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Top 10 Ways to Remember the ABCs All this week some of the members of the Kid Blogger Network are sharing resources to keep kids learning while school is out. Whether your child has been busy learning letters all year or you’re just looking for some fun ways to expose your child to the alphabet,, this collection of activities should give you tons of ideas for helping kids remember the ABCs. Many of the ideas include a summer twist, but they could be used any time of the year. **This list is updated with new activities regularly.
Browse Content by SOL Browse Content by SOL K1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th Kindergarten SOLs Spelling & Vocabulary Website: SpellingCity OverDrive - Global distributor of digital eBooks, audiobooks, music & video for library, school & retail Top content from highest-quality publishers We offer more than 2 million titles from 5,000 publishers to support curriculum and instruction goals. Our experienced team of educational content experts works hand-in-hand with districts and schools to select the exact combination of digital content tailored to their unique priorities and resources. Read more. Cost effective, district/school model We work directly with publishers you know and trust to offer districts and schools the best prices on content, and you only pay for the titles you want.
Learn with Play @ home: The A-Z of Learning Letters. 90+ ways to teach your child all about Letters. Letters are everywhere! It's no wonder that often long before children start school they will start talking about, noticing and questioning about letters. For parents, it can sometimes be hard to know when is the best time to start teaching your child about letters and how to go about it? When to start "teaching" your child about letters? I believe that Children need to be exposed to letters, through reading books with their parents, from birth. The entirety of their lives should be filled with books, words and text and learning about letters should be as much a part of everyday life as brushing your teeth.
summer review websites for kids As the school year starts to come to a close, I’m beginning to receive e-mails and questions from parents wondering what they can do over the summer to ensure continued progress. I made a summer review packet for first graders entering 2nd graders a few weeks ago. I also just recently made one for second graders entering third grade here. In addition to summer review practice pages, I also offer my parents a list of fun and educational websites that their child can cool off with on those hot, summer days.
20+ Activities to Start Learning Letters To continue on our quest to reading, we’re continuing on reviewing [for Henry] and learning letters [for George] right now. They have to know them before reading, right? Be sure to check out what Jillian of A Mom with a Lesson Plan is sharing about Reading Rewards today for our summer reading program! The very first step is to recognize letters. Phonics for Kids: Free Worksheets, Songs, Videos, and Audio Lessons New! Dream English Touch and Say Phonics Program: I am very excited to introduce to you my new Phonics Program. Click on a letter to be directed to the page with a Phonics Song Mp3, Touch and Say Audio Lesson Mp3, and Matching Phonics Worksheets and Flashcards, all free to download and use in your classes!
Juggling With Kids: Sight Word Parking Lot My son started Kindergarten this year and has a list of sight words he is required to memorize. It can be quite boring and frustrating for kids....so I am trying to search for ways to make learning this a little more fun. My son had a lot of fun learning his sight words by playing the Parking Lot Game. Supplies: -Paper -Cars -Marker -List of sight words Directions:Draw parking spaces and fill in each space with sight words. DIY spinny spellers and repurposing Duplo bricks Almost a year ago I made a couple of DIY spinny spellers for my kids, because they were learning to sound out letter combinations and blend sounds to start reading. The spinny spellers you can buy are all upper case letters though, and I wanted something that was lower case, so I just used a bit of dowelling and some wooden beads and some letter stickers we had handy. It worked a treat and I agreed with my older daughter's kindergarten teacher that it would be a good tool for the classroom, so I've got a box of wooden blocks that her husband kindly cut and drill pressed holes in, plus a bunch of dowelling and all the left over wooden beads from a thrift store find, to make over 40 of these things.