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50 Ways to Make Your Home More Organized, More Attractive, and More Efficient - Stepcase Lifehack - StumbleUpon

50 Ways to Make Your Home More Organized, More Attractive, and More Efficient - Stepcase Lifehack - StumbleUpon
The modern home is far bigger than the home of just 30 years ago – and far more cluttered! How can that happen? Basically, our demand for stuff is outstripping our ability to buy space – no wonder self-storage is one of the leading growth industries in the United States. Questions about runaway consumerism aside, what all this excess stuff means for most of us is more time spent maintaining our living spaces to keep some semblance of order in our lives. We fight a constant battle against clutter around Chez Dustin. That’s why I asked you, our readers, to share some of your tips in one of the contests in the Great Big Summer Giveaway. General Household Tips Hide a cluttered bookshelf with a spring-loaded curtain rod and a set of curtains. Bills and Business Set up a scanner and a shredder next to each other. Habits and Attitudes Learn to travel light.

4 Key Success Factors That Can Enable a Higher Return on Innovation In a slow or no-growth environment, we know successful innovation is absolutely essential for companies to establish and maintain a competitive advantage. While that may be yesterday’s news, achieving it is hard work. How can you achieve high value from your innovation initiatives? In this article Adi Alon discusses four key success factors that can help you get a higher return on innovation. New products and services attract new customers and, in many cases, can help companies gain market share, even when the overall market is growing slowly at best. Although most companies recognize the importance of innovation, not all organizations approach the innovation process with the rigor and discipline it deserves. Although most companies recognize the importance of innovation, not all organizations approach the innovation process with the rigor and discipline it deserves. Innovation is a business process requiring management discipline. Innovators must be prepared for failure. By Adi Alon

7 sposobów jak świadomie kupować W supermarketach, u fryzjera, w kawiarni czy taksówce jesteśmy zasypywani kartami lojalnościowymi. Zazwyczaj znajduje się na nich jedna lub dwie pieczątki zachęcające do korzystania z "naszych usług". Uzbieranie wszystkich pieczątek skutkuje darmowym przejazdem, podcięciem końcówek, mikserem , czy rabatem na kawę. Codziennie robię zakupy, a zbierając naklejki mogę jeszcze coś za nie dostać - mówi naTemat Mariusz, który uzbierał 1300 naklejek z wizerunkiem błękitnej świnki. Więcej z działu "Pieniądze" Niezłe jaja Jaja z jajami – przed nami wielka półka, z milionem różnych rodzajów jaj. Kolejny jogurt ląduje w koszu - „to wszystko wina daty ważności!”. Butelki z wodą mineralną•Fot. Nabici w butelkę Butelka wody, czy innego napoju – to produkt, który jest wykorzystywany przez właścicieli sklepów do nabijania nas w butelkę. Wszystko o sushi - historia, jak to ugryźć, czemu tyle kosztuje i jak zrobić je w domu Merchandising to sposób na wykorzystanie naiwności konsumenta.

Household Cleaning Tips from - How to Clean House A few years ago, I found out that I’ve been cleaning all wrong. I was in a hotel room, when a maid came in and sprayed a solution on every surface…and then left. Right when I thought she’d forgotten, she returned. Pro cleaners have brilliant tricks to get the job done. Change Your Strategy The biggest mistake people make is cleaning room by room (this is called “zone cleaning”). Most pros are in favor of “task cleaning”: completing one chore, such as dusting, throughout the entire house, before starting the next. The Starting Point: Upstairs bathroom “I always start there,” says Romero. The Plan of Attack: Top-to-bottom, left-to-right For each task, start at the highest point in the room (if dusting, this might mean high shelves), and move from left to right across the room. Step 1: DustDust each room, including the topsides of all the furniture, undersides of shelves, and all handrails, as well as picture frames, TV screens and knickknacks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Bleach Secret!

