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Instant website and print color schemes with ColorSchemer Studio

Instant website and print color schemes with ColorSchemer Studio
[pc]$49.99v2.1ColorSchemer Studio 2PC ColorSchemer Studio 2 is a professional color-matching application that will help you build beautiful color schemes quickly and easily. Use ColorSchemer Studio to identify color harmonies for the web (RGB) or print (CMYK), create palettes from photos, search over a million existing color schemes, mix colors, create gradient blends, and much more! Why ColorSchemer Studio? ColorSchemer Studio makes it easy to: Create and save color palettes Select a starting color and ColorSchemer Studio does the rest. Identify color harmonies Use the dynamic color wheel to identify color harmonies and matching colors based around any starting color. NEW Access over a million pre-made color schemes Connect to the COLOURlovers community to browse, search, and download over a million user-created color palettes without ever leaving the program. Pull unique palettes from photos or images NEW Build custom LiveScheme formulas Watch a quick demo video! Print your color schemes

The Amazing Oasis Of Crescent Lake The Amazing Oasis Of Crescent Lake Posted on 22 January 2011 Crni It is a known thing that pilgrims and other travelers have traveled down the Silk Road for many many years. It is quite normal to think that they needed someplace to rest while walking for miles in the warm dessert. The Crescent Lake oasis is located right before the Gobi dessert, and six kilometers from the city of Dunhuang. Fortunately they have come up with some strict rules, called the Three Forbids; the first is saying that no wells are allowed, the second that no additional farmland is allowed, and the last that no more people can settle down in the area.

Uso de los colores en diseño web En han publicado un excelente artículo sobre la teoría del color para diseñadores web, algo que quizás no muchos tengan en cuenta, pero ha quedado demostrado que es muy importante para una buena accesibilidad por parte del usuario, entre otras variantes. Lo que sigue a continuación no es una traducción exacta sino una mera guía para entender los puntos que se tratan, pero que igualmente considero serán de gran ayuda a la hora de pensar en nuestros colores y cómo utilizarlos. El análisis del color que se realizó en este artículo parte desde el punto de vista científico, más que nada para crear una nueva significación que enriquezca el conocimiento y de esa forma intentar nuevas formas de abordar el tema e incluso generar en nosotros la habilidad de percibir estas características más fácilmente. Se abordan siete cuestiones que deberían tenerse en cuenta para la correcta percepción y utilización del color en diseño web, a saber: Color como factor de accesibilidad

Colorblind Web Page Filter | Colblindor The Colorblind Web Page Filter is a great web application to get an impression how a web page is viewed by people affected by any kind of color blindness. After indicating the URL and choosing the appropriate color filter the view is directly shown inside the browser window. Filters and Settings Box In addition to the web page a settings box is shown on top of the page. To get an impression what it looks like try one of these direct links: Maybe you should check your own web page or blog to find some potentially blind spots. Related articles: Choosing the Right Colors Battle Against Color Blindness With EyePilot Imagine the Green is Red Japan’s Public Facilities Making Life Easier for Colorblind Direct link to Colorblind Web Page Filter.

70 Photographs That Will Take Your Breath Away | Digital Photography Shots We here at DPShots believe that the easiest way to learn photography is to learn it by example. Every now and then we come up with some amazing photography examples that take your breath away. This post is no different. We have collected some of the most amazing, most awesome and THE most beautiful photography we could ever get our hands on. From wildlife to magic to a guy sleeping on the back of a buffalo, this post has photographs for all kinds of photographers to take inspiration from. We have collected over 70 majestic photographs that are simply to good to miss. We hope you like this post and endless others that you will get to checkout in future if you are subscribed to our RSS. The Fearless Cat Dael Giraffe says Hi!. Idealists…foolish enough to throw caution to the winds…have advanced mankind and have enriched the world. Kry Back Off! day forty two – trapped [Explored FP] A Lesson in Rockin’ Out Things never happen the same way twice Coffee Splash #2 Slow Motion Thirsty The Wrath Black Swan

Color Explorer • Free tools for working with digital colors Psychologia kolorów na stronach www. Czysta nauka - Bez różowych okularów. - Etworzenie Większość roz­mów o kolo­rach i per­swa­zji w dzi­siej­szych cza­sach bazuje na prze­czu­ciach, dowo­dach pocho­dzą­cych z aneg­dot i reklam, które mydlą nam oczy „kolo­rami umy­słu”. Starożytni egip­cja­nie wie­rzyli z taką samą siłą, że kolor żółty potrafi leczyć cho­roby, jak śre­dnio­wieczni euro­pej­czycy wie­rzyli w to że świat jest pła­ski. I choć ludzie od wie­ków powta­rzają te zabo­bony, to rze­czy­wi­stość zdaje sie mieć inną barwę. Błędne zało­że­nia zwią­zane z psy­cho­lo­gią koloru. Badania poka­zują, że takie ele­menty jak oso­bi­ste pre­fe­ren­cje, doświad­cze­nie, wycho­wa­nie, róż­nice kul­tu­rowe, kon­tekst itp., czę­sto zaciem­niają wpływ, jaki mają na nas poszcze­gólne kolory. 33%ze 100 naj­więk­szych marek świata ma kolor nie­bie­ski. 29% ma kolor Czerwony, 18% czarny a 13% żółty. Nadszedł czas, by spoj­rzeć na wnio­ski poparte bada­niamina temat tego, jaką rolę w per­swa­zji w sieci odgrywa kolor. Po pierw­sze. Żółty kolor, jest dobrze widoczny w morzu białego.

Nature pictures, nature photos, wildlife nature photography Color Combinations | Color Schemes | Color Palettes
