How to tell a great story, visualized
A good story can make a campfire that much eerier. A good story can flip a conversation at a party from completely awkward to wonderful. Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great storyA good story can glue your nose to a book. And, on screen, a good story can rivet generation after generation. So, uh, how do you tell one? Andrew Stanton, the Pixar writer and director behind both Toy Story and WALL-E, has many ideas, and he shared his expertise in his TED Talk, The clues to a great story. (See also the first infographic in this series, illustrating David Blaine’s experiment to hold his breath for an astonishing 17 minutes.
El lenguaje corporal | El lenguaje corporal y cómo interpretarlo
Piensa antes de hablar
With each column I write, I carefully consider the point I want to make. I draft the column, reflect on it, tweak it, and review it before I submit it to my editor, who does some of the same. Unfortunately, that type of careful thought and reflection doesn't always happen in the business environment. My sister shared a poster with me that appears throughout the high school where she teaches. Before you speak, THINK… T - is it True? Using this guideline does not preclude you from having tough conversations with your team. So, regardless of what or how you feel, T.H.I.N.K before you speak. Download free chapters from the author's book Leadership Matters for more insights and inspiration.
5 Habits of Truly Amazing Communicators
When it comes to job coaching, almost every conversation I have with a client involves the topic of communication. The motives can vary widely: Some people want to be more assertive, others need help with conflict management, and still others find it hard to speak their minds in a group setting. As I reflect on all the conversations I have, I realize that most of the time, we’re not talking about complex ideas. So, since we could all use a good reminder, here are the top five things I help my clients with when it comes to communication. 1. Do you ever catch yourself saying things like, “I love that idea, but we need to do it differently?” As soon as you say the word “but,” the other person immediately forgets the part about you loving the idea. Instead, use “and:” “I love that idea, and I think a slightly different approach would be most effective.” Hear the difference? In her book Bossypants, Tina Fey breaks down the rules of improv. 2. 3. That’s not communication. 4. 5.
E-learning: Un minuto de imágenes tiene el impacto de 1,8 millones de palabras - EAE
La manida frase de “una imagen vale más que 1.000 palabras” es cierta. Si además esa imagen viene acompañada de muchas otras y se convierte en un vídeo el socorrido dicho no sólo no pierde certeza sino se actualiza en elevadas cifras. Sin ir más lejos, en la consultora estadounidense Forrester Research han llegado a la conclusión de que un minuto de vídeo equivale a nada menos que 1,8 millones de palabras. Los más prestigiosos centros de negocios, como EAE, han adaptado sus enseñanzas a las nuevas tecnologías y el uso del formato vídeo es hoy una de las herramientas con las que sus alumnos trabajas. Según los datos proporcionados por YouTube, un site en el que se suben nada menos que 100 horas de vídeo al minuto, existe un 40% más de probabilidades de que un alumno haga clic que un vídeo que un texto. Más datos. Se trata de una herramientas que amplía el trabajo de los profesores. Más información: Informe Visual Networking Index Informe Forrester Research ¿Te ha gustado el artículo?
Make a Powerful Point - Cure your painful <span>PowerPoint</span>, tired <span>messaging</span> and lifeless <span>infographics.</span>