Wszystko o sushi - historia, jak to ugryźć, czemu tyle kosztuje i jak zrobić je w domu Pyszne. Lekkie. Zdrowe. Świeże. Kolorowe. Skąd jednak sushi pochodzi? Zawijacz Nori - Prażone algi morskie. Jak to się zaczęło - historia zawijania surowych ryb Sushi oddaje Japońskiego ducha. Historia. Pierwszy raz o sushi napisano w 718 roku w zbiorze praw zwanym "Yorituryo". Na początku XVIII wieku proces tworzenia sushi doprowadzono do perfekcji. Sushi - samo zdrowie? Japońska kuchnia należy do najzdrowszej na świecie, ma bardzo mało cholesterolu, tłuszczy i kalorii. Sushi - zabawa w jedzenie Luty 2012, Łódź. Japończyk mógłby mieć do mnie pretensję za europejską dezynwolturę. Zupa w Japonii jest czymś innym, niż znane nam zupy. Pisząc o sushi nie można pominąć sake. Sakana, wszystko co pływa w morzu - to podstawa sushi. Jem, więc myślę. Zrobienie sushi samemu jest nie lada wyzwaniem, ale też świetną zabawą, choć mi nie udaje się nigdy zrobić go tak ładnie, jak w restauracji. Nie podawaj jedzenia pałeczkami. Sushi w sklepie i restauracji Świeże sushi tylko w czwartek Mit. Sushi w domu

Organize your mind to organize your life The brain was not designed to focus on more than one thing at a time. The connection between disorganized minds and unhealthy habits is compellingBefore you can focus your attention, you must tame negative emotionsExercise, deep breathing or meditation, and a good night's sleep all help mentally Editor's note: Margaret Moore (aka Coach Meg) is the co-author of "Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life." (CNN) -- If there's one big lesson I've learned over the past decade while training thousands of health and wellness coaches and coaching many clients, it's this: An organized mind enables full engagement in a health-giving style of life. So I jumped at the opportunity to co-author "Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life" with Harvard psychiatrist Paul Hammerness, where we translate the science of brain organization into six principles, or "rules of order," and offer self-coaching solutions. We know that disorganization is not just a problem of ADHD sufferers. Dr. Rule No. 1: Tame your frenzy

Pani "kierowniczko" dwie kawki poprosimy... czyli uwaga: nadchodzi ekipa budowlana | Znalezienie fachowej ekipy budowlanej z całą pewnością nie jest łatwe. Zdecydowanie odradzam korzystania z wszelkiego rodzaju ogłoszeń typu: tanio i szybko wybuduję dom. Niestety ani nie tanio, ani nie szybko, chyba że myślimy o garażu. Wybierając firmę budowlaną warto skorzystać z polecenia naszych znajomych, osób które już wybudowały i mogą nam powiedzieć kilka słów na temat fachowców. Rozmawiając z przedstawicielem firmy zapytajmy o doświadczenie i realizacje. Oczywiście trzeba tu wspomnieć o wynagrodzeniu. Sprawdźmy firmę budowlaną, jej doświadczenie, realizacje i znajomość procesu budowy. Nie będę tu już wspominała o konieczności podpisania umowy, bo wiem, że z tym bywa różnie, czy zwróceniu uwagi na zasady bezpieczeństwa pracy.

Kick the Excuses and Get Organized Have you ever noticed the messier your house is the less you get done? Or even the more clutter, the worse you feel… So why can’t you get organized? You have to get rid of the excuses before you can get rid of the clutter. It’s just that simple. All the organizing tips in the world will not help one bit if you are still holding on to your reasons (code name for excuses) as to why you can’t get organized. We all have priorities of what matters to us. I have a free article I want to share with you called Get Organized in 5 Easy Steps, but before we can get to that, let’s address the variety of excuses that we use to hold us back from a little organization and simplicity in our lives. One of my neighbors in Houston.. hello Barbara if you’re reading this.. had eight children ranging in age from about fourteen years to a newborn. My point is, she had one of the most organized (and clean) homes on the block. Let’s tackle them one by one. Not enough time I’ve always been this way

How Waiters Read Your Table Does Social Media Matter For Self-Storage? This is a guest post by Brian Barwig, Marketing Executive at Self Storage Finders. The storage industry as a whole has been slow to adapt to changes in the ways consumers research, analyze and reserve storage units. Nearly five years ago, when we first entered the self-storage industry, many owners/operators did not know what Search Engine Optimization, pay-per-click, Facebook, Twitter or blogging was. Now SEO and PPC are well known acronyms, and social media and blogging are the norm. Many self-storage companies are now using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogging on a regular basis, but why? Thousands of storage companies have embraced Twitter and Facebook in recent years, but for what purpose? How often do you sit at your computer or look at your phone to check another company’s updates and tweets, or even update your own information? The reality of the social situation is that storage owners are busy trying to run their own businesses on a day-to-day basis.

