good news. The "audience" for student writing was once the lone teacher sitting after school with her cup of coffee, a red pen, and a stack of essays or other writing projects. Let's take a look at the Common Core Anchor Standard in Writing that highlights audience. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.4: Produces clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. When asked, many kids, and even adults, might tell you the main difference between "school" writing and real-life writing is that the latter has an audience and the other does not. Keeping It Real Back to anchor writing standard 4. So let's consider then some ways to engage students in real-life writing, starting in second grade: Second grade: Ask the children to write about one of their favorites (person, pet, place).

10 Fantastic mapping websites! The days of foldable paper maps are numbered but the world wide web is opening up the potential of maps by offering an amazing variety of cool websites that teachers should take the time to explore. Below are ten great mapping sites for you to use in the classroom. History Pin is an online collection of photographs, videos, audio files, and text that have been shared by people from around the world. Their tag line is "a global community collaborating around history." Users can post their documents or search a map to find things in their area or search by collection, channel, and project. 2- Overlap Maps Overlap Maps is a website by Sunflower Education that allows you to compare the sizes of nations, states, bodies of water, man made features and objects from nature with each other. Mapping History contains hundreds animated and interactive maps from key events in the history's of the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Africa.

360 Degree Aerial Panorama | 3D Virtual Tours Around the World | Photos of the Most Interesting Places on the Earth | Développer le travail collaboratif dans et hors la classe avec l'application web de mindmapping Mind42 Au collège Albert Samain de Roubaix les élèves ont maintenant l'habitude d'utiliser les cartes mentales et les cartes conceptuelles dans divers situations de travail aussi bien pour l'écrit que pour l'oral. La grande majorité du temps les enseignants font produire aux élèves des cartes heuristiques papier-crayons. Lorsque l'usage de l'outil numérique semble plus pertinent le logiciel Freeplane est utilisé. Cependant le travail asynchrone et à distance est difficilement possible, d'où le recours à une application web de mindmapping : (tutoriel en français à disposition à la fin de l'article). Le choix de l'application de cartes mentales Mind42 s'est fait en fonction de sa simplicité d'usage aussi bien pour la réalisation des cartes heuristiques que pour la gestion des différents paramètres ( travail collaboratif, publication, ou exportation en différents formats). * Organiser ses idées à plusieurs et à distance *Baliser une recherche d'informations sur internet:

Using the iDiary for Kids App As A Thinking Book My classroom, for the most part is paperless. My students do not have notebooks, or binders, or folders that contain copious amounts of paper that will end up in the recycle bin as soon as they are able to bring it home. My students sit at desks, however, they rarely use the inside of them. Once students have filled out the preferences page and saved it, they can enter the app, and choose the book they want to work in (if you have more than one student using the iPad or the student has more than 1 book you can have multiple books on this page). The student chooses their book and enters their password. A great addition to this app is when the student starts to type, the book automatically enters a time stamp to the page in the column. How did I introduce this book to my students, you ask?
