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Create HTML5 Interactive Presentations, Animations, infographics & banners - HTML5 Presenter by Easy WebContent Let's look at the statistics of how we process information. Did you know that 90% of the incoming information in your brain is visual? A majority of us are visual learners. Transform otherwise boring data into engaging visuals that will turn heads and get the point across. We give you our custom built infograph widgets, charts and graphs to quickly visualize your data to engaging content. Educación e Innovación | Think Big Con esta iniciativa, la primera experiencia de este tipo en España, Fundación Telefónica pretende llevar el espíritu emprendedor a las aulas. Este proyecto nace con el objetivo de ofrecer formación en habilidades digitales y empresariales a jóvenes en edad escolar (14 a 16 años), cuyos proyectos más destacados podrían llegar a incluirse en Think Big Jóvenes, programa que persigue incentivar el espíritu emprendedor en la gente joven. La iniciativa se centra en utilizar el potencial del mundo digital para crear y desarrollar ideas que puedan llegar a plasmarse en proyectos y acciones, en el marco de un trabajo en grupo que acerca a los estudiantes a una visión real del mundo empresarial, presentando sus ideas al equipo de mentores, constituido por Voluntarios Telefónica, que orientarán al grupo sobre qué pasos seguir para convertir la idea en un proyecto realizable. Paralelamente, cada proyecto deberá gozar de su propia página web, creada, con la ayuda necesaria, por los propios alumnos.

Classroom 2.0 Picadilo - Photo editing at its best Too Noisy Marqueed - Simple image collaboration and markup tool. Share, annotate and discuss images. Always Prepped About Us We now live in a digital age and today’s learners have different needs. Learning doesn't just take place in the classroom, but outside of it as well. Easyclass is a Learning Management System (LMS) that allows educators to create digital classes whereby they can store the course materials online; manage class discussions; give assignments, quizzes and exams; monitor due dates; grade results and provide students with feedback all in one place. Our tools provide unique opportunities for the instructors to engage students in various activities and offer a new dimension for interaction and efficient learning. Easyclass sets out to disrupt the Learning Management System (LMS) industry by creating an easy to use, yet powerful solution that will be the new standard for open technology in education. Our services are truly free and will remain free. Our business model is very different from other LMS providers as our platform is completely free of charge. o Anonymous posting is not possible.

Calibrated Peer Review Press Space or double-click to edit Capture ideas at the speed of thought – using a mind map maker designed to help you focus on your ideas and remove all the distractions while mindmapping. Create unlimited mind maps for free, and store them in the cloud. Your mind maps are available everywhere, instantly, from any device. Brainstorm, create presentations and document outlines with mind maps, and publish your ideas online and to social networks. Get Started Why use MindMup? MindMup is great for individual note-taking, collaborative planning, teamwork and classrooms. 1 Powerful keyboard shortcuts speed up your work 2 Frictionless interface helps you focus 3 Convert maps easily to PDF, PowerPoint, outlines... 4 Publish and share maps online 5 Easily save to Google Drive and manage using Google Apps

ClassCharts Storage options MindMup supports several storage options for your maps. They have hugely different capabilities and constraints. Once a map is modified, the toolbar and menu bar show the save button. MindMup Anonymous Public Storage. Storage capabilities and constraints Storage options have different constraints and limitations. Quizalize
