SlideBoom - upload and share rich powerpoint presentations online 40 siti web ed apps per creare presentazioni Certamente la creazione di presentazioni resta una delle modalità più comuni di utilizzo delle tecnologie digitali in classe. Purtroppo ancora troppi colleghi si limitano ad utilizzare programmi come PowerPoint, a pagamento e residenti nel pc. Fortunatamente sono disponibili una gran quantità di siti web ed apps che, oltre a consentire la creazione di splendide presentazioni, risultano molto semplici da usare. Qui di seguito ecco un elenco di strumenti di presentazione raccolti da Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero, alcuni dei quali sono già stati recensiti nel mio blog. 9Slides - A wonderful site and app for adding video/audio narration to a presentation. Ideal for professional development or teaching a lesson. Articoli correlati
Reel Why The online presentation tools out there aren’t great right now. They're either too clunky, require special software, or too much overhead. With Reel, getting your ideas out there and polling your audience is like shooting fish in a barrel. What is Reel? Reel helps you quickly create and share presentations. But I already have Powerpoint; why would I need another presentation tool? You have Powerpoint, but that doesn’t mean everyone else does too! That’s neat! Yes, we did! What should I share? That depends on you! Love it? Awesome! Instantly upload designs for sharing Control the feedback you get Iterate and refine your designs Check out Influence » Who Made It? Reel is made by ZURB, an interaction design and strategy company located in Campbell, California. For some other fun ideas by ZURB, check out the ZURB Playground » Support We'd like to hear about issues you might be having, or just how we can make Reel even better.
□ +5000 FREE Creative PowerPoint Templates to Download【 Best 2023 PPT Presentation 】 RCS Education | MyDigiTest verifiche digitali per la preparazione e l'apprendimento Il tuo eserciziario digitale MyDigiTest è un ricco database di verifiche disciplinari autocorrettive e interattive per il recupero, il ripasso e il potenziamento. Offre allo studente uno strumento per: Ripassare gli argomenti trattati in classe per poter essere sempre pronto alle interrogazioni e compiti in classe Monitorare i propri risultati personali e costruire così dei percorsi di recupero mirati Inoltre grazie al sistema di report che permette di monitorare l'attività dei ragazzi, MyDigiTest va incontro anche alle esigenze dei docenti, fornendo uno strumento di esercitazione veloce ed efficace da assegnare ai propri studenti durante l'anno scolastico o come compiti delle vacanze. Materie MyDigiTest offre una ricca scelta di verifiche di italiano, matematica, latino e inglese, appositamente preparate per argomento e ordine di scuola. MyDigiTest Invalsi Italiano Classe 1 Secondaria I Grado MyDigiTest Invalsi Italiano Classe 2
Lista de cosas por hacer, recordatorios, recados - ¡La aplicación del año! 10 herramientas para elaborar presentaciones atractivas Puede que sientas que Power Point cada día se vuelve más obsoleto. Prezi es una buena alternativa para crear presentaciones atractivas, interesantes y dinámicas, pero no es la única opción. Veamos estas herramientas que recopila el sitio Veamos: 1. Funciona desde el navegador, y sus herramientas son sencillas para colocar rápidamente los elementos que se expondrán. 2. Prezi es potente para la visualización de información dinámica y a menudo hemos comentado en este blog de todas sus bondades. 3. Todos los usuarios con una cuenta en Google pueden hacer uso de esta herramienta. 4. Es un recurso para los usuarios de la Mac. 5. Es similar a PowerPoint, pero tiene la facilidad de agregar las diapositivas en forma de videos. 6. Ayuda a fusionar imágenes, audio, video y texto para crear historias personalizadas, no solo son presentaciones. 7. Con esta herramienta puedes elaborar una exposición en video desde tu escritorio de Window. 8. 9. 10.
SlideSnack | Upload & Share Presentations Online Creating Narrated Slideshows with Google Tools This week I am hosting some guest bloggers. This is a guest post from Mike Petty. Last fall our high school purchased Chromebooks and the new principal set high expectations for more project-based learning and technology integration in all subjects. As the instructional technology coordinator for the district, this was great news for me! Over the past several months I’ve often been asked by teachers for presentation options beyond PowerPoint. The process uses Google Slides and WeVideo and can be completed using Chromebooks or laptops. Here is an example of one of these narrated slideshows. And here are the steps, each with a video tutorial showing the process. Step 1: Create your slideshow in Google Slides and download each one to your device. After using this process with several classes I’ve learned a few tips. It helps greatly if the teacher works through the entire process first.
PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative Roxio PhotoShow | Make Photo Slideshow - Online Music Slideshow Doing so will stop your files uploading and they will not be added to your PhotoShow. Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?{0}Doing so will stop your files uploading and they will not be added to your PhotoShow.{1}Press OK to continue or Cancel to stay on the current page. It appears you didn't finish the last PhotoShow you created, entitled {0}. Click Ok to open it or click Cancel to make a new PhotoShow. It appears you didn't finish the last PhotoShow you created. Can not create show. Can not get photo number. {0} files uploading. {1} files completed successfully. {0} files failed to upload Premium service required to add more than {0} photos. The maximun number of photos you can upload is {0}. There has been an upload error. This file type is not supported.Please select a supported file type.Photos: JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIF Videos: AVI, MOV, MPG, MP4, WMV, M4V, QT. With a Premium account you can add video to your PhotoShow. Uploading Queued Transcoding Successful Error
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