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Aluminum Can Plant Markers

Aluminum Can Plant Markers
Thank you for visiting Little House in the Suburbs. Please subscribe and you'll get great simple living tips and how-to articles delivered to your inbox, for free! This is not the easiest way to mark your seedlings. It’s not the most gorgeous. Supplies & Equipment: Aluminum Drink Cans Cheap scissors Dried up ball point pen Straight edge (for the straight plant markers) Impressionable work surface, like the cork back of a place mat or coaster, mouse pad, etc. 1. 2. 3. This is how it will look on the right side now. 4. 6. You can make them any shape you can think of besides the typical “stake”: Soda can aluminum is relatively soft. If you are not feeling up to aluminum can cutting–and I understand completely, a lovely reader sent in her way of using old mini-blind slats, cut into stake form, and labeled with a Sharpie marker.

Portal Mirrors Really Tie The Room Together [DIY] There have been other attempts at Portal -themed mirrors in the past, but these are definitely the best out there so far—and all it took was some rope lights. Of course having the portals ends so close to one another sort of defeats the purpose. Get creative and put one on the floor and the other over the toilet. Or one on the wall and the other on the fridge. The possibilities are endless. ( Reddit via Geekologie ) Tags: decor , DIY , mirrors , portal

Paper Covered Switch Plate I’ve been working on revamping my powder room. New paint, some new art on the walls, it was all coming together. When Wendy released her Fleury kit this past month, I was seriously swooning! The colors were perfect for this room and I had to figure out a fun way to incorporate my favorite paper from that awesome kit. And then a light came on (pun somewhat intended!) – - switch plate covers! Switch plate covers are such a neat, unexpected way to add a bit of personality to your room. You’re going to need: Fleury Kit by Wendy Page (or digital kit of your choice)Mod Podge (I used Glossy)pencilcutting mat & exacto knife (and/or sharp pointed scissors - I love my CutterBee scissors!) 1. 2. 3. 4. Note: You may want to lightly sand your switch plate here. 5. 6. 7. 8. Enjoy your fun little creation!! Other Articles by ccouch:

Extended shelf life Novel idea ... Not Tom bookshelf. Old books can be works of art in their own right, beautifully printed and bound and lovingly worn from generations of use. But as the printed word gives way to the digital age, they are also increasingly becoming vestiges from another era. Many are abandoned in markets and thrift shops. Not all are bound for destitution, however. Fine artists have also taken to second-hand books. Such wares are sold online and in design shops but for crafty types who prefer a hands-on approach, many can also be made from scratch. Advertisement A recent publication by the American artist Lisa Occhipinti, The Repurposed Library, shows how to transform unwanted books into a range of quirky objects. Occhipinti believes old books impart a sense of tranquillity to their surroundings. ''We live in this digital age and life is so fast-paced but there's a silence and stillness about books,'' she says. English jeweller Jeremy May, of label Littlefly, agrees.
