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Mr Bean Daily Routines

Mr Bean Daily Routines

The EFL SMARTblog: Mr Bean at the Dentist (Past Simple) Mr Bean is late for his dental appointment and tries to get dressed and clean his teeth on the way. After arriving just in time for the appointment, he gives an anesthetic to the dentist. DVD on amazon here You are going towatch some clips of Mr Bean and answer questionspractise using the Past Simple write summary of the story in the past How often do you go to the dentist?Do you like going?Did you ever have a filling? Check Do you know the past simple forms of these verbs? Instructions Look at the questions before you startWatch the clipAnswer the questions in the interactive exercises after the clips Look at questions for parts 1 - 3Part 1 Which is the the correct answer? 1) Mr Bean’s alarm clock went off at 8.00 / 8.15 / 8.30 2) He put the clock in the cupboard / a glass of water / a bag 3) He continued reading a book / sleeping / watching TV Part 2 Put the following in the correct order Mr Bean… A) got up B) walked into the wall C) shaved D) did some exercise F) made his bed Watch the clip 3b.

How to get the Best Job in the World [Update: You can watch the shortlisted videos from this year’s Best Jobs in the World competition here.] Most of you probably remember when Tourism Queensland launched the Best Job in the World campaign advertising the position of ‘Island Caretaker’ here in Queensland. Well, I was the lucky sod who won! At the time, I questioned if it was worth going to the effort of creating a video but look where it got me – a fun job in a new country and I found my sweetheart here too! So if you’re still twiddling your thumbs about whether to enter or not – stop procrastinating – you have to be in it to win it. Here are my top tips to land the Best Job in the World: 1. It’ll show in your video if you’re claiming to be something your not. 2. 3. After all that’s where this job will be based. You could be: trekking across a sand dunekayaking along a beautiful riverfishing on a frozen pondsocialising with the local wildlifeswimming with the fishes in an aquarium orsimply investigating your local park. 4. 5.

Daily routine 3 outils en ligne pour créer des vidéos interactives La vidéo a toujours été un puissant outil pédagogique dans la classe. Web et tice lui ont redonné une nouvelle jeunesse en rendant les vidéos interactives. En permettant à l’apprenant de passer de la posture passive de simple spectateur à celui d’acteur en introduisant une bonne dose d’interactivité. La vidéo aide à la compréhension et est devenue indispensable dans certaines nouvelles méthodes pédagogiques comme celle de la classe inversée dont on parle tant en ce moment. Voici trois outils en ligne simples qui permettent de créer en un tour de main des vidéos interactives pour la classe. Blubbr Ludique et très simple à utiliser, Blubbr permet d’insérer des questionnaires et des défis à partir de vidéos piochées dans YouTube puis de les partager. EdPuzzle Un excellent outil, peut-être un des meilleurs pour créer facilement des vidéos interactives pour vos élèves. EduCanon Encore un très bon outil pour créer des vidéos interactives.

Guns Play Oversize Role in Rural Suicides - The New York Times Photo Suicide rates are higher in rural counties, according to a new study, and the reason is firearm use by men. The report, in the American Journal of Public Health, used data on 6,196 suicides of Maryland residents over age 15. They found that the rate of firearm suicides was 66 percent higher in the most thinly populated counties than in metropolitan areas with populations greater than a million. Non-firearm suicide rates in rural and urban counties were roughly the same. Rates of firearm suicide by women were no different in rural and urban areas, but total suicides by women were 37 percent greater in urban areas. Men accounted for about 80 percent of all suicides, and nearly 90 percent of gun suicides. “Patients with mental health issues should be assessed for gun availability,” said the lead author, Dr. Continue reading the main story

Robots, not immigrants, are taking American jobs The robots are coming! The robots are coming! They are coming and they will completely alter our economic reality. However, instead of planning for this revolutionary change, America’s politicians — from Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders on down — continue to cling to the illusion that, with the right tinkering, there can be enough jobs enough for everyone, just like in the good old days. Well, the good old days are gone, and a story on the Futurism website demonstrates why: Changying Precision Technology Co.’s cellphone factory in China recently replaced 90% of its workers with machines and saw productivity increase by 250% while the number of product defects fell by 80%. Because free-market capitalism moves relentlessly toward innovation and efficiency, this is a phenomenon that will be repeated in small steps and big leaps in every industrialized society. Right now, it is tough for anyone with a high school education to find a job that pays enough money to live on.