Make Your Pockets Virtually Theft-Proof Making any copy of money is a very ticklish subject. Yes, there are legal loopholes (although I'm not aware of any that say you are allowed to make a convincing copy if the back is from a different bill - most of them involve things such as copies that are much too large, or too small) that allow for copies under certain circumstances. On the other hand, even perfectly legal options aren't always wise. I studied graphic arts in high school, and one of my teachers allowed one of the students to make a legal copy of a twenty dollar bill. Either way, the next year, our teacher - another one - gave us a lecture. The government is touchy about anything at all that even comes close to counterfeiting.

Stop 'stuffocating' . . . tips for getting rid of clutter: Regina Brett View full sizeSammy Dallal / Associated PressClutter can pile up quickly if you're not careful, but it's worth the effort to sort through it and get organized, experts say. Are you buried under an avalanche of stuff? Do you have paths that wind through the house? Are you afraid to open the door to the UPS man? Do you constantly run late because you can't find your keys, wallet or kids? If your spouse or kid clips this out and hands it to you, consider yourself busted. I recently interviewed the FlyLady, aka Marla Cilley of, on my weekly radio show on WKSU 89.7 FM. "Clutter is a houseguest that has taken over. Barbara Tako, the author of "Clutter Clearing Choices: Clear Clutter, Organize Your Home, & Reclaim Your Life" also joined the show. Why do we hold on to it all? Marla blames fear: "Clutter represents fear, the fear of not wanting to let go of something, the fear of not having enough." Barb says clutter isn't just physical. So where do we begin? Join Regina Brett at 7 p.m.

Remove Ugly Scratches from Dinnerware with Bar Keeper's Friend As @emannths noted, one of the reasons behind the "magic" is oxalic acid. I mention this again because their reply was hidden by LifeHacker from a question (dunno why replies are hidden by default - odd). Annnywayyy... oxalic acid is also AWESOME on rust. It eats it. Wear rubber gloves or wash your hands after messing with it for too long...

Block Your Time – Effective Time Blocking Techniques To Boost Your Productivity Quite recently I video blogged about time blocking and how to do it the right way. I have also blogged about this topic on Bob and Rosemary’s blog earlier this fall (that was from online business perspective). The main message on my video was that not only should you block your time, but you should block your location too. This post continues the time blocking theme and extends it a little bit. The what and why of time blocking First, let’s define what time blocking means. There are many benefits why you should do time blocking: Mental preparedness When you define a task to the future, you can expect it come and you are mentally prepared for it. Especially if the task you are doing is a complex one, you can be mentally prepared for it in advance. Focusing on your task Time blocking also means focusing on one task at a time. Improved productivity Related to the previous point, when you get your stuff done in a focused manner, you improve your productivity. Less stress How to time block? 1. 2. 3.

Turns Out Being Drunk and Sleepy Can Do Wonders for Your Creativity I actually have the opposite problem, sort of, or maybe this, but a step forward in the chain? Let me explain: I have ADHD, so while most people's brains shine a spotlight on whatever problem they're trying to solve and ignore irrelevant details, my mind has no ability to screen out the irrelevant details, so my problem isn't with creative problem solving but with analytical problem solving. Getting drunk (which makes me sleepy) only makes me sloppy, stupid, and whimsically creative which sometimes helps but usually just makes for wildly impractical solutions that end up looking like Rube Goldberg machines and usually require late night trips to the 24-hour mexican joint. So, needless to say, since my logic processes are already in a depressed state, taking depressants doesn't help a whit. Stimulants, on the other hand....
