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Learn how to code by playing a game

Learn how to code by playing a game
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7 directorios internacionales de recursos educativos abiertos #REA #OER Los materiales impresos tienen mayores costes y tiempos de producción y actualización. El soporte digital es multimedial, ahorra costes de publicación y permite más fácilmente la actualización continua y colectiva. Por otra parte, ya sabemos que Internet proporciona un inmenso banco de materiales y fuentes de información que pueden resultar de ayuda en el aula para el aprendizaje de las diversas materias. Para poder utilizarlos, es necesario que sean abiertos, que tengan una licencia que permita su uso (Creative Commons). Los Open Educational Resources (OER), concepto originalmente acuñado en 2002 durante un Foro de UNESCO sobre Open Courseware (OCW), tienen como propósito la provisión, a través de Internet, de recursos educativos para consulta, uso y adaptación de forma libre y abierta. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. En Wikieducator hay tutoriales sobre búsqueda, creación y uso de recursos educativos abiertos. Autor: José Luis Cabello

40 herramientas para aplicar la metodología flipped classroom en el aula [Infografía] La pedagogía inversa o flipped classroom es una de las metodologías educativas que más revuelo están causando. Desde que los profesores de química Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams la llevaran a la práctica por primera vez en las aulas del instituto Woodland Park High School, en Woodland Park, Colorado (Estados Unidos), ha ido sumando seguidores de manera progresiva. Este nuevo modelo de enseñanza propone darle la vuelta a la case, de modo que los alumnos adquieren los conceptos teóricos en casa, a través de la visualización de un video, una presentación o cualquier otro recurso; y después, en clase, resuelven sus dudas y trabajan de forma individual y colaborativa. Si quieres innovar y llevar a la práctica esta metodología, te recomendamos 40 herramientas que te servirán para poner tu clase del revés. Descarga en PDF la infografía “40 Herramientas para aplicar la metodología Flipped Classroom en el aula” Crear videolecciones o videos interactivos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Mobile Computing in App Inventor | Mobile CSP Primary School Resources | Teaching London Computing Computing is now a core part of the UK primary school syllabus. You don’t have to use computers to teach all the topics though, and even if you have no computing background as a teacher you may be surprised how much you know! We have created a spin-off from cs4fn for younger students to find out more about the fun side of computing called A Little Bit of cs4fn. It is still being developed, but already has areas on Spies, Superheroes, Robots, AIs and more. Activities Most of our activities are adaptable for primary school audiences, but here we pick out a few that are particularly suitable or that we have used variations of ourselves in primary schools (mainly with Year 5 and 6 but also with younger children). The Tour Guide ActivityDevise a tour that gets a tourist from their hotel to all the city sights and back to their hotel. Other excellent sources of a similar style of activity are the New Zealand based but globally used CS Unplugged site and the Glasgow University CS Inside project.

KS3 Computing - Wikibooks, open books for an open world Germ of this book[edit] This book started with a Hack the curriculum event on Saturday 18th April 2015, where volunteers met to start creating this book. It will need lots more help and work before it's ready for general use. Please see the Editing Guide to help and to contribute. Additional information is available at Introduction to this book[edit] Computing is..... Life changing The Royal Society identified three distinct strands that make up Computing, each of which is complementary to the others: computer science (CS), information technology (IT) and digital literacy (DL). [Diagram here of what computing is] Information technology (IT) is concerned with how computers and telecommunications equipment work, and how they may be applied to the storage, retrieval, transmission and manipulation of data. Table of Contents[edit] Assessment table[edit] Note for Teachers[edit]

The history of computer data storage, in pictures | Pingdom Royal Nowadays we are used to having hundreds of gigabytes of storage capacity in our computers. Even tiny MP3 players and other handheld devices usually have several gigabytes of storage. This was pure science fiction only a few decades ago. For example, the first hard disk drive to have gigabyte capacity was as big as a refrigerator, and that was in 1980. Not so long ago! Pingdom stores a lot of monitoring data every single day, and considering how much we take today’s storage capacity for granted, it’s interesting to look back and get things in perspective. The Selectron tube The Selectron tube had a capacity of 256 to 4096 bits (32 to 512 bytes). Above: The 1024-bit Selectron. Punch cards Early computers often used punch cards for input both of programs and data. Above: Card from a Fortran program: Z(1) = Y + W(1) Above left: Punch card reader. Punched tape Same as with punch cards, punched tape was originally pioneered by the textile industry for use with mechanized looms. The hard disk drive

Normas APA 2014 para la presentación de trabajos escritos. CS Principles for High School - Course Registration for the 2015 CSP4HS course is open. Please see Registration link above or "Register Please" button below. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to access the course lessons. You must be registered and logged in to access course content. CSP4HS provides six-weeks of free online instruction to educators who are interested in learning more about CS Principles (CS Principles), which is a new Advanced Placement course being developed by the College Board. The CSP4HS target audience is high school teachers interested in learning more about CS Principles. The course parallels the CS Principles professional development instruction of the CS4Alabama project (CNS-1240944), which is an NSF-sponsored project in collaboration between the University of Alabama and A+ College Ready, with external project assessment conducted by Haynie Research and Evaluation. This is the second version of the course, which was first offered in Summer 2014 (over 1,200 registered educators).
