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The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable

The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable

Grid Paper PDFs Downloadable and very printable, I find these PDFs extremely useful. Graph Paper Quick Picks Now set to: 8 1/2 x 11 Paper. Now set to: A4 Paper, Ruled in Millimeters. Custom Graph Papers Need more specific stuff? Tip number one! Though I do return the correct header for a PDF, sometimes Explorer gets confused when downloading... Tip number two! Some people may need to turn off the option in Adobe's Acrobat reader "shrink to fit" which may resize the grid slightly to fit your printer's printable area. Tip number three! If you want the hexes aligned with the other edge of the paper, just make your paper size "11 x 8.5" and print the result in landscape mode! Translations Belorussian (provided by Ucallweconn weblog) Other

Bitcoin implodes, falls more than 90 percent from June peak Bitcoin, the world's first peer-to-peer digital currency, fell below $3 on Monday. That represents a 90 percent fall since the currency hit its peak in early June. Supporters argue that Bitcoin has fundamental advantages over conventional currencies. Unfortunately, the currency's value hasn't proven stable in practice. Trading resumed in late June at around $17, and the currency's value has been steadily declining ever since. So is Bitcoin doomed? And that's Bitcoin's fundamental challenge: as far as we can tell, the volume of Bitcoin-denominated transactions is tiny. And that's not surprising. There are also risks due to volatility. The current value of Bitcoin—just under $3—is still significantly above the April price of around $1.

“Il n’y a pas besoin d’être un banquier pour créer de l’argent” Étienne Hayem (aka @zoupic) blogue sur le sujet des monnaies alternatives depuis plusieurs années déjà. Il nous livre son point de vue sur la dernière lubie des geeks, Bitcoin. Bitcoin est une monnaie virtuelle créée en 2009 par Satoshi Nakamoto, un personnage mystérieux dont personne ne connait la véritable identité. Ce dernier, empruntant de vieilles idées issues des années 90, publia un document (pdf) décrivant les caractéristiques d’une monnaie décentralisée. Que t’inspire Bitcoin ? Bitcoin est avant tout une initiative qui fait réfléchir. D’où sort Bitcoin ? C’est apparu en 2009, à l’initiative de Satushi Nakamoto, ce pseudo japonais [personne ne connaît sa véritable identité, ndlr]. Rien n’empêche de penser que l’on puisse créer une monnaie sur Internet dans le cadre d’une communauté, par exemple avec tous les utilisateurs des auberges de jeunesse. Donc beaucoup de gens y pensaient ? Oui, mais c’est une vision qui est, pour moi, assez étriquée de la monnaie. Oui c’est ça ! Photo

21 Online Free Web Based Applications That You Probably Would Love To Use Every Day! - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers Today, we are listing 21 free and online web based applications which are very helpful for you to process your daily work. If you are designer, developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc but we make sure to add something interesting for everyone. Most of them are not very well known but they are really amazing in respect to their features. You are welcome to share if you know about any free web based application which our readers may like. Phonevite Sending reminders and alerts, with your own voice, is easy and simple using Phoneviteâ„¢. Google Docs You can import your existing documents, spreadsheets and presentations, or create new ones from scratch. crazyegg – visualize your visitors Crazy Egg will help you improve the design of your site by showing you where people are clicking and where they are not. Windows Live OneCare safety scanner Windows Live OneCare safety scanner is a free service designed to help ensure the health of your PC. vuzit codepaste Picnik

The Golden State’s Iron Bars “To borrow from Martin Luther King Jr.,” the head of the California prison guards union said a few years ago, “today I have a dream. I have a dream that the bricks and mortar that were planned to build new prisons will instead be used to build new schools…that an ounce of prevention will be embraced instead of a pound of cure.”... Les confessions de l'incroyable Monsieur Niel Le Point : Avez-vous lu "La théorie de l'information", d'Aurélien Bellanger, le roman dont vous êtes le héros ? Xavier Niel : Je l'ai lu... Je regrette juste que l'auteur ne partage pas ses droits avec moi (sourire) ! On demandait à l'auteur s'il m'avait envoyé son livre, il a fait une très belle réponse, en substance : "Je lui paie tous les mois mon abonnement, il n'a qu'à l'acheter. Juste retour des choses" (rires). On vous sent piqué, quand même... Je me retrouve avec des traits de caractère que je ne pense pas avoir. Par exemple ? Ah non, non ! Beaucoup reprochent à Free Mobile d'avoir détruit des emplois. Les suppressions d'emplois annoncées consistent pour l'instant en un plan de départs volontaires d'un peu plus de 500 postes chez Bouygues Telecom. Il n'y a donc que de bonnes nouvelles ? Demandez plutôt aux Français ce qu'ils en pensent. Comment avez-vous baissé les prix ? C'est très simple: en gérant au plus juste et en rendant ces économies aux consommateurs. C'était qui ? Devinez!

