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The "4 Block" Rocket Stove!

The "4 Block" Rocket Stove!
Related:  Rocket Stoves

Rocket Mass Heaters – The book, by Ianto Evans and Leslie Jackson How Biodiesel Works" If you've read or watched the news lately, you've probably come across some article, snippet or sound bite related to oil and oil prices. Even in your daily routines, there's a good chance of someone mentioning it. Whether it's in automotives, economics, history, geography or politics, oil has managed to filter into almost every aspect of our daily lives. It's one of the most discussed (and controversial) commodities that consumers rely on daily. All of this talk about oil sparks continued interest in gasoline alternatives. Lost in the mix are the biofuels, fuels made from biological ingredients instead of fossil fuels. In this article, we'll take a closer look at biodiesel, one of the major biofuels. Generally speaking, biodiesel is an alternative or additive to standard diesel fuel that is made from biological ingredients instead of petroleum (or crude oil). Biodiesel is safe and can be used in diesel engines with little or no modification needed. Photo courtesy U.S.

Produire son propre Biogaz Accueil » Fiches techniques » L'énergie et la motorisation Introduction La méthanisation est un procédé de valorisation des déchets agricoles permettant d’obtenir une énergie renouvelable : le biogaz. En l’absence d’oxygène, la matière organique est transformée en matière minérale par la flore méthanogène. Cette réaction entraîne la production de biogaz, composé de 55 à 70% de méthane (Gaz Naturel). Des petits digesteurs anaérobies peuvent être réalisés très facilement et servir pour des opérations de démonstration ou de sensibilisation. Réalisation d’un digesteur de démonstration Schéma de principe d'une petite cuisine au biogaz : Matériel nécessaire : 2 fûts en plastique bleu étanches 2 chambres à air de voiture ou de camion 1 bouteille d’eau 5 L 1 brûleur (bec bunzen ou réchaud de camping) 1 tuyau d’arrosage Raccord adapté au tuyau : 4 raccords en T 2 raccords simples ou coudé Silicone et colliers métal type serre-joint paille de fer 1 - Préparation des bidons 2 - Stockage du gaz Source :

How To Turn A Beer Can Into The Only Camping Stove You'll Ever Need Share 0 inShare2 Embed One of the best gifts I've ever received on my travels is a stove made with nothing but a drinks can and a knife. In this video, we're going to learn how to make it. The stove runs on alcohol, of which the most common source is medical alcohol from your local pharmacy. Seed Balls Take The Hard Work Out Of Planting Gardening is a pleasure for many people, but others find it something of a chore. If you fall into the latter camp, try creating seed balls for easy growing with minimal ground preparation. By coating seeds in clay, soil and fertiliser, seeds can easily establish in areas that are considered difficult or impossible to prepare. The ancient technique is attributed by the Permaculture Research Institute to Japanese farmer Masanobu Fukuoka. Seed balls are great for reclaiming derelict areas with thin or poor soil, making them ideal tools for guerrilla gardening. Rolled into balls and dried out, the seed-packed spheres can be easily scattered wherever needed. How to Make Seed Balls [Heavy Petal]

Rocket Mass Heater Book - -Our newest edition- - | Cob Cottage Company More than a second edition to the groundbreaking Rocket Stoves to Heat Cob Buildings, the new book Rocket Mass Heaters, Superefficient Woodstoves You Can Build (And Snuggle Up To) is the most comprehensive book available on the subject of Rocket Stoves. Here's a superefficient wood fired heater you can build for yourself in a weekend for less than a hundred dollars. This book explains in detail exactly how to build one, then how to use it in a range of applications. We discuss materials, where to find them, what to pay and how to make use of found and recycled parts. The section on fire and fuels is thorough but simple, we tried to keep away from numbers whenever possible. There are success stories, case studies, references and where to find further information, all heavily illustrated and with four full pages of color photographs. New woodstoves are no longer craftsman-made locally. To order, please visit the Cob Cottage Company products page.

Portable Power Station - Urban Survival *Vivre en autonomie, produire son électricité..son chauffage et gérer l'eau: une réalité.*** Via LES-CABANES.COM Site spécialiste des cabanes en France ***Vivre en autonomie, produire son électricité..son chauffage et gérer l'eau: une réalité.*** L'autonomie a toujours été relative à nos besoins et ce n'est pas H.D Thoreau pionnier de la décroissance dans son livre Walden qui dirait le contraire. En dehors des cités, nous avons la possibilité de nous "désabonner" des certains services par un équipement en matériels alliant les nouvelles technologies: panneaux solaires, batteries, téléphonies mobile... et des moyens plus traditionnels comme le chauffage au bois et les toilettes sèches. Avant tout chose il est important de comprendre et découvrir comment s’orienter vers un bâtiment à basse consommation en répondant à ses besoins par des dispositifs de production d’énergies renouvelables. Les alternatives : Un domaine détient un certain potentiel énergétique qu’il est possible d’utiliser pour nos besoins. Les énergies naturelles : Economiser l’énergie : Chauffage 1) Poêle à bois: Biogaz

Couple in Colorado Decide to Build Their Own Tiny Dream Home Together Over the years, house sizes in the United States have been doubling. However, couples like Christopher Smith and Merete Mueller have been realizing that size isn’t the most important thing about where you live. Instead, they, and others in the “small house movement,” know that efficiency and green living can be more important. Together, they decided to do something mind blowing – even though it is tiny. They built a house together. Christopher and Merete had no building experience, but they knew what their foundation would be… literally. Nonetheless, they decided to build their dream home. And it was going to be tiny. It look a lot of trial and error, but the couple kept an open mind. Their little house could go almost anywhere. But they decided to settle down outside of Boulder, Colorado. When Christopher decided to settle down, he tried to think of what would be inside of his dream home. It turns out, all that he required were necessities. They are part of a “tiny house movement.”
