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The best unexplained and unusual historical mysteries.

The best unexplained and unusual historical mysteries.

Royalty Free Icons & Clipart Stock Images Hedgerow Recipes Hedgerow Jam 8oz rose hips ~ 1lb blackberries 8oz haws ~ 1lb elderberries 8oz sloes ~ 4oz hazelnuts 8oz rowanberries 1lb crab apples Sugar Wash fruit well. Put rose hips, haws, rowanberries, sloes & chopped crab apples into pan, add water to cover, cook until tender. Rose Hip Syrup Crush 2lbs rosehips and put into 3 pints boiling water. Watercress Sauce 4oz watercress ~ ½ pint water or stock 1oz butter ~ salt and pepper 1tbsp cream Strip leaves from cress and chop stalks.

Colin Crosby Heritage Tours - Walks, Coach Trips and Talks
