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Fabbaloo Blog - Fabbaloo DARPA MENTOR Award to Bring Making to Education | Makerspace O’Reilly Media’s Make division, in partnership with Otherlab, has received an award from The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in support of its Manufacturing Experimentation and Outreach (MENTOR) program. The Team will help advance DARPA’s Mentor program, an initiative aimed at introducing new design tools and collaborative practices of making to high school students. Makerspace, developed by Dale Dougherty of O’Reilly Media and Dr. Saul Griffith of Otherlab, will integrate online tools for design and collaboration with low-cost options for physical workspaces where students may access educational support to gain practical hands-on experience with new technologies and innovative processes to design and build projects. The MENTOR effort is part of the DARPA’s Adaptive Vehicle Make program portfolio and is aimed at engaging high school students in a series of collaborative distributed manufacturing and design experiments. Saul Griffith, Ph.D. is a serial entrepreneur.

Tracking the Internet of Things Maker SHED - Bay Area Maker Faire 2011 Who better to patrol the grounds of Maker Faire than R2-D2? The R2 Builders Club is a national organization dedicated to creating and distributing plans for replicas of the robots of the Star Wars universe. The club claims that sci-fi DIYers around the country have built hundreds of these bots, and not just R2s; I spotted plans for the R3-A2 and the R6-D7, among others. The plans, now free to anyone, were compiled with meticulous research and a little help from the George Lucas empire, which provided some official robot sounds and let members photograph original props.

TechShop is America's 1st Nationwide Open-Access Public Workshop -- What Do You Want To Make at TechShop? Six Emerging Technologies in Education | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) Impresoras 3D: 10 productos cotidianos que pueden imprimirse - noticias - *faircompanies ¿Cómo pueden los países desarrollados recuperar parte de su lustre industrial y, de paso, crear empleos para jóvenes que resistan las recesiones? Porque, como recuerda Carlos Slim, más que una crisis de Europa, vivimos un cambio de civilización. Cuando crece demanda de productos personalizados, ofrecidos como servicio y con carácter local, tecnologías como las impresoras 3D prometen rentabilizar las pequeñas tiradas y, de paso, devolver el protagonismo a los talleres de artesanos urbanos. Los países avanzados necesitan innovar y crear empleos dentro de sus fronteras, en lugar de conceder ventajas fiscales a corporaciones que deslocalizan su producción. Varias tendencias se conjuran para alumbrar la que se ha bautizado como III Revolución Industrial: las grandes factorías centralizadas instaladas en países emergentes, fruto de las economías de escala, cederán protagonismo a talleres de profesionales, de nuevo instalados en los países desarrollados. Factorías urbanas, artesanales, hacker 1.

3D Robotics' Chris Anderson discusses a drone-filled future (video) You'll likely miss 3D Robotics on first pass. The company's San Diego R&D facility is headquartered in an unassuming building amongst similarly nondescript offices in a maze of a business park. Enter through the back and you'll find yourself in the middle of a small manufacturing assembly, where industrial Pick and Place machines buzz loudly and a handful of women are QAing finished product. Until earlier this month, the site was mostly off the radar, save for a devoted group of online enthusiasts. Then, Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson announced he was leaving the magazine in order to head up the company. Anderson's off grabbing lunch as we arrive -- like us, just off a flight from the East Coast for a brief visit before jumping on yet another plane. Anderson foresees a future in which sports teams use autonomous vehicles to shoot matches and farmers employ them to monitor crops. Comments

Proyecto Clone Wars Acerca de RepRap | Comunidad RepRap | Comunidad Clone Wars Introducción ¿Donde empieza la historia de Clone Wars? Lee aquí... Objetivo: "imprimir" impresoras 3D, aprender a construirlas, ayudar a otros e intercambiar información y experiencias. ¡Quiero construir mi impresora 3D! Te recomendamos que montes la Prusa Iteración 3 o la Prusa iteración 3 single frame, ambas son semejantes, la diferencia es que el marco de la Single Frame es de metracrilato o de aluminio y la de la Prusa i3 es de madera. ¿Qué presupuesto necesito?. Puedes empezar ojeando la wiki, para hacerte una idea de los pasos a seguir, y leyendo más en profundidad la documentación concreta del modelo de impresora que hayas escogido. ¿Dónde compro el resto del material? Hemos apuntado en la wiki un listado de las tiendas. ¡Estoy convencido! ¡Genial! A pesar de haber una Prusa 3 ¡quiero construirme una Prusa 2! ¡Estupendo! Lista de correo Antes de inscribirte en la lista de correo, por favor lee las normas de conducta.

How To Start A Hackerspace November 12, 2012 AT 7:44 am Hi, I’m Eric Michaud. From the first time I visited a Hackerspace, I knew that I had to do everything I could to get Hackerspaces everywhere. I first experienced Hackerspace C-Base in Berlin, before there was an NYC Resistor, a Noisebridge, or a HacDC. This How To Start A Hackerspace guide is for you, for everyone who has felt like I have and wanted to have a space to hack, to find community, to learn, to break things, to make things and to have a place to do it. Share this information widely, because we will have great hacks, hackers, and Hackerspaces when everyone can set up their own Hackerspaces. Now, let’s get started. In this “How To” I’ve broken it up into several parts listed below: How To Start A Hackerspace: Part 1What is a Hackerspace, and who do you want as your core crew to build your Hackerspace? Got that? “It takes a village to build a hackerspace” – ergo, You Can’t Do It Alone Lastly, this how-to isn’t a detailed dossier. Related


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