Henry Markram builds a brain in a supercomputer

The Singularity is Far: A Neuroscientist's View
David J. Linden is the author of a new book,The Compass of Pleasure: How Our Brains Make Fatty Foods, Orgasm, Exercise, Marijuana, Generosity, Vodka, Learning, and Gambling Feel So Good. He is a professor of neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Chief Editor of the Journal of Neurophysiology. Ray Kurzweil, the prominent inventor and futurist, can't wait to get nanobots into his brain. "By the late 2020s, nanobots in our brain, that will get there noninvasively, through the capillaries, will create full-immersion virtual-reality environments from within the nervous system. Of course, there's no reason why these nanobots must be restricted in their manipulations to the sensory portions of the brain. At that point, boundaries between brain, mind, and machine would fall away. Image: Harris KM, Fiala JC, Ostroff L. I am a neurobiologist and I have spent the past 28 years engaged in studies of the cellular and molecular basis of memory and cognition.
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Thanks for the context! I find this a very fascinating field. You seem quite knowledgeable on the subject: any other sites you would recommend to follow this up? by cassius Nov 21
Henry Markram simulates a brain's neurons and the neurons' connections (ie. a 'connectome' cf. "Sebastian Seung: i am my connectome") on a supercomputer. A striking difference with AI artificial neural networks is a each neuron and its bochemistry is simulated on a processor, whereas AI uses an (over) simplified model of a few bytes as a neuron and simple caltulations (adding, multiplying) as signal exchange. Markram's technology driven approach differs from Ramachandran's low-tech (mirrors in a box) clinical approach in "Ramachandran: on your mind". by kaspervandenberg Nov 7