tinypay.me | the easiest way to sell Marketing Mobile et Edition Mobile - Cellfish Media TAGPAY TAGPAYTM is a secure and convenient mobile payment service offered by Tagattitude. TAGPAY is the complete mobile payment solution available on 100% of mobile phones. With TAGPAY, clients can make purchases on the web or with participating merchants using their mobile phone. TAGPAY can work as a prepaid account system that uses the mobile phone as the payment device. Clients load their account with participating merchants or on the web. Forget cash, coins, and cards... The secure authentication and payment validation technology underlying TAGPAY is called NSDTTM. All phones can make payments using TAGPAY no matter what type of handset they have or which network operator they belong to. How to open a TAGPAY account? Creating a TAGPAY account is free and easy. How to load money onto your TAGPAY account? You can recharge your TAGPAY account on the web using a payment card or directly through authorized merchants and agents using any accepted payment method. How can I transfer money using TAGPAY?
Cauwill Technologies - Delivery Points of Interest Wipolo simplifie la vie des voyageurs ! PayPass Encryption technology and MasterCard Zero Liability† protection on your contactless-enabled Credit, Debit or Prepaid MasterCard card make using contactless at checkout as safe as swiping. And contactless has built-in safeguards to help prevent unwanted purchases: It never leaves your hands at checkout It must be extremely close to the reader to work It only bills you once – even if you tap twice by mistake Encryption is just one of many security technologies MasterCard uses to help prevent and detect fraud. To use MasterCard contactless, just tap your card or device on the universal contactless symbol on the reader at checkout.
Les 16 start-up en compétition pour LeWeb’10 Comme chaque année, la grande messe du web organisée par Géraldine et Loic Le Meur aura lieu le 8 et 9 décembre prochain à Paris. LeWeb c’est environ 2000 participants parmi lesquels des entrepreneurs, des investisseurs, des business angels, des responsables marketing de marques… Le thème principal de cette année sera les plate-formes d’aujourd’hui et celle de demain Comme chaque année, pour tous les entrepreneurs, il y aura « la compétition des start-up » qui proposera de récompenser la start-up la plus innovante parmi une sélection de 16 entreprises. Cette année les 3 meilleures start-up auront la possibilité de se présenter sur scène le 9 décembre devant tous les participants et intervenants de la conférence. Voici la liste des 16 entreprises qui ont été sélectionnées par LeWeb et August Capital, parmi plus de 400 demandes déposées. Badgeville Inc www.badgeville.com (Pays-Bas) Cauwill Technologies www.cauwill.com (Irlande) City M www.deways.fr (France) Desk.io GmbH www.phonedeck.net (Allemagne)
Nexence - Éditeur de solutions innovantes en marketing mobile The Future of Mobile Payments [INFOGRAPHIC] We know that mobile payments are redefining commerce, but will our phones soon replace our wallets? PayPal seems to think so. The payments giant boldly predicts that the wallet will be dead by 2015. It's putting its money where its mouth is: It recently acquired mobile payments provider Zong for $240 million. PayPal isn't the only one getting into the game though. Google recently launched Google Wallet, the search giant's mobile payment system, and Visa recently made a strategic investment in Square, the mobile payments platform now worth more than $1.4 billion. Professional community service G+ decided to look deeper into mobile payment trends and created an infographic that tracks what experts and analysts believe will happen to mobile commerce in the next four years, including what will happen with near field communication (NFC). Check out the infographic, and let us know what you think is next for mobile payments in the comments.
Les 10 péchés capitaux des entrepreneurs web français » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism En 2009, Robert Scoble a rencontré quelques start-ups françaises à l'occasion de la conférence LeWeb. Mais leur façon old school de communiquer l'a beaucoup énervé. Il leur donne quelques conseils. Robert Scoble est un blogueur et “évangéliste technologique” américain réputé. Ce billet a été publié en décembre 2009 sur son blog. Mardi dernier, j’ai rejoint les Travelling Geeks (une bande de journalistes/blogueurs/influenceurs qui visite des startups partout dans le monde, cf. la photo ci-dessous dans une station de métro parisienne) à Paris et nous avons vu un tas de startups. Premièrement, si vous rencontrez des journalistes, des influenceurs et des blogueurs qui ne viennent pas de votre pays, je suppose que c’est parce que vous voulez construire une marque mondiale. De fait, puisque vous nous rencontriez et qu’il nous en a beaucoup couté de venir jusqu’à vous et que nous avons eu de très grands coûts d’opportunités, je pense que les entrepreneurs devraient être bien mieux préparés.
Active 360 La vita digitale nel 2015 Seguici su corriere della sera News scienze Viaggi News scienze La vita digitale nel 2015 02 giugno 2011 Link embed email i più visti Dal Mondo Selfie davanti al treno... 16 aprile 2014 Roma Corteo a Roma, nuovo video... 15 aprile 2014 Tra smartphone e tablet ti potrebbero interessare anche Tecnologia Samsung Galaxy S3 04 maggio 2012 Gli smartphone Panasonic... 01 marzo 2012 Asus Padfone, tre in uno Nokia: lo smartphone da 41 Megapixel 29 febbraio 2012 Samsung Galaxy Beam 28 febbraio 2012 Mal di tech Samsung Galaxy Nexus vs Motorola Razr 14 gennaio 2012 Vita digitale Vita digitale, gli ultimi modelli da Las Vegas 12 gennaio 2012 Motori A Times Square si «corre» sui maxischermi 29 dicembre 2011 Animali Lucertola a caccia di formiche. 22 dicembre 2011 altri video di News scienze News scienze Nubi nottilucenti... Eclissi di luna in Nordamerica Ozono: l’intrusione... 14 aprile 2014 Giove, i movimenti... 11 aprile 2014 Space Apps Challenge... 10 aprile 2014 Filmato il rarissimo... 09 aprile 2014 Le spettacolari immagini di... 05 aprile 2014
Loic Le Meur Blog: Students Dreams are the first step to entrepreneurship I have been a student and had entrepreneurial dreams when I was one so I know what it feels like. Last year when we closed LeWeb after two amazing days I saw a line of students taking pictures of themselves on the podium of LeWeb as if they were speakers, that made me really happy. Why? To celebrate this, I am giving away the fist free pass of LeWeb we’re giving in our Facebook fans give away (one per hour in the next 5 hours) to Mathieu who left a comment on the Facebook page of LeWeb yesterday saying he was one of those students and he could not afford a LeWeb ticket this year. See howthey were taking pics of themselves like if they were speaking and on panels, I love it! Keep dreaming Mathieu, you will turn those dreams into success! inShare0