Prosper The online marketplace for people-to-people lending - Prosper Heinz von Foerster Heinz von Foerster in 1963 at the Biological Computer Laboratory, University of Illinois Heinz von Foerster (German spelling: Heinz von Förster; November 13, 1911, Vienna – October 2, 2002, Pescadero, California) was an Austrian American scientist combining physics and philosophy. Together with Warren McCulloch, Norbert Wiener, John von Neumann, Lawrence J. Fogel, and others, Heinz von Foerster was an architect of cybernetics.[1] Biography[edit] Von Foerster was born in 1911 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary, as Heinz von Förster. He moved to the USA in 1949, and worked at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he was a professor of electrical engineering from 1951 to 1975. He knew well and was in conversation with John von Neumann, Norbert Wiener, Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela, Gordon Pask, Gregory Bateson, Lawrence J. Work[edit] The electron tube laboratory[edit] Biological Computer Laboratory[edit] Macy conferences[edit] Doomsday Equation[edit] See also[edit] Publications[edit]

The 5 Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files! - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers By AN Jay on August 28, 2008 The 5 Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files! Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. People have a love and hate relationship with file hosting sites. Some file hosting sites are really handy and make sharing data even simpler than sending a file via email while other services spam you with countless pop ups and forced membership options to simply download a file.Here is a list of some great file hosting sites that make uploading and sharing files a cakewalk. You are welcome to share if you know more free file hosting services which our readers/viewers may like. File Savr – Free File Hosting makes file hosting easier with Web 2.0 technology and the use of Ajax and Flash. File Dropper – Free File Hosting for MP3, Videos, Documents FileDropper’s beauty is in its simplicity. File Factory – free and simple file hosting service Fileqube – Free Online Storage

X.25 X.25 network diagram. X.25 is an ITU-T standard protocol suite for packet switched wide area network (WAN) communication. An X.25 WAN consists of packet-switching exchange (PSE) nodes as the networking hardware, and leased lines, plain old telephone service connections or ISDN connections as physical links. X.25 is a family of protocols that was popular during the 1980s with telecommunications companies and in financial transaction systems such as automated teller machines. X.25 was originally defined by the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT, now ITU-T) in a series of drafts[1] and finalized in a publication known as The Orange Book in 1976.[2] While X.25 has, to a large extent, been replaced by less complex protocols, especially the Internet protocol (IP), the service is still used and available in niche and legacy applications. History[edit] X.25 is one of the oldest packet-switched services available. Architecture[edit] User device support[edit]

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Bullion and Bandits: The Improbable Rise and Fall of E-Gold | Threat Level MELBOURNE, Florida — In a sparsely decorated office suite two floors above a neighborhood of strip malls and car dealerships, former oncologist Douglas Jackson is struggling to resuscitate a dying dream. Jackson, 51, is the maverick founder of E-Gold, the first-of-its-kind digital currency that was once used by millions of people in more than a hundred countries. Today the currency is barely alive. Stacks of cardboard evidence boxes in the office, marked “U.S. Secret Service,” help explain why, as does the pager-sized black box strapped to Jackson’s ankle: a tracking device that tells his probation officer whenever he leaves or enters his home. “It’s supposed to be jail,” he says. Jackson, whose six-month house arrest ends this month, recently met with for his first in-depth interview since pleading guilty last year to money laundering-related crimes, and to operating an unlicensed money transmitting service. Despite the shackle, Jackson’s conviction isn’t black and white.

Understanding Bitcoin - Opinion The above image is licensed under Creative Commons, and can be found here. Hong Kong - The term "hacktivism" has been grossly misconstrued by the media. The image of masked saboteurs attacking from the darkness has romantic appeal but this spectacular narrative of sabotage ultimately misinforms, other-ising hackers and distorting hacking itself. Richard Stallman defines hacking as "exploring the limits of what is possible, in a spirit of playful cleverness". Real hacktivism, then, is less about denial of service attacks, which are acts of digital protest, than about the clever creation or intervention of software forms for social change. It is less about sabotage than about alternatives. Hacktivism allows dissent to overcome the limitations of protest, actually implementing alternatives and making them widely available without asking for permission from the status quo. "The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it work. The result is Bitcoin.

Goldman Sachs to invest $9.6m in New York inmate rehabilitation | Society New York's notorious Rikers Island jail would not immediately suggest an obvious source of lucrative profits for the banking industry. But investment giant Goldman Sachs is now hoping to make potentially millions of dollars by helping persuade the prison's inmates to turn over a new leaf. The strange turn of events is the consequence of an announcement on Thursday by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg that the facility is to be the testing ground for a controversial new source of funding for social projects called "social impact bonds". The device, pioneered in Britain, will be the first of its kind for an American city and essentially taps private investors for funds to run projects that have normally been the concern of the state or non-profits. If the projects run well, the investors can earn a healthy profit. As such, Goldman has now shelled out a $9.6m loan that will pay for a new four-year scheme aimed at reducing re-offending among young prisoners released from Rikers.
